Move the White House to middle America

posted by kimpike1 on October 1, 2025 - 11:12am

After we win the 08 election it will take a lot of time to clean up Washington. So lets move the Presidents main office somewhere further from all the lobbyists.

I think somewhere away from the East or West coasts would improve his perspective.

Maybe across the road from Mt. Rushmore so he would stare up at the good presidents a few times a day.

We could let him fly into DC 3 times a month if necessary, but its the new century, modern communications are pretty good.

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Special interest lobbying needs to be outlawed.


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Lets uncorrupt our government!

i like it..........move the white house....
cause currently, i consider it the "black hole of america"
& let's move congress to our south border..........

Let The Congressional Representatives GO HOME TO LIVE & WORK FROM THEIR COMMUNITY's - It would save us a hell of a lot of money and get them out of THAT DEN OF INIQUITY THEY CALL THE CAPITOL HILL DC.


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