Maybe DF is right to an extent. Are we waiting for Cuomo to announce because he doesn't want to run as a Democrat from New York this time?
Unity delegates pick the issues, but dont have much say in which candidates rate well on our selected issues.
It would be disappointing, but maybe still better than being a democrat or republican.
I don't understand this statement: Unity delegates pick the issues, but dont have much say in which candidates rate well on our selected issues.
Since when does any party have much say in how candidates rate? We vote on the candidates. What else could you be referring to?
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Lets uncorrupt our government!
DF has been ranting that Unity leaders are not letting the delegates have much say in what is happening, I believe. (He'll have to confirm, I dont always get sarcasm.)
In setting the new American agenda, we are picking top issues. The shoutbox and surveys and votes give ways for delegates to be heard.
But maybe Unity has been designed to give Cuomo or another candidate who isn't going to run for a major party nomination, a way to run in the general election.
If we have no real vote on candidates because there are very few big name people involved with Unity, then we can only listen passively as the leading candidate responds to our issues.
So if Mario Cuomo and Britney Spears are the top candidates, we would not be evaluating them based on our agenda issues; we would be stuck with Cuomo.
I think thats what DF has been saying is happening. Maybe thats the story, in fact, even if DF rants too much on shoutbox.
Kim, there are several different things going on simultaneously. One of which is, David is ranting.
If you review our Draft Rules and the Nominating process, we really don't know yet who the candidates will be and where they will come from. I think the number and quality will vary directly to the number of delegates we attract. To my understanding, U08 has made our intentions known to a number of high profile potential candidates but, has not specifically courted anyone.
I think because of the nature of our status with the FEC and the limitations it places on U08, some are constantly speculating and call into question motives and voice every single little concern as though U08 were in control and had answers for every little item that comes up. At this point, I am exercising my trust that motives are above board and that details will become more apparant in good time-as the American Agenda unfolds. Andy Wilson, a U08 Coordinator Volunteer (and writes in the U08 Call to Action blog), has made it known that U08 is busy putting in 12-15 hour days doing all sorts of things. He assures us that our posts are monitored and that a lack of participation by U08 here should not be a cause for delegates to be overly concerned. We can either take him at his word or we can question every little thing and waste our time speculating about things over which we have no control. The delegate wiki grew out of a desire by delegates to have a more organized way to interact.
You may have seen me post about the Invisible Hand. I believe a number of different things are going on and that U08 simply does not have satisfactory answers to everything. Some things they can't answer because of legal restrictions. And then there are some things which they are not prepared to directly answer. I think that some things are just plain out of their control and will play out as they will play out. Many variables are in play from technology to unforeseen details that come with starting a process to elect a new president. I believe that since the American Agenda has never been tried previously, how everything will exactly come together is best understood by picturing an Invisible Hand that will shape it. It works for me anyway. I think we should use this forum as intended and post to the wiki where appropriate.
When one wants answers now, it can be frustrating when they don't come. While there may be various good reasons for U08 not to respond, the lack of response in and of itself is often taken in a suspicious vein. While frustration may be inevitable, paranoia is not. People have speculated that the fix was in for Bloomberg. Then there is Sam Nunn. Now we have Cuomo. I think the American Agenda is designed for whichever candidate believes it would help their candidacy. That question is for the candidates and those that would nominate such candidates.
We still have a little over a year to go and we have definite timeline benchmarks by which more will come to light (i.e. the R & D primaries and our online convention). U08 has asked that people get busy with ballot access, organize locally, and recruit new delegates. Everyone is free to choose how they will participate. Some just prefer to post on the Forum. Others are self-appointed devil's advocates who may or may not have a separate agenda. It is hard to tell. It is no wonder you too are not sure about whether sarcasm is in play. I choose to not speculate at every turn and try to fix something that I don't know is broke. I can wait for the Invisible Hand to reveal what it will, when it will. I reserve the right to make my own decisions. While some questions are probably good and appropriate, I don't need to be saved by a self-appointed watch dog.
That's my take on the ranting. Methinks that we have fulfilled his desire to have a thread that is partly about him.
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Lets uncorrupt our government!
If Unity delegates get to vote for a choice between Cuomo, Nunn, and Bloomberg then I will be very impressed and glad to participate.
Delegates can present our top issues and see how they respond to decide if they are good Unity candidates.
If only one of them is truly interested, then a lot of people and events will be wasted. It will be a 2025 version of Reform party & Ross Perot.
I guess I'm waiting to learn if Unity will be a centrist organization indeed or just in name.
"Take our country back" is not a good centrist theme/ tagline. There are plenty of disgruntled righties and lefties around. Doing focus groups in large coastal cities is a distraction. There's plenty of evidence that Unity is an innovative effort but not really very centrist.
There are plenty of good people who contribute in a public way, but I'm tired of the liberal/ conservative battle and want to be in with people who are really in the middle, not just positioning for an election.
If a single high profile candidate steps in at the last minute (next summer) that will be exactly the wrong way for centrists to act.
But people are not going to trust an organization that operates in a fashion you have just described.
Tell me the truth: Have you run across to your next door neighbor and pounded on his door to gotten him to sign up with Unity08 yet?
ex animo
I have reached out.
It seems to me that since you are the one so concerned about more delegates, that it would be you reaching out to others, organizing locally, and initiating a blog that would support U08, instead of taking every opportunity to find fault.
Don't you realize our posts here may very well have a negative impact on numbers? Why are we always being forced to revisit your concerns? I don't think you care one bit for what is best for everyone. What is the point of spreading mistrust based on speculation and mere suspicion? Not one of your unfounded speculations have revealed any wrongdoing, yet you persist.
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Lets uncorrupt our government! got to give me a break here. I don't call the shots here. I don't hold all the cards, Unity08 leadership does. They have all of the information, everything. We as delegates are essentially blind. All we have is what they say, and from where I standing things don't add up. So whose fault is that; mine?
Which leads me to my main point: you see, I don't think I am lone in this assumption. Yes, I might be ranting and raving about it a bit, but that's just me. That doesnt mean the point is no good. In fact, I really do believe people don't trust Unity08 enough to support it in the numbers it needs.
Yes, and I know there is going to be a bump after the primaries, and there have been other developments that might help support Unity08, but it won't be enough in the end. So, I guess that means you haven't run across the street and signed up your neighbor yet? Now why is that? Truthfully answer that question to yourself and Unity08 might, just might have a chance.
ex animo
But he picked the wrong flock - to flock with
In plain, simple language, Unity08 must be more efficient in attracting voters to its cause than the other two major political parties are to theirs. It's all about the numbers.
Now, it's true, nowdays there is a lot of frustration with the results of the other two major political parties, but in the end, Unity08 has got to be able to attract more numbers to its cause than the other two parties to theirs.
At present, Unity08 isn't doing a good job in attracting enough numbers to its cause to make it politically viable. The reason it isn't attracting enough numbers (voters) to its cause is because when all is said and done, people really don't see that much of a difference in how their voices are being heard and how their vote is being counted in Unity08 as compared to the other two political parties. For all of its promise of utilizing the Internet -- yes, there are a few more bells and whistles, but, basically, there is still the old perception of a party elite herding their membership body into a direction through a series of maneuvers few can understand and even few trust.
Sure, you'll get a few activists who will respond, but the vast majority of voters will not join up under these circumstances and certainly will not go out and bang on their neighbor's door demanding they join up as well -- which, by the way, is the type of enthusiasm we need to have from our member-delegates at this point if we are to play a meaningful part in the 2025 election -- in case anyone has missed my point.
ex animo
df how do you know? do you have proof? can you see in the future?
you might be a great writer but now your just throwing things out there that no one knows for sure not even you