What is it about " mexico " that, it has NOT developed as a nation / civilization ........vs Canada & USA ............?

posted by germanicus on September 18, 2025 - 3:56am

Mexico ~ with a GDP larger than most European countries ~ will not invest its financial resources into primary education, although it does pamper the children of the elites with virtually free education at the University of Mexico.
" If Taiwan could lease Mexico for 20 years, we " gringos " would probably be migrating to mexico for all the opportunity it would create......." (tee...hee).....
Why Mexico is Always in Such a Mess: ~ perhaps, the problem with mexico is ~ it is in the hands of mexicans...hmmm...?

What is it about " mexico " that; it has NOT developed as a nation / civilization ........vs Canada & USA ............?
(aka ~ escape from mexico.......)
(lnk is ~ http://www.aspenpost.net/2007/08/05/why-mexico-is-always-in-such-a-mess/)

—per Professor George Grayson, during a CNN interview
“I think we prefer to patronize the Mexicans or buy into their victimization argument. Mexico has everything, ~ oil, gas, gold, silver, copper, beaches, historical artifacts.
If Taiwan could lease Mexico for 20 years, we gringos would soon be whining about the colossus in the South.”

NAFTA was the original brainchild of “Harvard educated” former Mexican President Carlos Salinas, the economics genius who was the single most culpable factor in the devistating crash of the Peso in 1994.
(NAFTA...along with our USAs congress (dems & republicans) ongoing approval(s)....ugh..)

What is it about " mexico " that; it has not developed as a nation / civilization ........similar to Canada & USA ............?
(aka ~ escape from mexico.......)

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perhaps, the problem with mexico is ~ we left it in the hands of mexicans...hmmm...?

" If Taiwan could lease Mexico for 20 years, we " gringos " would probably be migrating to mexico for all the opportunity it would create......."

—per Professor George Grayson, during a CNN interview
“I think we prefer to patronize the Mexicans or buy into their victimization argument. Mexico has everything, ~ oil, gas, gold, silver, copper, beaches, historical artifacts.
If Taiwan could lease Mexico for 20 years, we gringos would soon be whining about the colossus in the South.”
Mexico ~ with a GDP larger than most European countries ~ will not invest its financial resources into primary education, although it does pamper the children of the elites with virtually free education at the University of Mexico. "

I'm not understanding the reference to Taiwan leasing Mexico for 20 years. ? Unless well, the only thing I can think of is to have Mexico's labor force added to Taiwan's labor force to produce goods at the usual cheap rate for the corps', that these days require and get a 200 to 400 percent markup on goods for the western market.

Davey K. in Florida

yes...that's it..

forgot his name, but he just passed bill gates on the list. strange, ain't it? that the country responsible for millions of people fleeing their horrid situation there to come here for jobs that we americans snub our noses at....that this country somehow produced the richest man in the world.

perhaps the root of the problem is the wording of their Constitution. how does that thing read, again?

right you are........Mike....
Mexico needs to redistribute its wealth to First World realities. Mexico’s ruling oligarchy, that hand full of families who make up the infamous “100 Families,” has never made meaningful concessions to labor, while half of all the billionaires in Latin America are Mexicans, some of whom make Fortune Magazine’s lists of the disgustingly mega-rich. Instead of investing in quick turnaround schemes, such as the currency market, Mexico’s elites would do better—if they really know what’s good for them in the long run —to invest in Mexico’s social and infrastructural future that would provide the jobs and sustainable incomes crucial to establishing and stabilizing Mexico’s long-term health and wealth. There are some who say the U.S. should repatriate all Mexican illegals in the U.S—but that we should first arm them.

Mexico is the way it is because of corruption and stupidity. The government is corrupt, to continue to make money they keep the people stupid. That is why they come north they know the even more stupid "gringos" will give them free medical, free schools, medicare, Socialsecurity and a place to live all on the taxpayers hard work. Meanwhile the Mexican Government and Mexican elite line their pockets, with the cash, the Mexicans send home to their families. Who is the dummy now? Look in the mirror.

Mexico ~ with a GDP larger than most European countries ~ will not invest its financial resources into primary education, although it does pamper the children of the elites with virtually free education at the University of Mexico.

even mexicans don't wanna live in mexico..........hmmmm..........?

in mexico, mexicans won't help themselves....
the only presidential candidate wanting to enforce our immigration laws........
Tom Tancredo............Final Grade: A+

(only the usa flag should wave on these usa shores.......)

Here's one theory I'll pass on. I'm an old lady now, but when I was a child, my Swedish-born atheist mom (born in 1886) expounded the theory to us that development of countries (especially Western Hemisphere) was all about their basic religion and the culture it created. She used to say that if the U.S. had been settled by one of the then Catholic countries,instead of England, we'd be Mexico or S. America. Our good fortune was to be settled and grow out of the culture of England, which was ahead of its time in rejecting the Pope, as were other northern European powers that rejected state power of the Pope after Martin Luther's Reformation.

Despite being an atheist, she felt Luther (and Henry VIII) were key to the U.S. turning out as it did. And if you think about it, back then, South America, Mexico, N. America were all teeming with resources that drove Europeans to want to claim this hemisphere. We were equally endowed, except perhaps for the intense cold weather of parts of Canada as inhibiting progress. Still it did not stop them. So what made them turn out so differently? REligion of original founders and policy on settlements was her conviction. From the beginning the Spanish insisted upon conversion of the Indians to Catholicism and wanted gold; the English drove out the Indians,basically provided religious choice and freedom to settlers and wanted immigrant families. By time of American Revolution, separation of church and state was so ingrained that we had that in our constitution right from our very beginning. By the time we began receiving immigrants from Catholic countries, our traditions were set and they all simply assimilated. In fact many were LOOKING FOR that separation of church and state we enjoyed. Not that they weren't religious, just took a look around and noticed that countries with separation of church and state were invariably more prosperous for average people than those where religion ran both.

People forget now, but back in the 1600s, the official Catholic view was quite similar to today's Muslims who believe in Sharia Law. It led to an entirely different culture in northern and Southern Europe, and by extension, affected the U.S.A. as people emigrated to the U.S. Today, countries whose legal system is based on Sharia Law are totally out of sync with countries that practice separation of church and state -- even the ones that have huge muslim populations. And, I believe, those who've made the split, like India and Turkey, are more prosperous than those who haven't.

What can Mexico do now to change? Well, I don't think those who inherited power from the Church (they did have their Pancho Villa revolution) want to change things. They kept the religion-dominated culture. And they have a foolish country like the U.S. allowing them to export their poverty, so momentum never builds up from the bottom for CHANGE. We're their safety valve. Not that Mexico is NOW run by the Catholic Church -- but the early settlement and decade after decade of that history has made an indelible effect upon its culture and economic system. An authoritarian, top down structure no matter who's at the top.

As to NAFTA, that's just made things worse -- didn't bring prosperity to Mexico, all it did was allow corporations to make things cheaply, move our jobs down there -- and left the border open so even more low-wage labor could come here. Someone said NAFTA was a Mexican idea in the first place. When I used to be active in the Reform Party (and we were very anti-NAFTA) seems to me someone said the whole concept of NAFTA (corporate globalism, free movement of money, labor, products, jobs) goes back to Col.House in the Woodrow Wilson administration. Used to be a concept of the Democratic Party then, a sort-of one-world movement. Somewhere along the line, corporations must have figured out -- if they want globalism, we can give it to them -- pure capitalism, what a joy!!!

So no globalist -- Mexican or American, Democrat or Republican -- even WANTS to slow immigration -- it's all part of the master plan.

Aurora, while I may not agree with all of your theory, you do provide some good insight into how religion impacts government.


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Lets uncorrupt our government!

I agree with Phil, you give good insight.


Of course, no meaningful economic progress can be made in Mexico while it is held hostage to a seemingly ineluctable, culturally driven, deeply rooted, pandemic corruption. Mexico, sandwiched comfortably between those straight arrows Ghana and Panama on the world corruption index of Transparency International, is estimated to squander a full 10 percent of its GDP through corruption.

Not surprisingly, Mexico has no substantive population stabilization policy, and it is unlikely it ever will, given current mass immigration levels from Mexico into the U.S. Meanwhile, Mexico has three-million come-of-working-age citizens each year being dumped into a non-existent Mexican job market.

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