Tonkin Gulf II and the Guns of August? Congress Complicit?

posted by HC on July 17, 2025 - 10:39am

by Patrick J. Buchanan
Posted: 07/17/2007

Is the United States provoking war with Iran, to begin while the Congress is conveniently on its August recess?

One recalls that it was in August 1964, after the Republicans nominated Barry Goldwater, that the Tonkin Gulf incident occurred.

Twice it was said, on Aug. 2 and Aug. 4, North Vietnamese patrol boats had attacked the U.S. destroyers Maddox and Turner Joy in international waters. The U.S. Senate responded by voting 88 to two to authorize President Johnson to assist any Southeast Asian nation whose government was threatened by communist aggression.

The bombing of the North began, followed by the arrival of U.S. Marines. America's war was on.

As Congress prepares for its August recess, the probability of U.S. air strikes on Iran rises with each week. A third carrier, the USS Enterprise, and its battle group is joining the Nimitz and Stennis in the largest concentration of U.S. naval power ever off the coast of Iran.

And Tonkin Gulf II may have already occurred.

In Baghdad, on July 1, Gen. Kevin J. Bergner charged that Iranians planned the January raid in Karbala, using commandos in American-style uniforms, that resulted in the death of five U.S. soldiers.

As The New York Times reports, this "marks the first time that the United States has charged that Iranian officials have helped plan operations against American troops in Iraq and have had advance knowledge of specific attacks that have led to the death of American soldiers."

The Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards is using Hezbollah to train Shiites to attack our soldiers and providing them with enhanced IEDs that have killed scores of U.S. troops, Bergner charged. He says we have captured a veteran Hezbollah agent and documents pointing to direct Iranian complicity in the Karbala raid.

Iran has denounced the charge as "ridiculous." But the Senate has voted 97 to zero to censure Iran for complicity in killing the Americans.

If what Bergner alleges is true, President Bush has not only the right but appears to have the blessing of Congress to attack Iran. And he now has the naval and air forces at hand. What is stopping him?

For it is surely not Congress, which buried a resolution last spring declaring that Bush must come to Congress before taking us into a new war in the Middle East. Congress appears to be signaling Bush: "If you want to hit Iran, you have the green light. No need to consult us."

Is this yet another abdication by Congress of its moral and constitutional duty to decide when and whether America goes to war?

And something smells awfully fishy here.

Iran has no interest in a war with the United States, which it seems to be toying with. Iran supports the pro-American Shia regime in Baghdad. And the al-Qaida umbrella group in Iraq, which is our mortal enemy, has just warned Iran it faces terror attacks if it does not stop supporting Shiites in Iraq.

Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, who leads the al-Qaida group known as the Islamic State in Iraq, says his fighters have been preparing for four years for war on Iran:

"We are giving the Persians, and especially the rulers of Iran, a two-month period to end all kinds of support for the Iraqi Shiite government and to stop direct and indirect intervention -- otherwise a severe war is waiting for you," al-Baghdadi said in a 50-minute videotape.

Al-Baghdadi also warned Arab Sunnis in the region who do business with Shiites in Iran that they were inviting assassination.

Query: If Iran's ally, the Maliki government, is our ally, and if Iran's enemy, al-Qaida in Iraq, is our enemy, why would Iran use the Quds Force to attack Americans and risk U.S. retaliation?

Killing Americans in Iraq is not going to defeat the United States. But it could trigger heavy U.S. retaliation, not only on the Quds Force, but on Iran's nuclear facilities -- and a war with the United States. Yet Iran's diplomatic behavior suggests it wishes to avoid such a war.

Another explanation comes to mind. Iran is not initiating, but is responding to U.S.-inspired attacks inside Iran, in the Kurdish north, the Arab southwest and the Baluchi southeast of its country. Was Karbala an attempted kidnapping to exchange U.S. soldiers for the five Iranian "diplomats" we are holding?

Has Bush secretly authorized covert attacks inside Iran? Are U.S. and Israeli agents in Kurdistan behind the attacks across the border to provoke Iran? On July 11, Iranian troops clashed with Kurd rebels inside Iran, and the Iranians fired artillery back into Iraq.

Why is Congress going on vacation? Why are a Democratic-controlled House and Senate not asking these questions in public hearings? Why is Congress letting Bush and Vice President Cheney decide whether we launch a third war in the Middle East?

Or is Congress in on it?

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Enough already with the cut & paste from your conspiracy sites! If you want to share the gist of it, try puting it in short and sweet form in your own words. Attach a link if you want, but stop pasting every conspiracy rant you read here.

arent these conspiacy people something else, eaxh one gets dumber. I have heard so many its becoming comedy.
i had a friend yesterday told me that Bush and the Jews planned the takedown of the towers, i almost laughed in his face.
i asked him he Enstein did you see the planes hit the towers? duh.

if they weren't so damn long winded. I have no problem laughing at something for sounding stupid, I just dont need 10 paragraphs of stupid. They should learn from Rosie O'Donnel, she can make a complete jackass out of her self in just a few sentences.

The governments account of the 911 tragedy is the stupidest conspiracy theory of all. Whithin minutes of the attacks the MSM "knew" who did it, identifying the hijackers even though most of them named were proven to be alive and well days after the attacks. Darn those "terrorists" are tough! They managed to ride those jets into the WTC and Pentagon and survive without a scratch! The flight school (a CIA front) trainers said none of the ones they trained could even fly a twin engine Cessna let alone a commercial airliner. Why was Mohammed Atta frequenting Jack Abramoff's floating casino in the days leading up to 911?
Why were those Israeli's set up and filming the planes as they flew into the WTC and dancing in jubulation as reported by Fox News Carl Cameron? How is it that no steel and concrete structure in the history of the world had ever collapsed due to fire yet three bldgs. did just that on 911? Why is it the gov't won't tell us who made all the puts on the stocks of the very airlines used in the attacks? Why did Condi Rice warn Willie Brown not to fly that day? Where was NORAD? Who ordered the stand down? Why was there nothing but a smoking hole in the ground where flight 93 supposedly went down in Pa? No plane parts, no luggage, no body parts? There are many, many more unanswered questions about the events of 911 and many conspiracy theories are out there that may be absurd but none of them are as absurd as the governments own account!

That is how they form it. A gas tanker crashed on an overpass bridge in St. Petersburgh, Florida a couple of months back. The burning fuel melted and warped the steel structure. Fuel burns hot enough to weaken the steel structure and all of the weight that the steel is supporting does the rest.

It IS that simple! Your government is not conspiring with anyone to kill you! They need you or they have no one to govern and no one to pay taxes!

Google "loose change" watch the video, come back with yout take on it and then tell me what you believe. I know you probably won't do it since it might shatter your view of what really happened on 911.

Which version would you have me watch HC? The first version with the "POD" on flight 175 and flight 93 being shot down by military aircraft? Or is it the second version with the "POD" removed and flight 93 landing safely in Cleveland? Or would you like me to wait until September of this year and watch the third release to see what they decide to change in that one? Please help because I'm begining to see a conspiracy in these conspiracy films.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that the films expert researcher is a graphic designer???

Your right I will not watch it (well, maybe late night if I can't sleep and there is nothing on TV) because it is a load of crap just like everything else you post that tells me my government is out to get us all! You need profesional help pal.

And every time you post, you reveal yourself to be the biggest damn fool on this site.

Autobob is right; get some professional help. I would love to see you try to spread this bullshit in the presence of some 9/11 survivors; they would want to beat the crap out of you, and I would be tempted to hand them the baseball bat.

The fact that you have supported a known Neo-Nazi on this forum is bad enough - but this is even worse behavior, if that is possible.

Jeff C

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