I was unfamiliar with Ron Paul, but watching the Republican "debates" he was the only one who was appealing. Amid all the pandering and dancing around, he stood out as telling the truth - at least in my opinion.
I've been reading up on him, and think he's what this country needs to repair damage that's been done.
I would love a Kucinich/Ron Paul ticket.
I was not familiar with Ron Paul either until the big stink by the Republicans when he spoke out on the truth of the Iraq invasion. He has a reputation of voting his conscience even when it goes against the majority. I don't agree with every last thing that Ron Paul stands for, but I am very agreeable with his reputation of honesty. At this point in the game, I looking seriously at Ron Paul.
I suppose I have to start out by saying that I've always been a registered democrat, but, I've always voted for the person I thought best for the job without any regard to the party of that person. Lately, more often than not, it's been a choice between the "lesser of 2 evils". Needless to say, I'm not happy with the way we (as a country) have been heading.
With that in mind, I'd like to propose what I consider a different type of approach for 2025. While I don't agree with everything the 2 candiates I have in mind have supported in the past, I do have to say that they have a good track record as far as supporting We The People and our Constitution goes.
Those 2 people being (for President) Ron Paul (Republican - Texas) http://www.ronpaul2008.com/ and (for Vice President) Congressman John Conyers Jr (Democrat - Michigan) http://www.house.gov/conyers/
I live in upstate New York but I will be traveling to the "Live Free or Die" state to attend a picnic and straw poll being held for Ron Paul. http://ronpaul.meetup.com/6/calendar/5890818/?a=mu_wkaavzk7vw
I want the opportunity to vote for him. If this is a way to do it, it'd be great.
My ticket, if I had my way right at this moment, would be Ron Paul/ Russ Feingold. I don't much care which would be president and which would be VP.
Ron Paul doesn't have a chance on the Republican ticket. He's too "out there" for the Republican party. If he's going to get on the ballot next year, it's going to have to be as a 3rd party candidate.
I like what he stands for, I mean, who here in the US actually likes paying their taxes? The only thing I'm worried about, and I'm sure it's in the back of everyone else's mind is, if he was elected, could he pull any of it off?
He has won all three debates on every online poll I have seen including those by MSNBC, ABC and most impressively Fox. All the internet polls that I have seen that include all the candidates GOP and Dem he has won also. His campaign is the fastest growing of all candidates. He is imo, the right man with the right message at the right time. He also has something none of the other GOP candidates and all but Gravel and Kucinich on the Dem ticket have and that is INTEGRITY!
Okay, so he's winning the online polls. As he said in a youtube video about his online popularity, "Maybe Freedom is Popular,", but the Republican dogmatists will never allow him to survive in a primary. Besides, much of the online movement is through the youth, who cannot vote. Many "neutral" political writers have even called for him to be kicked or "voted" off of the TV debates to make more time for the more popular candidates. I guess making the debates a Survivor style reality show is their idea of Democracy.
If Ron Paul is to stand a chance, it would be with the combined support of his followers in the Republican and Unity Parties.
"The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph," Thomas Paine
If more republicans knew about him and his honest and true message and honest voting record, they would vote him in as the republican candidate in the primaries. He has already stated he will not run under a 3rd party ticket. In my opimion he is doing this so we as Americans have to work at getting him elected. BY THE PEOPLE is more than just voting in a man for 2025... It is understanding how the system works for you and doing something about it.
Rock On UNITY08!!!!
is a blame america person. he is in the wrong party he should be a dem and have michael moore as his VP. ron paul will never be pres of anything. he blew it!
He is blaming the criminal elect of both parties we now have in office. He has demonstrated a deep affection for this country, and the Constitution that is SUPPOSED to govern it.
I thought unity08 was about rising above this empty rhetoric name calling. People are so quick to call any criticism of america anti-american or that they are a "blame america" person. Well guess what, america is NOT in a good place right now. If anything, that should be one of our "rally cries" for unity in 2025. We can't sugar coat ever discussion about the faults of america and we can't label anyone who engages in such debate a heretic.
We need to start constructively criticizing ourselves and the mindsets that got us into our current mess.
Now, Ron Paul is without a doubt the most conservative member of congress. To call him "a dem" and place him in the same sentence as Michal Moore is just simply ridiculous. As has been said, Ron Paul possesses amazing integrity. And I have to admit, the only one on the democratic side who I see coming close is Dennis Kucinich. Now these two men could not be further apart in their political philosophies, but at this point in the political debate, I am much more concerned with what I see as honesty, integrity, and rationality in a candidate than any specific proposal or platform. I could care less if Ron Paul himself is pro-life and would leave it up to the states to decide on this issue. And guess what... me being pro-choice does not automatically make me subscribe wholesale to the democratic party. We need to get away from these characterizations. And get away from these barriers to communication.
America really needs our help. Will we wake up out of these media influenced shallow characterizations.. and will we be able to make ourselves heard in a political system that has long since gotten away from "for the people, by the people."
I must've missed your post earlier, but reading it now, it's exactly how I feel.
I am independent, but admit I dislike the republicans more lately for tactics of 1) personally attacking anyone who doesn't agree with them, rather than debating issues. 2) implying that only they love this country, and that if you point out we AREN'T # 1 in many areas - like health care - you're unpatriotic. 3) Morphing "war on terror" with Iraq - altho Iraq does have terrorists now, it didn't before we invaded.
The past 6 years have nauseated me, but the democrats have disappointed me terribly. I will be encouraged if the Bush veto of the Child health care program gets overridden, but I don't hold out much hope.
Kucinich and Paul appeal because they articulate a position and don't pander. Both are spot on about Iraq. I like Kucinich's health proposals for care, not insurance, but totally disagree with his immigration stance.
I think both are against NAFTA, which Perot predicted would cause "A giant sucking sound of jobs leaving the US", which it has.
Paul and Kucinich display integrity and intelligence - both of which have been absent for too long!
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ
I'm not sure if the two of them could live in the same 'house' for 4 years, but I believe they would have the intelligence & vision to make a great pair.
Unfortunately I don't think either of them stand much of a chance for getting their parties nomination. I'd vote for this pair regardless of who was the president.
Ron Paul & Joseph Biden in 2025
Im really starting to like Ron Paul. He stays true to the name conservitive becasue he believes that many of these tax money wasting government programs that we have should be eliminated.
They didn't have what it takes to force the reforms they knew damn well were needed - before now : I can't believe they will do any better if they get elected in 2025 ..
We need Candidates Willing To Commit In Writing - That Political Reform will be his or her # 1 Issue - and Means to Solving Our Most Critical Social and Economic Problems !!
I also like Ron Paul as a man and member of Congress, my choice of a Candidate for President - has nothing to do with likes or dislikes : it's all about the ability to Win & Do The Job This Nation and Its People Need Done !!
Peter (popo) Evans
Kucinich/Paul or a Paul/Kucinich are tickets that I could vote for. None of the so called top tier candidates excite me.
Agree with you.
The top tier candidates excite me, but not in a favorable way...
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ
here here!
I dunno... Romney and Guilliani look like they could be a happy couple. Guilliani could put that dress back on he wore for Donald Trump.
He basically said he followed the Constitution and there were a lot of programs he wanted to get rid of. I agree with him on a lot of stuff.
I'm voting for Ron Paul. He has a serious chance of winning, don't listen to the nay sayers. I have heard reports that he's raised 5-6 million during this quarter.. that's going to put him right behind McCain and way ahead of all the 3rd tier guys. He also has a serous chance of winning the Primaries in New Hampshire. If he can win in New Hampshire that momentum could carry over. Ron Paul is the ONLY person worth voting for IMO. Kucinich and Gravel seem to be good guys too, but i don't agree with them economically. Ron Paul's only weakness as pointed out by Jon Stewart: "...he has consistent principled integrity, and Americans don't usually go for that."
he has a serious chance of winning. hehehehe! yea right!
I became familiar with Paul first at the debates, then later on The Daily Show and Colbert Report. He's a very interesting candidate, seems to always vote along constitutional guidelines, and he has a massively growing support for his candidacy.
I'm following his campaign VERY closely, it's quite an exciting one to watch, mostly because his followers are not followers of Ron Paul, but followers of the ideals he espouses and upholds with conviction. Liberty is apparently very popular.
As you rightly point out, Ron Paul stands by his principles. Many of those principles entail dismantling or curtailing government programs and withdrawing from international alliances.
Dennis Kucinich, like Paul, is also a man of principle. His principles entail expanding government programs and further entangling the United States in the UN and other international institutions.
A Paul-Kucinich ticket is like a Bush-Castro ticket. It's ideologically impossible. If those two got together, the earth would collapse on itself.
As you rightly point out, Ron Paul stands by his principles. Many of those principles entail dismantling or curtailing government programs and withdrawing from international alliances.
Dennis Kucinich, like Paul, is also a man of principle. His principles entail expanding government programs and further entangling the United States in the UN and other international institutions.
A Paul-Kucinich ticket is like a Bush-Castro ticket. It's ideologically impossible. If those two got together, the earth would collapse on itself.
That would be a disaster if those two run, Kucinich is just a mess anyways, thank god I'm a Libertarian and I'm voting for ron paul.
Ron Paul also needs to get rid of CAFE, Cause that's not needed.
just an interesting mention at the end.
paul or kucinich will win anything
Great man, great ideals, intelligent, sounds like a perfect change from our current administration. Go Freedom!
Kucinich and Paul would probably never run together. I am so impressed with Ron Paul (an by the way I love Kucinich, who is MY house rep from the Cleveland area, but not for the presidency.) The only thing that I want to see is Ron get more time to speak, to debate to get his platform heard and to have a voice HERE! I also want to find out more about his economic plan for how to transition the country to make it work and not bleed from his proposed cutting of several govt. branches. I want numbers and projections. I also want to know what he would do to ensure that just because govt is smaller and less in control of our liberty that CORPORATE interests (which have been primarily self serving if not even evil in their methodoligies by stepping on the necks of the middle class and poor) do not rue the roost and get more out of hand. Mr Paul PLEASE respond. I want to know more about you as you probably have my vote, you already have my admiration!
The second quarter fundraising stats for both John McCain and Ron Paul are in. Based on how much each candidate raised and spent so far, Ron Paul has about 2.5 million dollars on hand, John McCain has barely 2 million on hand. (http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2007/07/ron-paul-tops-m.html)
John McCain has officially moved down to the second tier, Ron Paul is taking his place in the top tier.
And when you think about it, 70% of the public want our troops to come home. 70% oppose the amnesty bill and want our borders secure. Even if they overlap as little as possible, that's 40% of the country that Ron Paul represents with his stances on those two issues. The other Republicans all want to stay in Iraq, the Democrats all support amnesty for illegal immigrants and oppose border security. And people wonder why Ron Paul is gaining momentum while John McCain is losing it?
everyone has more cash than Mc cain, so what?
They are both really good at knowing what is broken and don't mind saying it. America is at the tipping point and will soon tip over. The reason is that we are a Paris Hilton country. We love beauty and stupidity. Larry King cancelled his interview with Michael Moore to have Paris on after she was released from county jail. I mean how dumb is that. It will be somebody that looks good and talks a line of BS that gets into the office because most people can't smell BS any more because they have been watching it on TV so long that they believe it.
There are warning signs everyone but human nature is not to make the hard decisions today and stick our heads in the sand.
People in this neck of the woods are pretty serious about their politics but I can't find anyone local seriously backing Rudy or Hillary even though the natioal polls show them as the leaders. The Democrats here are unimpressed with their choices and Edwards gets the most favorable responses. I have had several people say they would be motivated to vote if for no other reasons than to assure Hillary doesn't get elected. The local GOP faithfull are not enthusiastic about their choices either with the exception of the Ron Paul backers who are very entusiastic. I have heard a number of Dems say they will vote for Ron Paul. My question is, are any U08 delegates Hillary or Rudy backers and why?
The TRUTH! Hillary is a Facist!
And Guiliani:
A crack head for a campaign chairman!
"The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph," Thomas Paine
Both parties want to win. No argument there.
But neither Hillary or Rudy would win. Rudy is not a good republican and in the end that will hurt him with the mainline Republicans. Hillary is has a negative personal image, even more so in certain large Blue States like my home state, Texas.
As for Unity 08, Guiliani is too quick to pander. And Hillary comes off as being a bit on the slimy side for a centrist party.
Back to Ron Paul, if you are an honest to goodness liberal, he is not a pick for you. Ron Paul is the most conservative major candidate. I am not talking the neocon doublethink that the current administration expresses. I am talking genuine conservative values. Ron Paul wants to end all forms of welfare and public assistance even the programs which work and are vital. (WIC, Medicaid, etc.) Not to mention ALL governmental regulation. I for one would rather have a dysfunctional FDA, USDA, FAA, and ICC then none at all.
dear fellow Texan, I'm afraid we are almost as Red as they come.
Bill"for what we are together"
As president, he can't legislate, he can only lead - he can't abolish FAA, FDA, etc., but smaller government would be better. He has very sound ideas - conservative, yes, but REAL conservative, not like the phonies like Bush with the medicare prescription plan - written by and for drug companies, and homeland security, which is dysfunctional.
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ
...but comes off as a quack. For some reason, he just isn't presidential. Imagine putting him in a debate against Thompson, he would get killed. Not because of his ideas, but he doens't have the "persona" to be president.
Give America a little more credit than that. People are beginning to understand that personna and ideology are what has led us into such a decline over the last two decades. It is time for intelligent and aware citizens such as those who are joining Unity08 to look deeper than afiliation and looks. New and/or different ideas well argued can win a debate against old worn partison talking points.
He consistently votes against bills that give the government more power. He has voted against any bill that would give the government control of the Internet. For decades he has consistently voted against any bill that violates the constitution. He has never voted for a Congressional pay raise, he will not accept his Congressional pension, and he refused to let his kids take out school loans because he thought it was immoral. Why immoral? Because the government has no money and the only way it can give money to people is to take it from others. That is called stealing. We were taught that in 2nd grade. Ron Paul is teaching what it means to be moral.
If all the support for Ron Paul is real, and all those thousands of people in the Meetup groups are not bots, then the message is clear: the people are getting fed up and want their liberties back. The mainstream media loses credibility and readership (and viewership) as over and over they have exhibited shameful acts of blatant bias throughout this campaign. The good news is that the people are not being swayed by the biased reporting and are starting to voice their displeasure.
A fundamental shift is taking place in this country. People are learning how they have been manipulated and used. Thanks to the Internet, real news is leaking out. Thanks to sites like this we can stay truly informed and learn the things the bigwigs want to keep silent. We the People are tired of losing liberties. People are noticing what has been done to them and they don't like it. They are looking for someone to make a real shift in this country. They are looking for someone they can trust. Ron Paul is that person. He has remained consistent in his voting record and the way he lives his own life. How can you tell how a person will behave in the future: look at how they have behaved in the past.
you are right there is a shift taking place in this country but its not towards ron paul its away from politics as usual, and its away from blame america first as ron paul is.
Which of the neocon flunkies do you support in the upcoming election? Why is Ron Paul receiving the lion's share of the donations from all branches of our military? Why is Ron Paul winning every GOP debate hands down, even according to the MSM's own polls? The country is shifting, just not in the direction you want.
Ron Paul is not politics as usual!
The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Join the Ron Paul Revolution and get a free country!
let me explain something to you ron paul propogandites. you would be much more cionvincing if wou just occasionally posted something pro ron paul but you make the mistake of flooding the board with pro ron paul and stupid non-facts. after the 4th or 5th or 6th fake post people begin to realize that you are full of it.
no one believes the military wants ron paul, few people even know who he is.
the only thing he is known for is saying in a debate that the terrorist attack us because we have bombed them, what a dumb ass statement. he was bood loudly for that statement, and Guliani who was at 9/11 set ron paul straight.
ron paul may be the man in your eyes but never in my eeyes, i consider him as a traitor to this country, the people of NY and our brave military.
stop promoting him with your propoganda and recommend someone else someone with the love for america.
Hey Hombre you did not tell me who your pick for President is. As for no one believing the military wants Ron Paul here are the FACTS!
It has been no surprise that the contributions from the US Navy, US Army, US Air Force, and US Veterans tends to favor the Republican Party but what might be a little surprising is that Congressman Ron Paul leads the pack overall with more contributions than even Senator John McCain. Here are the numbers (in dollars) as compiled by eaglescout over at TheSpinFactor.com:
RON PAUL: 23,465 [6,975] [6,765] [4,650] [5,075]
McCain: 15,825 [6925] [6305] [1795] [800]
Romney: 3,551 [2,051] [0] [1500] [0]
Rudy: 2,320 [1,450] [370] [250] [250]
Hunter: 1000 [0] [1000] [0]
Richardson: 800 [50] [750] [0]
Huckabee: 750 [250] [0] [500]
Tancredo: 350 [350] [0] [0]
Brownback: 71 [71] [0] [0]
Thompson: 0 [0] [0] [0]
Units are contributions in dollars by employees of the respective military organizations (all numbers can be found via the FEC Website ).
I would have jumped to the conclusion that our soldiers are ticked off that they have to be fighting an unecessary war against an invisible enemy in 120+ degree weather BUT that would certainly not explain why many veterans would be supporting Ron Paul. This sentiment probably stems from Congressman (and US Air Force veteran) Paul's honesty, as well as his ability to both use and communicate solid reasoning. Soldiers must not like how they are being used for the whims of corrupt politicians and I'm sure would like to get back to the days when they were used in the honorable role of protecting freedom... something Dr. No has consistently done from his seat in Congress and would undoubtedly do from his seat in the Oval Office.
As for Giuilani setting Ron Paul straight you have it backwards. Ron Paul was backed by the 911 commission report that stated a lot of the reason for the 911 attacks was blowback from out interventionist foreign policy. I would also remind you that Ron Paul won that debate hands down just like he has won every other GOP debate.
The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Join the Ron Paul Revolution and expose the real propaganda!
Ron Paul may have an "R" next to his name but in reality he is a Libertarian who knew that he couldn't get elected running on the Libertarian ticket. Don't expect a ticket of Ron Paul and any big government Liberal. That said, can we agree that Mr. Paul is the only person of either party who really believes in the constitution as it was written and meant to be by our founding fathers.
Well then how about Ron Paul and Mike Bloomberg. Both believe in the markets and free enterprise to the hilt and Bloomberg has done with his free market entrepreneurship what Paul has preached. A pefeect match!! Probably won't see HC signing on to that one but who knows. Might be a better match than you think!
DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com
Paul lacks what is needed most in the next term....the ability to persuade the insiders to get to work... and the ability to use the public as the 'big stick' to beat them with if they don't....and make them beleive it. Bloomberg has what it takes. Richardson has what it takes. Powell has what it takes (not available). The others can influence voters but they can not effectively influence thier peers and Paul is nearly the least of these. Hagel, McCain, and Gingrich are hit-or-miss and inconsistent as centerist. The others are a waste of time outside of thier party tickets. IMO of course.
Bill"for what we are together"
Except for what you say about Hagel, I do think you are right on there bill. Hagel is IMHO Presidential centrist timber if he jumps. Paul no way although he is honest and quaint but that is about the extent of it - would have been wonderful in Jefferson's agrarian democracy time though. Washington and the real World would eat him alive. Not what we need right now. I do think Unity can draw some intellectual heft and energy from all these cast-offs though from the 2 party Super-Duper Tuesday next Feb. trick is how??
DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com
i think two candidates that would be good for america and would form a bipartisan ticket are hagel & webb. they might not be the perfect candidates however lets be honest the perfect candidates probably (unfortunately) could not win.
Two hard-nosed practical-minded marines who have seen it all, with great true political courage, and both have fantastic experience in politics/management/business would be a GREAT ticket. Would get my vote in a heartbeat! They could win for sure if the circumstances were right.
DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com