Unity08 Survey

posted by davidfarrar on September 11, 2025 - 5:49pm

Was nothing but a publicity stunt. A push poll designed by an ad agency to market Unity08 to the public.

Does anyone actually believe a presidential candidate is going to win in November 2025 talking in these general terms. People don't vote on general terms. People vote in favore of their own personal interests and for the person whom they think will best protect their interests.

ex amino


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Don't like the line poll. Life is 3-dimensional. We should use at least 2.

Do you really think it was that bad? What made you feel that it was a push poll and how would you have made it different?

I thought it was a good sign that we appear to have about equal number of participants from each side of the aisle. I was sort of concerned we were the broken-hearted Republican's club.

I do hope that we have more than 2,000 participants next time. But it is a start.


Let's do as The Beatles' said: "Come together, right now. Unity." Something like that... ;)

In order to ascertain whether this survey was good or bad, we first must define the object of the poll. What information was Unity08 trying to obtain?

It was my understanding this poll was suppose to be used to set the American Agenda. It should have focused, from top to bottom, on the realities that impact most Americans (the poll-taker, the individual voter), not crucial issues effecting America (the country as a whole). Instead, we get mostly general ad-questions about Unity itself and other non-issue oriented questions.

Even the questions asked in the "Crucial Issues" segment, ask about the crucial issues facing the country, not the crucial issues impacting the individual voter. The perspective of the poll-taker is completely different and, therefore, the results. This is a poll designed to push Unity08's idea of what they think their agenda should encompass.

GP, these results could have come straight out of any PR office of any of the two major political parties. The reason for Unity08 very existence, as I understand it, is to force the other parties and their candidates to talk about centrist issues. When parties want to appeal to their base, they talk about the country, as a whole, and how the base must help them save the country, never about the individual. It is from the people centrist ideals spring and, collectively, represent the middle, where most people are and not the fringe. It is this perspective each voter will carry into the voting booth with them in 2025, and the perspective we, as Unity08 delegates, must follow if we are to create the true "American Agenda."

ex animo

I think that this poll was just a step in creating the American Agenda. From the way the questions were worded, I suspect that they were trying to test the waters, to see what sort of community we had thus far. I'm sure there will be more polls to come.

One thing that did stand out to me was that even though things like guns and abortion came in last, they were still in the "very important to me" range. That still suggests activism to me. It makes sense, after all, that the first to the party will always be the most motivated.

The second purpose I see the poll serving is to give each other some idea of our makeup. If this poll came out of the PR office of the major parties, abortion and guns WOULD have been at the top of the list. I think that is a major difference.

In any case, I hope you can try to not be too savage :) A few weeks back you were harping about how they refuse to release to results of the poll. Now that it's released, instead of giving them some credit for doing so, you're trashing them because you think it's a bad poll. If you already believed that before it was released, why were you so adamant in getting it released?

Reasonable critiques will be heard by open minds. Constant complaining won't.


Let's do as The Beatles' said: "Come together, right now. Unity." Something like that... ;)

I just take it for what it is, it is a guide. We have been voicing a need about feedback and so on and so on. When we do get some direction we need to view it as an opportunity to build. Like GP said, it is a start.


Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.

..and left on social issues but just a little.

Thats a big finding. Thats a solid centrist base that responded to the survey. Had these same 2025 plus people taken the tagline poll, I dont think we would have the activist "Take Back America" slogan.

I think this will remain a group of cool headed centrist throughout the process.

A lot can happen in 12 months, but if the major parties nominate extremists as expected, Unity organized as a centrist alternative would be well positioned.

Psssssst.... that's leaning Libertarian.

Phil, look at what Unity08's home page says about its own "Unity08 survey shows".

1. Dissatisfaction with the choices available in both parties.
2. The issues that polarize are not crucial.
3. Unity08 survey results are in.

The crucial issues identified in Unity08's survey are actually no different than what the other two parties are now articulating to their own base. How are we going to provide different choices to the voting public on election day if we start with the same political agenda as the other two parties?

This is not even good feedback. This is a simple push poll designed to produce predetermined results.

ex animo

The two parties talk about crucial issues in public, but behind the scenes they are extremists.

They really want to pull the voters hard to the right/left.

If Unity becomes an organization that really wants the middle, it would be ground-breaking, amazing, and a breath of fresh air.

I think the result that Unity people have a very high respect for the US Supreme court is a very surprising finding. I dont like it, but thats the opinion of the respondents.

I think a bad poll is the one that only asks a few questions or only gives a few bad multiple choice alternatives. The linescale method at least gives a respondent a lot of room to show difference.

The survey was an honest effort on the part of UNITY08 - to create some some of a guide line as to where the big Numbers may be .. my gut feeling is that the results are misleading ..

The main stream media is micro managing this Election and the Campaigns to satisfy their own agenda, and that is basically to give control to the Democratic Party..

I applaud the Founders for making the effort - I caution them and our Delegates on placing too much meaning in the results, feelings and opinions on what is crucial and what is not, changes daily with - with who gets the publicity and what it "appears" to mean ..

Those of us who've spent many years in this world and lived on many continents - have learned What The Most Powerful Motivator Is To Americans and Millions of People Everywhere : It Is Fear - Fear Of The Loss Of Jobs, Homes, Property & Freedoms ..

Build an agenda that installs a Government that can Eliminate Those Fears In Americans - YOU WILL WIN THE WHITE HOUSE and Have enough Public Support To Tame The Congress !!

ON IT"S FACE - "Pete's Plan for Political & Management Reform" offers such an agenda ..

All the talk, wiki's, surveys wont change HUMAN NATURE - Millionaires Fear The Same Things As The Middle Class & The Poor - Loss Of Positions, Homes, Property & Freedom .. THINK ABOUT THAT & THE POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES OF FORGETTING IT !!

How about getting back to taking the first step I suggested ...

Let DC see our Initial Flight Plan and Offer Their Comments - then proceed accordingly, at worst we'll postpone getting a "wiki" thing ? for a couple of days - AT BEST we'll learn we are on the right course and have the opportunity to make a successful flight ...

What say Y'all

Pete (popo) Evans

I think it is premature to expect a more in-depth poll that people seem to be asking for here. I think this poll at least confirms many of the beginning assumptions for the U08 movement. That is an excellent starting place. It tells me we are on the right track. As far as the more in-depth poll goes, we don't want something that people won't want to complete, right? We also need to grow the movement so that a larger and more representative body is giving their feedback. The poll has served its purpose.


Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.

Phil, in the real world Polls are designed to allow any individual or group to sway people one way or another .. it has very little to do with the reality of today, tomorrow - a week from now - a month from now and certainly a year from now ..

The point I was trying to make to you and my fellow delegates is : The one constant worth relying on is our knowledge of human nature - and what makes a person of a particular Religion or Persuasion Tick, those things don't change and the polls will never change them ..

Fear Is The Most Powerful Motivator & Always Will Be ..

Pete (popo) Evans

2%? From a group of people who claim to be sick of the status quo and wish to be heard? I don't think we can tell anything from 2%. I think this was more of a practice poll. If it went out to 100,000 people's direct e-mails, I would have expected at least 15% to 20% response.

The completion rate was approximately 28%. Around 80,000 invitations and 22,000 completed surveys.

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08

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What are we missing? True, I couldn't really read the small print, but I thought it said 2,500 to 3,000 taking part in each question. Where are the missing numbers?

ex animo


Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08

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While the info states that a small sample was used to get the numbers, It doesn't say (unless it was part of the very small print) why.

Why not include all 22,000+ responses? Isn't that why it was done, to get an accurate sense of the thoughts of the group?

Maybe I'm missing something, please explain for me in an easy to understand way.

Bob McCracken

Their secret partner who actually paid for the survey wanted to use our delegates as statictical ginny pigs to get a sampling of the "average" Anerican voters' issues.

What Bob is trying not to discuss with you any more than he has to is the fact that they screwed up royally with this survey. Their so-called "random" pick was actually taken from one of two segments. We have not yet been able to get Bob to come clean with the actual figures as to just how big each segment was. Until we do, nobody can really put any faith in the results of this survey.

ex animo

What are these two segments you speak of, and how is it that you are privy to tis info?

..in his post:Security


Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.

...just as soon as we can verify the numbers.

That does bring up a good point...what are the verification procedures for this survey? The very nature of online polling leaves itself wide open for manipulation without verification procedures in place, especially when you claim results that are statistically abnormal.

Why are we looking at only a sampling rather than all of the results?

How was the "sample" actually chosen? They say it was "random", but what exactly does that mean? Did somebody throw a dart at the responses? Did Unity08 make the random picks? How was "n" chosen? In some cases it was 2931, in some cases it was different. Sure, perhaps some people didn't answer every question, but still we should have had a full count used to give us the percentage.

Are we going to have a random sample used to tell us what the crucial issues are when we go to convention? Is a random sampling going to be used to tell us who we choose for our presidential and vice-presidential nominees?

I will have no problem extending my apologies when they are warranted, but in politics, trust is the last thing you should rely upon to find the truth -- that and an "expert's" opinion.

ex animo

2% response is above average for this type of Internet poll. 15% to 20% response has never been achieved on the Internet that I am aware of. Do you have specific example?

ex animo


2% would be a good result for a massive unqualafied e-mail campaign. This group is supposed to be people sick of the status quo and interested in making a change. These people had to make the effort to find this organization and sign up. With that amount of time and energy already invested, I think a 15% to 20% reply could be easily expected (and, as it turns out, with 28% I am right).

Can you explain to me what this means:

"A sampling of Unity08 member completed studies (2931) were taken at random from the total completed studies as distributed by Weiss Linescale during August 2025. The study link was sent via email to all members of Unity08.com."

It seems to suggest that Unity08 didn't give us what all 22,000 responding delegates said, but only what a simpling said, roughly 10%.

Can we see what all of them said?

ex animo

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