What is the House of Rep. process?

posted by kimpike1 on September 28, 2025 - 10:50am

Unity may not get an electoral victory in '08.

But the math is there for a real centrist to win 3-5 swing states and all their electoral college votes.

What happens with no electoral majority? I think it goes to the House, but what is the process for nomination or election?

If we are successul in Unity, I believe this will be the actual result, even if it is not what we are intending.

Of course, really we need to know, whic candidates can win in that scenario?

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XII Amendment


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Is it each state gets one vote (50 votes total) or each U.S. Representative?

There are more Red states, I think, so a conservative candidate may emerge from this process.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but i think in laymans terms, the XII amendment says whoever won the popular vote shall become president. pretty much, it supercedes the electoral college... if I'm wrong tell me, i never went to college...

even if unity08 does manage to make that happen, its the first step to victory.... previous 2 elections near at 51-49% and a follow up with no majority of electoral.... should wake some people up

Las Vegas, NV

The state congress rep will caucas to get the vote so it would tend to be more like the congressional per cent.

Bill"for what we are together"

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