Unity08's Political Agenda gimmick, again

posted by davidfarrar on September 26, 2025 - 3:39pm

Unity08 is at it again, ready to sell out it ideals for a few laughs and perhaps a few donations on tonight's Colbert Show.

Sure, it's just a gag, a gimmick, to send our message out to millions of viewers to join us on our mission. And yes, it's a very good way to add members, but for how long? How long before they too find out that it is a real joke. As far as Unity08's leadership is concerned, its political platform is a joke, to be used as just another bell or whistle to entertain the masses.

If Unity08 wants to be noticed, all it has to do is do what it said it was going to do: Give the people their voice and allow their voices to be counted.

ex animo

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You have had unfettered voice for months and take every opprotunity to whin about that not being so or throwing slander on someone or something. Quite a number of folks are busy giving and sharing their voices with all the reassurance an adult requires.

Bill"for what we are together"

Hey whining is easy Bill!! Ka Dave has his own agenda it appears.

DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com



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Common sense - the cure for stupid!

You're killin me!

How quick Unity08's leadership is in using the development of its own political platform as a gimmick rather than actually using it as a serious political tool capable of redirecting the political debate in this country towards the center. If it did actually see that value, then Sam Waterston wouldn't need to stand up on stage and take the proverbial political pie in the face in order to get a spike in membership. And make no mistake about it, until it does see the value of insuring that its memberships' voices be head, it will never be anything more than a comedy

ex animo

In case you didn't know, Fred Thompson announced his candidacy on Jay Leno---comedy show. Don't inhale this third time because it will be a charm. Then rethink what you are saying.


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It didn't work for me either, if you are going to do something like that our man has to be able to play TOP BANANA hitting Colbert with some "HUMERIOUS" Lines (cross between Humerus & Serious) .. Sam was the wrong person to do this bit - he came across "uncomfortable and out of his element" (which of course - he was)

I've been warning DC and anyone that will listen - It's Time To Start Hitting The Streets With SOME DRAMATIC TEASERS that will START CURIOSITY BUILDING ..

People are too angry and concerned about what's going on Politically and With The Main Stream Media - to respond favorably to that Colbert bit, I'm not saying you wont get some oddballs that will sign up - but they wont do much for our program ..

David, you fell true to form and used the occasion to satisfy your personal devils ..

Phil W, Steve, GP, John, this too shall pass : Keep Building The Agenda - That's The Substance UNITY08, Sam, The Founders and the rest of us need to WIN THE WHITE HOUSE & TAME THE CONGRESS ..
The First Shot We Fire Must Hit The Bullseye - For All To See & Recognize .. OUR AGENDA WILL CLEARLY ... Eliminate Political Gridlock, Partisanship and Pandering to Special Interests !! and set a proper stage for the Intelligent Solving Of Our Most Urgent Problems !!!!

We can do this - Like Thomas, I know we Can ..


Pete, you got it right, the media stuff is all just a dance. The real work is in the platform and eventually, the candidates.

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I mean, the last time there was a server melt-down of about an hour or so, I thought with 20,000 to 30,000 new members registering. I'll admit it, I didn't actually study the membership numbers before the show, but I thought they were around 104,000. So we got a 1,000 new members?

ex animo

You guys need to see the big picture. Politics is a big show. Sound bite here, sound bite there, here a bite, there a bite. The whole thing is one big sales pitch. If you sell your candidate better than the Dems or Pubs you get the prize at the end of the game. Wake up Unity08 needs to put on the clown suits to get in the game.

Glitz and Colbert/Stewart fun stuff is all good and fine (good not to take ourselves too seriously and learn how to laugh at ourselves), but we need to balance with some hard slogging centrist oriented issues/agenda, eligible conversing candidates, and branding the aforementioned to a wider audience who is looking for some Beef and Differences to the pandering 'Pubs and Dems'. We need more than laughs because in about 4 months (Iowa Caucuses are just 13 weeks away folks!), the electrorate is going to gaze around hard and we better have some good centrist-oriented beef/alternatives to offer up!!

DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com


Donald Trump never seems to have a problem getting air time to express his views, what's the problem?


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Hey! Money talks Phil. And Trump money Really talks! The Tabloidized American Press eats it up!

DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com



Been to the Unity08 Delegate wiki lately? Join today!http://unity-usa.org
Lets uncorrupt our government!

Maybe we should have Capitol Hill or Presidential "Apprentice". Winner gets the office. No wait! We have that dog and pony show now with the 2 parties - called the primaries!

DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com


If the Numbers are correct we picked up 5,000 New Members/Delegate from that 52 Second Bite .. JUST IMAGINE WHAT 30 MINUTES OF REAL TIME TO ANNOUNCE "OUR NEW AMERICAN AGENDA" COULD GET US -- WOW - IT BOGGLES THE MIND !!! we would get 150,000 or more with 30 Mins of Real time to tell our story when people are watching - if each donated $10.00 WE PICK UP $1 Million 500,000.00 Little ONES

Now you're talking serious money .. NO I'M NOT JOKING .. and I'm ready to eat crow if this does what we need to make the good things happen .. BUT PLSE DOUG, JERRY, HAMILTON, Don't make poor SAM do these Let Him Do The Serious Stuff - get a Real "TOP BANANA" To Do Stuff Like The Colbert Show !!

My opinion - for what it's worth ..


SW hardly got a word in but when he did he hit the message. You expect Colbert to smother anybody that goes on with him but the way his humor works...most folks get it.

But there are showfolk political activitist that could go to the zany edge with anybody and I have made note of some to Unity 08 leadership. I think they are working on it.

Bill"for what we are together"

If they can line up a coupls of good ones - they can get more air time on other shows..

Good thought


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