I am at a loss to understand where Foreign Policy and Domestic Policy converge. How does government coordinate between the two? How can we be at war when Congress has made no official declaration? How can we be at war and expect to not bother Americans with asking for their support? How can we be at war and simply ask Americans to be ready to fend off nuclear attacks with duct tape and plastic to cover their windows? How can we say to countries that if you have terrorists and do not get rid of them, we are at war? How can we be at war in theory? How can we be at war, have foreign dignitaries meet at the U.N.; and among those dignitaries have one Mahmoud Ahmadinejad present whose plans afterward are to go to Columbia and make a presentation?
Where does Foreign Policy and Domestic Policy converge? Are we involved in a war that Americans are supposed to recognize? If we are, we don't. Think we need some leadership to disconnect this sort of disconnect?
THAT is why I keep harping on the importance of delineating a sober coherent realist based Grand Strategy that links the 2 and is based on our values as a nation and our national interest and what is doable (syncing realistically our ends-means and our oughta dos with our can dos"). THAT is what George Kennan and others did so magnificently 60 years ago with a multidimensional Containment Strategy and THAT is what we need to start getting our minds around in the next few years with the new problems extant (Ahmadenijad is just one thorn) or our goose is cooked. Failure to do so is a nation-buster issue of the first order!! Up there in the Top 3 with Entitlements Reform and Political Reform IMHO!! We need to focus on these nation-buster issues first or the others will not matter at all.
DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com
It is my thought that if we really had something coherent in place, instead of us permitting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to address the U.N. or speak at Columbia University, we would be holding him as a prisoner of war for killing our soldiers on the battlefield. Or, alternatively, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be held to stand trial for war crimes. I have heard Americans speak out on this while our President has said nothing. This does not make sense.
Another alternative is that we are in violation of international law. Poor leadership may be worse than no leadership. Or, are they the same?
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No I do not think that would be wise there Phil to arrest or hold hostage Crazy A. It might make us feel good and all but would really piss off the world and our allies as well esp in the mid east and would actually boost his stature. No Ahmadenijad is a thug of the first order but be was and is no Saddam - at least not yet. Saddam was in a special category all his own with bloodthirsty treachery, but Crazy A is just a piker. I prefer to let him stew in his own juices and he will hang himself or his people will hang him. His internal support is not solid and Iran economically is absolutely decrepit and growing worse by the hour. He cares not a lick for his people but just his power ends!
Let the Iranians take care of him. We can help around the edges with Intl sanctions and soberly/cogently watching him like a hawk as wounded thugs are the most dangerous. But if push comes to shoove and he does step over the line (and we and the Intl Community need to make that line perfectly clear to him), then he and his fellow traveler thugs will pay the price. But no. absolutely do make him a prisoner of war. He would love that. We have nothing to fear from his speeches. We just need to hold him to full account on his actions. and remeber the 3 things all true terrorists desire - Revenge, Reknown, and Reaction. It makes their decrepit lives complete. Do not give Cazy A the satisfaction!!
DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com
I am not really suggesting we hold Crazy A. Just venting or sharing about lack of coherent policy. What is sad is that Crazy A. is just the puppet for the hidden Imam.
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I think he could care less about the 12th Imam or Shiiaism. He is in this for himself and for pushing Persian power traditionally defined. He is a smart power hungry thug who just happens to be riding/using what is out there at this time and that is Shiiaism whose supporters have been kicked mercilessly around for centuries by the dominant Sunnis. And Bush in his infinite dunderheadedness empower that and him big time by not securing Iraq and doing the due diligence on the diplomacy leadup. A shia revival was thus released unintentionally. Well be cleaning up Georgies mess for a long time. But Mahmoud will ride the current wave for all its worth to get what all power hungry terrorists want and need - Revenge, Reknown and Reaction!! he is a smart and dangerous dude. We need to be smarter!
DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com
Crazy A is an opportunist. I see that while the Tri-evil consortium conspires further (N. Korea secretly supplying Syria with nuclear materials?), I am sure Crazy A. will do what he can to help UBL succeed at stirring the natives to revolt against Perez Musharref. Our biggest issue to resolve is to somehow intercede and stop the acquisition of dirty bombs. This will be the next step in a concerted effort to obtain WMD and use them. I fear that tactical nuclear bombs are looking more and more like an option to this administration. I have no proof, I just see ever escalating behavior and claims.
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Poor leadership. Or, no leadership. I don't, myself, know right now how we can even distinguish the two. However, I have to wonder if in the future review of the history of this period in our nation, that they will look back and pronounce us as living through the "dark ages" of America. Ok, I'm being depressing. Sorry.
Dave Kent
A Japanese Admiral told his staff officers "I fear we've awakened a sleeping giant - and we will reap the wild wind" HOW SMART WAS THAT ?! he was of course the Fleet Admiral in charge of the raid on Pearl Harbor !!
Never ever underestimate WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE MIGHT DO - When Their Lives, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness Is Threatened By Enemies FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ..
Like every other crisis we've faced - this too we will overcome ..
I have confidence Popo that we will get it right and overcome the spreading crisis and itrs various manifestations but only if we are smart and learn the lessons of the past. These virulent jihadi/salafi's and their various franchise groups (secular and sectarian) and their State actor wannabes (Ahmadenijad, etc.) will not succumb easily. Nothing is inevitable until it happens and we need to make it happen and be smart about how to make it happen - like we did in WWII and Cold War.
Nothing was inevitable back then in the great struggle to defeat of those tyrannies. You know how hard and difficult it truly was. And in the same way the new tyrannies extant out there in the world are just as dangerous and we need to be just as smart if not more so and true to our values as a nation and shared struggle to make it happen the way we want it to turn out - with them in the dustbin of history!!
DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com
in a way it might be a good thing to let "crazy a" speak. if students get to ask him pertinent questions, such as why do you deny the holocaust? that way people can see first hand the dangers of a man such as "crazy a"..it looks like bush himself finally stuck his finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing, and thought it a good idea.
A few things to remember about Ahmadinejad:
1) He won an election of a six way race by promoting a very angry message that essentially entailed that someone strong was needed to defend the country from people like Bush. The interesting point about his electoral "victory" was that it came at a very small percentage of the vote being split all over the place. In other words, he was not elected by anything of a majority. Put another way, far more people did NOT want him than did.
2) His term is up in a few years and many people there will be glad to be rid of him. The only way this guy stays in power beyond that is to give him a reason to break the rules. In other words, if we bomb him, he'll have that reason. He'll declare himself president "for now" under some sort of emergency powers, and he'll probably have the political support to do it.
This guy's making himself more important by trying to aggitate us and others. Let's be smarter than that and not give him the attention he wants. Have patience. Let him become a footnote in history, not a main article...
-GP (gp.in.minnesota@gmail.com)
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The same happened with Hitler GP back in '32. He only received a small fraction of the vote but it was a very virulent faction much like Ahmadenijad's Revolutionary Guard wing. But Hitler figured out a way to appeal to the masses and their sense (trumped up by the Nazis - Goebbels and Company)of injustices from the WWI treaties and indemnities. They blamed evrything on the Versailles Treaties, non-German's and eventually the Jews. Somewhat similar now in Iran to a lesser degree and that attitude does resonate in the rest of the Arab world BTW where they look to blame the external forces (Jews and Israel esp) for their circumstances.
Hitler's term was also up but we know what happened then and the West let it guard down and did not hold him to account before it was too late. I think the Iranians are not so disposed of like the Germans in 1932 but that is something we need to be wary of and watch. Once again I feel let Crazy A stew in his own juices and watch him like a Hawk and be willing to talk with him and keep contacts open as much as possible with the great Iranian peoples.
For sure we should take nothing off the table including the military option as it is a tough tough neighborhood over there and one thing that is respected above all over there still is strength and power that is wisely and judciously employed esp one that is conducted in the context of a meaningful multidimensional amd multilateral strategy.
DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com
Let me clarify: don't bomb him and we won't have to deal with him as Hitler.
(Incidentally, is there any person in any position of power anywhere in the world who isn't Hitler these days? ;) Honestly, when I hear that comparison I get concerned that it's a "cheap" means by which one wants to preserve their stance by leapfrogging honest debate and framing the point in terms of "Well, you DO want to stop 'Hitler', don't you?")
Seriously though, Hitler, in his time had far more public support than Mamoud. In this case, the public is discontent with him to begin with. He has no more public support to transform Iran into a war machine than Bush can win support to bomb Iran. There's a small dedicated following, but most people just don't like him. Also, it's worth mentioning that Mamoud doesn't have direct control over the military according to the structure of the gov't there.
The only way this guy get's public support approaching Hitler is if we make him look wise in his claims that the US will attack Iran. Hitler this guy is not. That's the AM radio talkin'.
-GP (gp.in.minnesota@gmail.com)
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Not when Hitler started GP. There are many potential Hitler's and Stalin's and other indescript nasties out their of a totolitarian/facsist bent. We let Hitler get to far out of control and misjudged him big time and had no solid counter strategy to fall back on until it was too late. Fortunately in the Cold War we learned our lesson pretty well and such nasties were controlled to the extent we did not become cinderized (although we came pretty close in several instances)and the Soviets and their fellow travellers went into histories dustbin.
That is why I keep carping on Kennan and the key psychological "bandwagon effect" I have stated in this blog several times. Hitler was a master at playing the right chords domestically and internationally in imparting to his people and some others around Europe and the globe that they were the coming and inevitable thing and that Germans and other people better hitch their wagon or they would be left behind.
Such Charlatan dreams did not die with Hitler, Franco, Mussilini, Mao, Stalin but live and thrive today in various areas of the globe esp in the Mid East and Central Europe. These dreams of grandeur (former and future)and fixing blame on others for their present plights have echos from Europe 80 years ago and they now range from Pan-Arab Pan-Syrian Pan-Baathist Pan-Persian Nationalism in the secular arena and jihadi/salafi Islamist (not Islamic!!) ideology.
And the present day virulent ideologies play the "bandwagon effect" on their peoples for the perpetuation of their power dreams of the Nassers, Assads, Saddams, Khomenies, Nassarullahs, Hamas, Zwahiris, Talibans, bin Ladins and various franchise groups in a way that expands their base from the 15% to the vast majority caught up in the wonderful rhetoric and dreams. Their roadmap is not the Koran but the totolitarian template of Facist Europe and Stalinist Russia. Religion in and of itself has little to do with it perse but only in the way it is used to jumpstart the "bandwagon effect".
Ahmadenijad is just an underachieving aspirant (for now anyway) in that same mold. He is using and playing his people like a violin much the same way Hitler and Mussolini did in days of yore. His nuke capability would raise his stature markedly (and his bandwagon quals) and he knows it. Hopefully we have learned our lessons with these thugs. We did in the Cold War quite well. But it was and is a tough and hard and costs big bucks and requires great patience and most important of all a multidimensional, multilateral Grand Strategy that contains and can effectively counter such virulent Charlatans.
DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com
As long as we're in the spirit of the word "contain" I'm in the same ballpark with you. I don't mind sabre rattling, but I do mind bombing.
If we start bombing them on the basis of "we're doing this for you, Europe!" then I'm not with it...and I doubt that most nations in Europe would either. Further, there's a point at which we should be considering that our notion of "defense" needs to be re-tooled if the pursuit of it involves the demolition of other nations.
By way of comparison, would China be just in attacking the United States because it perceives Bush to be "Hitler-like?" Is the only criteria personal perception? Are all nations allowed to have such an unilateral, aggressive "grand strategy" because they want to, or more so because they can get away with it?
In the case of Iran I only see a lot of negatives in real military action. If the majority of the European Union wants it, then so be it. But let THEM lead it with us as a minority supporter. It's their backyard. They have to deal with the repercussions so it sure as heck should be their choice more so than ours. I think everyone has had enough of our unilateralism for awhile.
Let's consider the "capable friend" role lest we become the bully.
-GP (gp.in.minnesota@gmail.com)
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The US is overextended in Iraq & Afghanistan, if there is intervention in Iran is has to be someone else.
I am cynical in foreign relations, we have to look after U.S. interest in a way that works.
I want the Europeans more involved in the Middle East, even the Russians. Going it with only British support is too expensive and not effective enough.
Still I dont think we bomb anyone from here, we get out of Iraq slowly (like Korea, sorry folks).
The rest of the rabble we contain and monitor.
We cant educate, liberate, control, or negotiate with Middle East nations yet because the wrong kind of people rise to power there.
We spent too much time and money developing and maintaining a military system - who's power could be neutralized by clever propaganda and a naive Main Stream Media ..
Here we are - A Nation with an inventory of the World's best Salesmen, Ad Men, Film and Video Producers - and we get bested by a handful of Amateurs working out of caves on the borders of Pakistan ..
Winning the Hearts and Minds of People is really quite simple if you just remember : each and everyone of us has the same buttons that can be pushed to get us to do things - they are Marked "L" "H" & "F" : Love, Hate & Fear !!
(Love covers greed in case you think I forgot that one) ... OF THE 3 BUTTONS, FEAR is the most Powerful - ELIMINATE FEAR OF YOUR MOTIVES, CREATE LOVE & RESPECT FOR WHO YOU ARE - HATE DISSIPATES AND ITS NO LONGER A PROBLEM !!
How did I get on this subject ?? Kim one of these days I'll tell you about a program I developed for Marketing people - that became a great success as a game with dysfunctional families - I called It "WHAT MAKES YOU TICK" !!
I'm tired, talk to you later ..
Much as Bush, who lost the vote, won in '04 (allegedly) by playing upon fears. The same as Giuliani is trying now.
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ
It's funny how the media and the politicians in the US and now many citizen are saying the same things about Amadinijad that they said about Saddam. Curious.
First of all let's be clear. Amadinjad is not a dictator. He was elected democratically. He is not very popular and has little support in his country. Also, he does not have the authority to make policy or decisions. We are making much more of him than he is. He is not even remotely Hitler. And besides the NAZI's invaded Poland, (said they were terrorists) , Holland (said they had weapons of mass destruction - Honest)France, Belgium, Checkoslavakia, Ukrania, Hungary, et al. Iran has not invaded any country since the US was a Country! Over 200 years! Study up on Iran and you'll find out that they don't have the capacity to invade any country.
Second, it is well documented that Saudi Arabia has given many more weapons to the Sunni insurgents in Iraq. Iran supports Maleki who, if I'm not mistaken, is the very man we support. Saudi Arabia has spent millions on building Madrassas in Pakistan and Afganistan. So why are they not the enemy?
Finally, answer me honestly. What would you do if your country was surrounded by a hostile army bent on destroying you and stealing your resources?
What would you do if the country next to yours was invaded and virtually destroyed by a huge army who is also ready to attack you and steal your resources?
Put on your critical thinking hats. You are being sold a bill of goods, just like before. Amadinjad is not a maniac he is simply a weak, conservative, fundamentally religious politician who has narrow views and pravaricates. Sounds no different than any other politician.
America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Let's start acting like it.
We hear democracy touted as the panacea for the middle east by Bush and Condescending Rice, yet when Hamas wins an election or someone like Ahmadinejad comes along, they scream. Bush alone should prove democracy isn't foolproof.
There is no harm letting him speak. We need to show we practice what we preach.
I don't agree with Ahmadinejad, but he certainly isn't a madman.
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ
Could US Government stop Mahmud from coming to US? No, he is an Iranian leader and he came to US. US pledged to allow such visits. Even Fidel Castro can not be stopped.
Could US Government stop Mahmud from visiting Columbia University then? No if his visit was sponsored, his return back to the UN ground was guaranteed, University was not a military complex and we are not at war with Iran (yet).
And US government did not block Mahmud trip. It shows that everything is fine with freedom of speech and withy human rights in US.
Whose lack of judgment was shown by this visit? Columbia University management is a clown here. Now they can book O.J. Simpson, Unabomber and Paris Hilton to speak and share some words of wisdom and enlightenment with the students and teachers of that wonderful institution.
Tis better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
Mr. Ahmadinejad, from what I saw, really made himself look like a fool. What did Columbia accomplish here, besides standing up for the first ammendment? They let the world see a nation's leader put his foot in his mouth. I find it simultaneously funny and scary that some people are so hysterically against letting him speak, yet at the same time consider themselves ardent supports of the principle of free speech.
Relax, everyone. This guy is nothing special, and I think most Americans can make up their own minds on the matter. We don't need to be "protected" from the words of a foreign leader, but thanks anyway...
-GP (gp.in.minnesota@gmail.com)
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gp most in here seem to get it i think. its nice to see (read)
We need to keep calm and sober and let Mahmoud stew in his own juices. And his denial rant on gays was quite poignant. Remeber Hitler went after them first as a warmup for the Jews!! Trouble is the blogoshere in Iran was very much in his favor. No problem - Maybe we should send HC and Paulista boys over to equalize that!
DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com
I've been hearing more and more disturbing reports that Bush is planning to attack Iran before he leaves office.
Just like Iraq has boosted AlQaeda, the verbal attacks on Ahmadinejad by the Bush administration have boosted his "street cred" with the wacko crowd. An attack on Iran would unite Iranians who right now don't like Ahmadinejad into nationalism and he'd be supported by almost all Iranians.
How do we stop the Bush administration? Israel recently made an attack in Syria - if Israel attacks Iran, it'd be the same as if we did it - we'd be blamed anyway because we support Israel.
How do we stop this madness?
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ
Good question. I also am hearing about the "ramping up" effort by the Bush administration. Brings back memories of when, then President Nixon, secretly sent troops into Cambodia during the Vietnam war.
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Jan. 15, 2025
Retired general Wesley Clark drew harsh criticism this week after reportedly saying that “New York money people” are pushing America into a war against Iran.
By Tuesday, Clark, a past and likely future Democratic candidate for president, was working to assure Jewish groups that he was in no way attempting to advance an antisemitic conspiracy theory. But the controversy still had Jewish organizations bracing for a new wave of claims that they are the driving force behind any future military strikes against Tehran.
Make no mistake, Israel runs our foreign policy through AIPAC and the degenerate MSM!
That's quite a leap to go from a controversial statement to a claim that Irsrael runs our foreign policy. I don't buy it!
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Is there Israeli influence? Absolutely. Are they running our foreign policy? No. Iraq for example - I don't think the Israelis are that stupid to have backed Rumsfeld's plans.
I do have a huge concern that if our Chicken Hawks - Cheney,Bush, etc., don't attack Iran, Israel might. The consequences of either us or Israel bombing Iran would make the mess in Iraq look like child's play.
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ
Israel Urges US to Attack Iraq: "Sooner, Rather than Later"
Sharon's advisor: Urges US to accelerate aggression on Iraq, says postponement bad for Israel
Occupied Jerusalem: 18 January, 2025 (IAP News)
A former Israeli ambassador to Washington who is now advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has urged the Israeli government to step up pressure on the Bush Administration to accelerate the war on Iraq.
Zalman Shuval said in an article in the Hebrew newspaper Yedeot Ahranot, published Thursday 16 January, that Israel should make behind-the-scene efforts to get the American administration to attack Iraq "sooner rather than later."
Shuval argued that postponing or delaying the war, let alone cancelling it, would have "very negative consequences" on Israel.
He suggested that in case the United States doesn't launch the war on Iraq in the near future, opposition to the war will gather momentum and the US will come under pressure to pressurize Israel.
Shuval argued that while Israel shouldn't brazenly appear as pushing the Bush Administration to attack Iraq, the Jewish state should never ignore or be oblivious to the risks of a postponed war on Iraq.
Israel calculates that a devastating American war on Iraq would break the collective spirit of the Arab world, including the Palestinian people, and enable Israel and the United States to imposed a capitulation on the Palestinians or, worse, effect an ethnic cleansing against hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.
Who is Congress listening to?
Go to this link, lots of stories on who runs US foreign policy.
What Really Happened is not a credible site. Please stop posting stories from it as if it's "proof" of these claims. Come on, HC, you're smarter than this.
-GP (gp.in.minnesota@gmail.com)
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What really happened is more credible than the the MSM by far! Critical news stories often break at WRH long before they do on the MSM and are generally much more accurate. WRH is a breath of fresh air from the MSM propaganda and is one of the places you can get the "rest of the story"! Many times I have related news items to friends that I learned about on WRH to have them respond that what I said was not true or it would be on "TV", only to have them come to me days or weeks later when the MSM couldn't hide or bury the story any longer and tell me about it.
The biggest obstacle America faces in the battle to take our country back from the crooked politicians and special interest groups is the MSM!
Just Not credible.
Let's see, from a casual look at this site, we're told that the Jews created Al Quaeda, and that 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by the Bush Administration. This is just not credible. It's mass fantasy.
-GP (gp.in.minnesota@gmail.com)
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The 911 Commission Report is mass fantasy!
The 9/11 Commission Report was meant to blame everyone and no one at the same time. In that respect, yes it's a political shill to some extent.
However, do you really believe that The Bush Administration planned 9/11 and blew up the World Trade Center? Do you really believe that Israel created Al Quaeda?
I'm seriously asking you here. It's sort of stunning to me, something I'd normally laugh at, but you seem really convinced. Are you?
-GP (gp.in.minnesota@gmail.com)
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I do believe that 911 was an inside job and Bush and Cheney were up to their eyeballs in it. No steel and concrete structure in history was ever brought down by fire yet we are expected to believe three were on 911. All three, imo, were brought down demolition style into their own footprints. The BBC reported that WTC 7 collapsed twenty minutes before it actually did and it was standing in the background of the reporter who said it. If she had stayed on the air a little longer you could have actually seen it go down. It went down in 6.5 seconds, free fall speed and no plane even hit it!
For the Nth time HC - CALL OLLIE STONE?? There is a great screenplay in your fantasy!! Not here though!
DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com
Sorry, HC, you have no credibility.
"I do believe that 911 was an inside job and Bush and Cheney were up to their eyeballs in it."
You are, of course, free to believe what you want, but logic is against you.
For starters, they're too incompetent to have pulled it off.
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ
The 911 Commission Report has no credibility! According to a recent MSNBC poll over 80% of Americans believe 911 was an inside job. You can bet the bank that if Bush and Cheney were not involved the investigation would not have been delayed, stonewalled, under funded and that heads would have rolled. Both logic and science back my view and while I agree Bush would have been too incompetent to be one of the major planners of the attack the same cannot be said of Cheney. Watch a video of a controlled demolition of a building and then watch the three buildings come down on 911, that is all you need to do! Almost everyone agrees the 911 Commission Report is not credible yet you say that I have no credibility because I believe that the very people who's cooperation to make it happen and cover it up had to be involved. Heck, let's just pretend it never happened.
Neither logic nor science support your view here HC. Your "Loose Change" video has been re-released, with info changed, three times. Popular Mechanics pointed out the flaws in all of your conspiracy theories.
As a side note, wasn't it you that stated the Holocaust never happened?
By Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press
March 19, 2025
Instructive fast peek at players, politics and patterns behind PM's recent 9/11 disinfo. - Ed.
Read the whole story here: http://www.911truth.org/article.html?story=20050321052700567
An excerpt:
"Ninety-five percent of the work of intelligence agencies around the world is disinformation and deception," Andreas von B?low, former parliamentary official responsible for the budget for Germany's intelligence agencies, told American Free Press in December 2025.
Like Nazi Germany of 1933, American newsstands today carry a mainstream magazine dedicated to pushing the government's truth of 9/11 while viciously smearing independent researchers as extremists who peddle fantasies and make poisonous claims.
The magazine pushing the government's 9/11 propaganda, Popular Mechanics (PM), is published by the Hearst family. Its March cover story, Debunking 9/11 Lies, has been exposed by credible researchers to contain numerous distortions and flawed conclusions. American Free Press revealed that Benjamin Chertoff, the 25-year-old senior researcher who authored the 9/11 article, is related to Michael Chertoff, the new Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The PM article illustrates how a propaganda method, used by dictatorships, is now being employed by the U.S. government: controlling mainstream media outlets to promote its version of 9/11.
Using 911truth.org as supporting evidence? You have gone over the edge HC. Put on your tin foil hat and close the curtains, they are watching you!!
You didn't bother to answer my other question, wasn't it you that said the Holocaust never happened?
I have not gone over the edge yet. I never said the holocaust never happened either, I just questioned the number. By the way just questioning the number can get you thrown into the slammer in 11 European countries and Israel as well as the US if the hate speech legislation passes! I can remember the saying "I might not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it"! I guess it is just a coincidence that the 911 Truth hit piece run by the yellow journal Popular Mechanics was written by DHS head's Chertoff's cousin!
hc i couldn't help but notice you said "i haven't gone over the edge yet"
yet being the key word?
Everything I found when googling "chertoff cousin 9-11" was either written by or associated with...you guessed it, Mr. Bollyn! All reputable sites like Prison Planet.
I think you hit the nail on the head with "yet being the key word"!
I'm not so sure.
Your posts often contain much anti-semitism and references to sources that are just opinions, not facts.
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ
This is the guy that authored the article in question.
Christopher Bollyn
I guess anyone can find support for just about anything they want on the Internet. HC, seems your thoughts coincide with this guy about conspiracies and are anti-semitic Holocaust Denial.
Wikipedia Entry about the American Free Press - Newspaper Bollyn writes for.
Bollyn's affiliation with David Duke (attendee to Iran's haulocaust denier convention earlier this year).
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Years ago, Israel took care of the perceived nuclear threat from Iraq - swiftly and efficiently. If Israel had their druthers, or controlled our foreign policy, we would not have gone into Iraq. Israel would have preferred that we leave Iraq alone as a counterweight to Iran.
Our invasion upset the balance in that region and created the vacuum that Iran is now trying to fill.
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Lets uncorrupt our government!
I do not think Israel has technical capabilities to atack Iran. Their Air Force is designed to operate in the proximity of the Israely territories. Their atack on Iraqi nuclear project was a stretch for the roundtrips of their planes (they use additional custom made fuel tanks, etc.).
Even Western Iran is off limit, not to mention Eastern Iran.
The only technical possibility for Israeli Air Force to strike Iran, is to use US bases in Iraq for that operation. In this case it is the same as US would do it and US can do it better anyway, using hundreds or maybe thousands of cruise missles (Israel simply do not have this type of weapon).
Therefore, IMHO, if Iran will be attacked, it will be attached by US, not by Israel.
PS About Israeli atack on Syria. Nobody realy sure, what was attacked there exactly. And you know why? Because even Syria does not comment this bombing. Originaly, as a knee-jerk reaction, they publish "Big Bad Ugly Sionists killing Innocent Syrian Cammels" material, but retracted this article after couple hours and were keep silent after that. Why they are silent? What was bombed, that Syria obviously afraid to admit, that it had this stuff to begin with? Think about it.
We elected the Dems to a majority to stop the Bush administration but they quickly caved in to pressure from AIPAC! Let's see, we attack Iran, Israel attacks Syria, Russia and the Red Chinese shoot down our satellites and "blind" our military, Iran sinks our fleet with thousands of sunburst missiles for which we have no defense and we are invaded with no respectable defense here at home to stop it! Make no mistake about it, the Chinese who lost millions in oil contracts when we invaded Iraq are not going to sit idly by and watch us do the same thing to Iran, a country that is no threat to the US and has been consistently strengthening their ties with both Russia and the Red Chinese! By the way, who do you think the enemy is that the Russians and Chinese have been preparing for with their joint war games?