Solve immigration problems, ballance the budget for real, sustain a straight talking government, lets tell it like it is!
Solve immigration problems, ballance the budget for real, sustain a straight talking government, lets tell it like it is!
I stronly agree with anyone thinking of Lou Dobbs for president. This man seems to fight for the middle class in several different areas. His take on China is also refreshing. I dought he would even consider it, but it would be nice.
Lou is probably the only national figure i'd
and the fact that he doesn't want the job; endears him all the more...
in my opinion ~ a true statesman ( not a career politician, how refreshing)
You can probably tell from my username that I agree. I never realized anyone else had considered him for president. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I've always felt he would be the best candidate because of his strong convictions about illegal immigration, and it also seems that he's much more practical then anyone else who is currently running. If he doesn't run in this election, I'm considering writing his name on the ballot anyway.
Lou Dobbs is an intelligent, thoughtful man who seems to have the best interests of the country at heart. Rather than worrying about political correctness, he worries about constitutional correctness. Hmm, a president that cares about the citizens and their desires for the country and is courageous enough to fight for them . . . might make a great president!
He is stern, straight-talking, intelligent, common sensical, and cares deeply about America's well being. He would make a great President.
We should all write to Lou Dobbs at CNN and try to convince him to enter the election.
If he knew how many people supported him, he might decide to run. It would certainly be worth a try.
Ya'll really should start a draft movement/petition to get Lou Dobbs into the race. He has tremendous support and has played a major role in getting increasing numbers of voters to switch their voter registration status to Independent. This is a very good thing.
I saw Lou speak recently at the National Press Club and when asked if he would run for President, he very diplomatically tried to say "no." But of course, I sensed that he might be pursuaded to change his mind. So his supporters really need to start yelling at him to get out from behind the anchor desk and into the race if they want him to run.
On the other hand, I wonder if he can do more good for the country by staying right where he is at CNN. Look at the difference he's made already. In this case, perhaps the power of the press is greater than the power of the presidency. Is the pen really mightier than the sword?
News and Information site for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Movement to Draft him in 2025:
Id trust him. He has the common good of the country on his adjenda. Lets Mail him and invite him over to this site.
I'll write him a letter today.
If we could get Lou Dobbs to run he would be the ideal candidate for presidency. He would be for the people and would not be influenced as many of our politicians are with corporate america, special interest and lobbyist groups. dcday7-NC01
Excuse me.
I'm not sure a Dobbs/ Miller ticket would quite fit the bill for those of us who would prefer Bob Dylan/ Willie Nelson. (What? It would at least be an interesting campaign.)
I imagine the majority would fall somewhere in the middle. I imagine that the middle is where we'd find real Unity.
Now, from Dobbs to Dylan, there's quite a continuum, a whole lot of middle. Let's all just relax a little bit and try to find it.
O, Dylan/Nelson what a great combo. They would be sure to appoint Kinky Friedman as secretary of state. Rock on Jollyman.
--Think also of the comfort and rights of others
If Johnny Cash were still alive, he'd probably have a place in that administration.
I guess he'd get the votes "one piece at a time." L.O.L.
I think he’d also do well in the YouTube debates.
Potential voters would respond well to his honesty (something that is too rare in most debates).
He is a blatant opportunist giving you simplistic feel-good answers on immigration and free trade...
The 1950's are over ... forever. The American economy is interconnected with the rest of the world.
And Americans are gung-ho about deporting illegals - until they have to pay $10.00 for a head of lettuce. Why do Americans buy foreign cars?
People like Lou Dobbs, Tom Tancredo, and Ron Paul will never solve your problems. They are social gadflies, and they prey on the uninformed.
Jeff C
If as you say they are social gadflies who prey on the uninformed you had better stay away from them, they might eat you! All three would enforce the immigration laws on the books and put a stop to the illegal invasion of America for cheap corporate labor.
As for the American economy being interconnected to the rest of the world's in case you haven't noticed it is about to become disconnected as the dollar falls like a rock and loses it's world reserve currency status because there are too many dollars caused by the unconstitutional debt money system. The system must be changed, if it is not too late already! The most knowledgeable candidate on monetary issues and finance is Ron Paul. He is also the only candidate who is warning the People about the perils they face because of the uncontrollable deficit spending and the unpayable debt.
But the bottom line is if as you say "Americans are gung-ho about deporting illegals" then by all means they need to be deported!
The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Join the Ron Paul Revolution and maybe the government will do what the People are gung-ho to do instead of the special interests groups!
Who could possibly take HC seriously after reading his posts?
--Think also of the comfort and rights of others
Our Liberty is at stake now and your posts pretty much amount to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic and not addressing the most important issues. Illegal immigration (caused by the failure of the gov't to enforce the laws on the books), the war in Iraq(caused by a pack of lies), and the loss of our Liberty (caused by the unconstitutional power grab by Bush and Cheney and justified by the previous pack of lies). Before the next election the economic collapse of the US is highly likely. This is caused by the unconstitutional fiat money system that is now facing the same fate as all other fiat money systems throughout history. People like you look for the gov't to solve the problems it itself has created!
The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Join the Ron Paul Revolution and elect the only man who has the knowledge, honesty and integrity to even begin to solve America's problems!
I don't think the parents of Jose Carranza's victims would mind paying ten dollars for lettuce if they could have their children back. If he was deported when his rape trial came up, three people would still be alive.
If people are willing to violate border laws, what other laws would they be willing to violate? The parents of those three victims could tell you.
Quote - "If people are willing to violate border laws, what other laws would they be willing to violate?"
By your reasoning, my cousin (who recently got a ticket for doing 30mph in a 25mph speed zone)is likely to commit far greater crimes.
Are you seriously arguing that anyone who crosses the border illegally is likely to commit murder? If a rich American kid grows up and kills someone, should we start monitoring every child from an upper-income family as a potential security risk?
There is zero evidence that illegal immigrants have a higher propensity toward crime than a comparable percentage of the general population. Most illegal immigrants live quiet unobtrusive lives and never physically harm anyone; they have to do this if they want to avoid deportation.
Jeff C
breaking the laws of a country you wanna live in...
seems a bit counter productive....
You make a very interesting point, but I have to respectfully disagree. Driving too fast can't be compared to blatant attempts to violate immigration laws. I doubt your cousin was speeding because he was trying to avoid the border guards of a foreign country.
You also said, "If a rich American kid grows up and kills someone, should we start monitoring every child from an upper-income family as a potential security risk?" The answer would be "no." Because coming from an upper-income family wouldn't qualify as a previous crime, unlike illegal immigration.
You also mentioned that there's no evidence that illegal immigrants have a higher propensity toward crime than a comparable percentage of the general population. But that isn't true at all. If someone is an "illegal immigrant" it's obvious that they've already committed a crime: illegal immigration. And therefore they are guilty of at least one offence.
Speeders Kill as do the DWI/DUIers - we "pardon" those types everyday who do not get caught also BTW. Illegals don't for 99.99% of their poulation. They work hard and they contribute in their own way and for the vast vast majority are good good god-faring hard working people who would make fine citizens and taxpayers and entrepreneurs if given the chance to get above board. Their spirit and not taking anything for granted attitude could inspire us all if we give them the chance to get above board. We could use some of that IMHO in this Entitlement-Ridden America!!
DC - 3rd ward -
I never specifically said that illegal immigrants are responsible for car accidents, I said that anyone who is comfortable violating border laws is likely to violate other laws as well.
You said that illegal immigrants work hard and they contribute in their own way for the vast majority are good God-fearing hard working people who would make fine citizens and taxpayers and entrepreneurs if given the chance to get above board. But the whole point is that instead of attempting these things by legal means, they took matters into their own hands and disregarded United States law. What happens the next time they find the law inconvenient? Would they violate it again? Probably. After all, it worked the first time.
In your fixation there LD you are completely missing my point that we all violate laws everyday from speeding to DUI/DWI to purchasing fireworks to (Fill in the blank). As long as we do not get caught everything to us is hunky-dory and authorities should turn a blind eye etc. And you last 2 sentences are my best defense -"What happens the next time they find the law inconvenient? Would they violate it again?" Well people do that everyday those who do not get caught in Speeding or DUI when they find THOSE laws inconvenient.
Illegal Immigration is a lot like Prohibition laws back in the 1920's IMHO. Were the pepple attending Speakeasies or had hootch in their house criminal and violate the law - well yeah. Did the law change? Well yep it did! Once it changed was the criminal element reduced in liquor traffic - sure was! Was the Prohibition law unrealistic. Well yeah most everybody agrees now on that point! That is all I am saying on the immigration laws that are in dire need of overhauling to reflect the current realities dictated by our need for their labor and their need for income and to suuport their struggling families anyway they can with honest hard-working labor in this case.
Get it and them above board those 12 to 20 million hidden in the shadows with EARNED Legalization with fines and a ptah to citizenship or guest worker - let them choose. and with and effective comprehensive Employee Verification System and ramped up border security (not a Berlin Wall fence), sort out the bad apples (all demographics have them), hold the ones who choose to be here above board honestly then to full account for the true felony laws THEN, and then lets move on to the REAL questions plaguing our nation! Immigration is not one of them!
DC - 3rd ward -
You may break the law on a regular basis, but that certainly isn't true about everyone.
You made an interesting point about prohibition, especially the part about the criminal element declining when a crime is legalized. Are you saying that this country's legal system should try to conform to our criminal element? I wouldn't call that a very smart idea.
You also mentioned earned legalization for illegals. Wouldn't it be better to earn citizenship by following the proper channels? Here's a hypothetical question: How can illegals earn this country's citizenship without earning this country's trust?
The vast vast majority of good honest hardworking illegals earn it every day with their sweat and tears and the taxes they do pay in and the goods they do consume and the contribution they DO make to our economy and the sons they send to our wars and in a host of good citizen-like ways. All I am saying if you can prove that you did do that for a number of years (and most could) and and kept your nose clean and can you can prove you were not of the true criminal ilk and if you are willing to pay some hefty fines and go thru a probationary period, THEN you can have a path to citizenship and be legal rather than having to burrow farther into the shadows as we are forcing the good decent ones to now do.
And what happened agfter alcohol legalization?? The industry went above board and legit and was taxed and cleaned up and law enforcement was able to concentrate on real crimes and the Mob went into decline (or at least other areas). But the mob was contained and most everyone agrees now that it was a realistic and right move to lift Prohibition. That can happen with legalization of the illegals now. Get them above Board so we can separate the Wheat from the Chaff and move on!!
DC - 3rd ward -
How can someone be an "honest illegal"? It's a contradiction.
You mentioned illegals paying taxes and serving in the military. I've never heard that before. However I have heard of illegals getting free healthcare and free collage tuition, but I've never heard of them paying taxes and serving in the military.
For the sake of argument, let's say that illegals really do pay their taxes. It's something that all United States citizens are required to do. Are we supposed to be impressed that illegals decided to observe that law after they made the decision to violate our immigration laws? If a U.S. citizen were on trial for committing a crime and his only defense was the fact that he paid his taxes, should he be found innocent? And besides, paying taxes would be a pretty small price to pay for free healthcare and free collage tuition.
Well they sure do pay there LD! They pay/paid in income taxes from counterfeit SSNs and there is now about $600 billion in unclaimed taxes (grows about 100 billion per year) just sitting a Soc Security earned trust fund. I say confiscate that today to get a decent EEV and border enforcement and to compensate the states (borders states esp) for any extraneous expenses they may have incurred over the years from the illegals presence. Also they pay in sales taxes when they by good and their kids are serving and dying right now in Iraq and other far ramparts! They would love to pay more and have their kids serve more and be good and decent citizens if just given the chance to get above board! I say give them a path to do just that!
DC - 3rd ward -
In a previous post you said that illegals would make fine citizens and taxpayers and entrepreneurs if given the chance to get above board. It sounds like you’re implying that illegals aren't paying taxes yet. Now, in your most recent statement, you seem convinced that illegals are paying their taxes. So, which is the accurate statement?
If you're inclined to believe that illegals are paying taxes, I'd be curious to know where you heard these statistics. If you could show me a trustworthy news source that makes the same statement, I'll stand corrected. But as for right now, I find it very difficult to believe.
LD they are paying taxes (income and FICA) with counterfeit SSNs they need to maintain their shadow status. And they pay substantial sales tax of course just like you and me. and I have stated many such legit sources on those stats you seek in the past on my various Unity immigration posts buried here somewhere. The ones from RAND, CBPP, IRS, CBO, CRS, Center for American Progress come to mind off the top but I'll get the links resurrected once again for you and all.
Bottom line truth is they DO pay pretty big now on taxes and they would love to pay more if many did not have to resort as much as they have to to the under the counter cash route and catering to the shady types like they have to now to survive on the edge and in the shadows. The only pople that really profit from the present bubblegum amd bailing wire "system" is the criminal elements the counterfeiters and the shady employers and the smugglers. The illegals are the present broken decrepit system's biggest victims - not us!!
DC - 3rd ward -
I apologize for being inflexible. However if most of the illegals in this country are undocumented, it seems pretty impossible to be sure of the percentage of how many illegals are paying their taxes. But even if all the illegals in this country were paying their taxes, it doesn't excuse the fact that they violated our immigration laws.
Remember, it's not just their tax money that's funding their free healthcare and free collage tuition, it's our tax money as well. If someone entered your property without permission and stole your money to indulge their own interests, I doubt it would be any consolation to know that the thief paid his taxes.
I have been trying to post this and these cites/links from last nite and it is kicking out for some reason. So I created a new Forum Topic under "Immigration" see link and references within:
DC - 3rd ward -
john is there really a way to slow (stopping it completely i feel is unrealistic) down illegal immigration? and is there really a way to realistically make the illegal immigrants legal?
While we're on the subject of illegal immigration, I think it's only fair to point out that the phrase "illegal immigrant" is unfair to legal immigrants. Anyone who would violate border laws shouldn't be called an "immigrant", because it gives legal immigrants an unfair association with criminals. When I think of immigrants, I think of law-respecting people who come to the United States to benefit from a free society. But illegal immigration isn't choosing to benefit from our free society, it's choosing to take advantage of our free society.
If someone were guilty of car theft, you wouldn't call that person an "illegal motorist." If someone committed a kidnapping, you wouldn't call him an "illegal guardian." If someone were guilty of shoplifting, you wouldn't call him an "illegal customer." Calling anyone who chooses to violate border laws an "illegal immigrant" insults everything that makes immigration so great.
Right on Bro. illegals are criminals and should be treated like it. Power to th epeople
Illegals are criminals and so are Senators who vote NOT to enforce the immigration laws already on the books! Which is a majority of them.
The revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Join the Ron Paul Revolution and get everyone on the side of the border they belong on!
These are REAL people with REAL struggles and for the vast majority REAL good people who want to contribute more to our nation as they do right for their families!! Vast majority would make fine scitizens if we get them out of the Shadows - remember Prohibition!! Earned Legalization is a good realistic Centrist middle ground that could get the REAL criminal element out of the old unenforceable laws.
See -
It's somewhere in ether-land on this blog regarding Illegals and Taxes!
DC - 3rd ward -
The big two issues now that the majority of US voters agree on are illegal immigration and the war in Iraq. (Soon to be topped by the economy.) Any candidate on the wrong side of either of these two issues is toast. And they really narrow the field. The internet polls all reflect who the real top tier candidates are, the ones who win them are anti-illegal immigrant and anti war. If things are so bad in their native country let them fix their own problems there themselves instead of coming here and adding to our own. If things get bad enough in any country its citizens will overthrow the government and start a better one, just like it is going to happen here!
On the contrary HC! The American people are still VERY divided on the question of immigration and a solution thereof - witness the debate over CIRA in the spring. If we pander to the extremes as you suggest we do, we run a real risk of selling out our true and vital national interests and cut our nose off to spite our face!! It is NOT a nation buster issue now, but could be if we pander to the extremes by adopting you stilted suggestions that will solve nothing and alienate some real good people and the world. I suspect it will take several years to sort the immigration issues out to resolve in a sustained bipartisan way there to match our "Oughta Dos" and our "Can dos". Ron Paul and his/your merry band of Nativists offer no solutions whatsoever but just greater divisions rather than consensus!!
DC - 3rd ward -
Well... Ron Paul does offer a "solution", its just not one that very many people think makes any sense, heheh
Of course illegals are real people, so are terrorists. The worst crimes ever committed in the history of the world have been committed by "real people."
I also see that you've brought up prohibition again. So again, I'll remind you that changing United States law to cater to criminals is no better then letting criminals control the country.
i would remind you that as of right now criminals do control our country.
although there is one less today. good riddance to gonzalez
How would you solve the immigration problem - and just as important, how would you pay for your solution?
Do you think we can deport 12-20 million people?
Jeff C
... deporting them, that could theoretically be done slowly over time and through attrition by making it harder to employ illegals and putting people in jail who do so, but the problem lots of other people like me see is the fact that whole industries would effectively shut down. I used to work in a fancy hotel and lemme tell ya, if it werent for asian and latino illegals, that place wouldnt be able to keep its doors open. Meat packing, certain crop harvesting, construction, etc... the economy would literally collapse. Whats the solution to that problem? Has anyone seen a plan that addressed that?
The collapse of the economy is part of the cost I was referring to - and because of this, I doubt whether we could ever reduce the number of illegals by attrition.
When you are talking about 12 to 20 million people, you have to deport a very large number per year to make a dent in the overall numbers. This is why Lou Dobbs is the biggest hypocrite out there; he knows the economy can't stand a large reduction in the number of illegals, and he knows that "self-deportation" is a mirage. He also knows that most Americans will not work for the lousy wages that illegals make, and he knows that the majority of Americans will not pay the higher prices necessary at the store to pay a true living wage to support these products and services.
And even while he understands all of this, he still agitates about illegal immigration.
Dobbs also knows a mass deportation would cause a human-rights disaster, and he realizes that such a thing should never be allowed to happen in this country - but this knowledge doesn't stop him from publicly supporting the idea for the sake of popularity and ratings...
Jeff C
I must disagree with you. Those jobs would be filled with legal citizens if they paid a living wage. They meat packing plant in GA proves that there are citizens willing and able to do the job. Construction is not a low skilled job, it is just being done by low skilled workers who cannot read, write or speak English much less read or understand instructions or building codes. I know many people who are unable to find work in the construction field for which they are trained because of illegal workers. I do think that an employer should have to prove that they are unable to find local citizens to do the job before they are allowed to hire a guess worker.
I also do not believe that our economy would collapse, we have plenty of people in this country that are out of work. The unemployment numbers do not reflect those on welfare, those who have used up their benefits and have yet to find a job or those who have taken 2 or 3 part time jobs just to get by. If these people were included in the unemployment numbers you would find them much hirer.
Point in case, my neighbor's company shut down 8 months ago, he worked for that company for 25 years, it took him 8 months to find another job. If employment was so full and companies needed employees one would think that my neighbor would have found a job immediately. The fact is, we do not have a shortage of workers, we have a shortage of work.
Betty I agree there are a lot of citizens and legal residents that are shutout of jobs because illegals drag down wages for all. Construction is a highly skilled job and takes a craftsman trained for years to become a master mechanic. I was in the skilled trades for many years and made a very good living. My classic line to my employers when they complained about my pay was, "You can't teach people what is in my head, my hands are made of gold and that is why you are making millions on my work." I never had a complaint. When ever they tried to bring in laborers to do mechanics work I charged them double to fix it. It is a myth this country "needs" illegals to do the work.
I would recommend a prison sentence of ten to fifteen years for anyone caught violating immigration laws. Deportation isn't effective because it gives illegals only a momentary setback, with nothing to prevent them from trying again. Once they realize that violation of our laws would come with serious penalties, it's likely we would see a significant decline in the violations of our immigration laws.
With regard to how to pay for this extra security, it might be necessary to dip into those income tax funds that illegals are allegedly paying. Forgive the joke, I couldn't resist.
John, I would suggest that instead of legalization, we give them permanent guess worker status. It would bring them out of the shadows as you say and above board without rewarding them for breaking our laws with citizenship. If they commit a crime, they get deported, if they are citizens, that is not possible. They must also stand on their own two feet. We need to get away from government dependence and do not need another large group to depend on government. By not having citizenship, they will not have the right to social programs but would have the protection of the law.