Homeland Security and the War Against Terrorism

posted by mmand3 on July 16, 2025 - 4:43pm

President Bush has continuously said that we are fighting terrorism in Iraq so that we won't have to fight terrorism at home. It appears that he has no confidence in the Office of Homeland Security to protect the citizens living in the United States. There has always been, and always will be, terrorism. We cannot fight it indefinately throughout the world. We should take the $12 billion per month that we are currently spending on the war in Iraq and use it to secure our homeland. We need better security at our ports and borders, proper enforcement of immigration laws (by this I would also like to shine a light on the problem we have with temporary student visas - when the visa is up - let's make sure the person returns to their country), enforcement of airport security measures ALL THE TIME and not just occassionally, and we need to run background checks on everyone who works in locations that could become prime terrorism targets, i.e., nuclear energy plants, airports, and military installations. It is time for Homeland Security to make our homeland truly secure.

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You are entirely too logical. Iraq is and was all about OIL. Never had anything to do with terrorism. I've said all along that Pakistan was a bigger threat - they were harboring Bin Laden, have nukes and Islamic wackos, but all you hear is saber-rattling at Iran who is years away from nukes. Why? Iran has oil, Pakistan doesn't.
Homeland security is a joke, searching old ladies at airports. This administration doesn't care about the bulk of us, just the wealthy elite. Katrina should have demonstrated that amply. Our borders are open to keep the flow of cheap labor for the campaign donors.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

There's no need to insult mmand3's opinion just because you disagree.

How was what I wrote insulting to MMand3? I happen to agree that we should secure our borders, enforce immigration laws - what I was saying is that currently I give Homeland Security an F - that is not against what mmand3 posted, but rather in agreement.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

and it is all about oil then why arent we just securing all of Iraqs oil and bringing it all here to the states. instead the oil has been given to the Iraqis and they are dividing iy up.
we didnt go there for oil, we went there to kill saddam and his wicked sons and to get ourselves a central location in the middle east so we can fight the terrorist there instead of on our streets.

Iraq is stratically imprtant. It is in the center of everything there. We set up camp there and we can then see them coming at us from all sides.

------PROPS 4 BUDDHA------

It's not about security; it's about power and control - plain and simple.

Delegates of Unity08, you have certainly given me a great deal to think about. As I read your thought provoking comments aloud, someone told me to be careful what I say on this website. It is a sad state of affairs that Americans should have to fear retribution for their freedom of speech (or for that matter, what books they read, what websites they visit, what courses they take - or teach, and the list goes on and on). Our founding fathers fought for our personal freedoms (which includes the freedom to speak out and debate issues that would hopefully lead to positive change and ongoing improvement to our country). Since the Patriot Act, many have been fearful of our government's oversight. Over the past few years, many information technologists and librarians have spoken out against the type of surveillance being practiced by our government on our citizens. I'm thankful that, through Unity08, concerned Americans have a platform from which to call attention to the problems within our country.


do you think someone is watching us right now, maybe its W himself..ooooboy i better not say anything else, i woulkdnt want to be politically incorrect or anything like that, i wouldnt want to piss off someone i might be put on "double secret probation".

It is a perfectly legitimate concern.
There’s no need to resort to sarcasm.

Even if they are listen/watching, they are not going to hunt down the average American because of something they said and/or read. I'm not a huge fan of the Patriot Act, but look at realisticaly, if they started to hunt down law-biding citizens the public would be outraged, we would not stand for it. It would bring about the American Revolution 2.0. How would the government fight us, no American soilder would attack an innocent American citizen. The government would be disbanned by us and then rebuilt.

------PROPS 4 BUDDHA------

If you want an Impeach Bush rant site go to the Kos. I clicked over to talk on Homeland Security not "Get Bush at all costs!" You could at least be nice enough to get your own posting. I left the Democrats in 2025 over this bull.

So, what are our thoughts about Homeland Security?

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

there are plenty of sites that hammer Bush all day, they show foul pictures of the president and say filthy things, such people are scum. a good place to start if you want to be a scum is kos

CaspianX, was your statement directed toward mmand3?
If so, you should know that mmand3 has as much right to be here as you do (without being treated with hostility).

Guys and Gals, this is way beyond the time and place to be blaming everybody but ourselves for our social and economic ills and disasters : WE ARE TO BLAME - we've been so damn busy enjoying the benefits of United States Of America Citizenship ... WE FORGOT TO DO OUR JOB AS CITIZENS - WHO WERE CHARGED WITH THE RESPONSIBILITY TO : Establish The Nation's Agenda, Elect, Hire & Fire The People To Do Our Bidding !!!! WE SCREWED UP - THE BLAME & THE BUCK STOPS WITH US - YOU AND ME !!

UNITY08 Gives us this one real chance to change things : For God and Everybody Else's Sake - Quit Bellyaching and kidding yourself about things YOU CAN'T CHANGE - and help us get down to the business we are here to do : TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY - PUT IN PLACE PEOPLE & DISCIPLINES THAT WILL TURN THINGS AROUND FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and THOSE SEEKING FREEDOM PEACEFULLY - IN THE REST OF THE WORLD !!

UNITY08 Is The Vehicle - I've contributed information That PIN-POINTS The CORE ISSUE and A Legal/Practical Solution, I've presented it on this website several times : unfortunately, only a handful of you seem to be really interested in engaging in intelligent discussions of the facts I've presented and the potential of my plan to achieve our stated objective "To Take Back Our Country" For The American People in 2025 !!

If you are more interested in the past than the future - I as one Delegate of UNITY08 : wish to hell you would find a website that wants to dwell in the past AND let the rest of us do what we came here to DO - MAKE A BETTER & MORE SECURE FUTURE FOR OURSELVES, OUR FAMILIES & PEACE LOVING PEOPLE EVERYWHERE !!!

If you want to join the fight - present information and ideas that you feel can make things better for everybody, leave the blame game to those who have nothing better to offer.

Peter K (popo) Evans

OH ! in the hope it will help click on www.america-21stcentury.com

But is it so wrong that people want to vent their frustrations. True we should not take it out on each other or even Bush, not everything is his fault he is only the Pres. (PR Man for the government).
What we have to remember is that it is the government we created; we let it get out of control. But, we must also remember no one is prefect and we all make mistakes. Mistakes can be fixed, of government can be fixed, and our way of life can be improved.

------PROPS 4 BUDDHA------

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If you outline a rational plan of action here, you assume the readers are rational. If the electorate was rational, Bush would never have gotten into the oval office. There are just not that many who can engage in intelligent discourse. Mostly, all people do is parrot the various sets of group think they have accepted without considering the cognitive dissonance their various positions have.

Take homeland security for instance. We now have FMRI brain scans, Electroencephalograms, and even the high speed video of facial expressions discovered by Dr. Paul Ekman (http://www.paulekman.com) that are dramatically more effective than the old type lie detection equipment. So, why does the government still want to use something as obsolete as torture? And why are those, who are opposed to this so ill informed that they dont know about the new deception detection technologies?

The studies by Janis on Group think provides a clue, that they dont really want to win the debate, they want to milk the support of followers with their rants.

I'm an herbal gynecologist. Not only will I have a look, I'll cop a feel, take a sniff, and see if it tastes OK.

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