Progress vs Security

posted by daybrown on October 7, 2025 - 5:22pm

Jr Lowell:"He who is firmly seated in authority soon learns to think that security, and not progress, is the highest form of statecraft." Bush led us into war for the sake of security since he did not know what progress was. And after listening to the major party candidates, I dont see that they know either.

The essence of progress is *innovation*, that is thinking outside the box of the conventional lack of wisdom. But most of what I heard was candidates telling people what they knew the people wanted to hear. Progress is different. Things have changed.

News is spreading on the web that the witches really did have effective methods of birth control and abortion. There are herbs which produce 'miscarriages' on demand. We can move on; it dont matter what the court says.

The German & Chinese governments have done scientific double blind studies of other herbs, finding scores with proven therepeutic value that would save our health care system and people millions the transnational pharama and the FDA would rather you not find out about. No candidate knows about this.

Other studies done with rats show the neurological damage from sugar cereals, junkfood, candy, and soda; American corporations dont want you to know about this either. No candidate has said a word.

Rather than use capital punishment, use psychotropic meds. You dont need a public trial with the media there to feed the ego of a pervert. No, park his ass in an insane asylum and chemically remove his identity. Which to him, is a fate worse then death. We can move on, we have something more effective than capital punishment. No candidate knows.

Rather than torture, we could be using FMRI Brain scans, eleectoencephalograms of brain waves, and even the autonomic facial expressions outlined at which are effective with high speed high res cameras that you can show to a jury to prove attempts to deceive. Likewise, a terrorist suspect will react, whether he wants to or not, when shown the face of a known terrorist if he knows the man. With the approprite 3D virtual reality images of the area, a suspects mind will react, whether he wants to or not, when he sees images of streets and houses that match those in memory. You will be able to figure out where he's been, and where his weapons are hidden. Torture is obsolete.
No candidate seems to know.

No candidate seems to know what progress is.

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