Sam Waterston wonders what's happened to our Congress, well Sam, let's look at the realities ..
Being a member of Congress today - offers a Starting Salary at a Level Equivalent To 99% Of Our Top Private Industry Executives ($160,000.00 per year), you don't have to provide a formal resume to your employers (The American Taxpayers) - You Don't have to sign a contract garaunteeing you will do your job in accordance with any formal requirements - serve two terms and you can collect a full pension, you are not bound by the same laws and restrictions as your employers AND as soon as you've made the right alliances in Congress you can graduate and become a Lobbyist and make the really big bucks ...
MY POINT SAM .. Being a Member Of The United States Congress To Day - Is Not About Serving THe Nation and The American People : It's All About Aquiring & Retaining POWER, PAY, PERKS & PENSIONS ... IS THAT A CYNICAL OUTLOOK - Of Course It Is - It's Also The Reality !!
We can change that you and I - UNITY08 its Delegates, Candidates and The American Voters - In 2025, WILL WE DO WHAT'S NECESSARY TO CHANGE IT - I have no idea right now, I've offered a plan that will work, but without Your Support and that Of Doug Bailey, Gerald Rafshoon & Hamilton Jordan - it will never get off the ground ..
Click on, read enough to get the full picture and email me your opinion ..
Peter K. Evans (popo)
Founding Delegate (I don't know my #)
Throughout our history our politicians have sought power and wealth and a hundred other bad things. Daniel Webster openly represented private interests in the Senate for a fee. Many of our greatest leaders were career politicians. We are not any different now than we ever have been. Big money controlled all politics in the last half of the 19th century.
What we need is civility in politics, Lincoln did not hate Douglas. He even appointed political oppenents to cabnet level jobs. We need to realize that none of us have the answers. And the answers keep changing. Yesterday's reform is today's corruption.
At some point we have to trust the voters.
We have to stop expecting these politicians to be anything other than what they show us they are day in day out, everyday some of them for years. We should form a citizens tribunal and call these
"dead beats" our employees in for a job evaluation. And when we discover how inept these employees truly are we should fire them. When we also discover how crooked they are they should be stripped of any pension that we the people are forced to pay them from our paycheck. If one of our illustrious leaders is in jail no pension. It's time we take back control of our country these self-indulgent, blo-hards have to go-NOW. CIVILITY IN THE WORLD OF POLITICAL CORRUPTION is not the ans. How about we start by demanding our workers start paying for their own health care ins. They can certainly afford it, many are millionaire's. I estimate it cost us taxpayers about 9 million a year of our money to cover the ins. bill for 535 slackers. C'mon how big a sucker are we, it's past the time to get after our employees.
they r really great lets see u deal with nothing like the people who elected u and u can avoid almost any consequences..and u have better benies than u poor illetirats and stupid flyover people..and u work really hard and u understand us and after u graduated from law school u lost all concept of how most of us live but if we were really poor u could help us but if we just get by we could pay more ..probably true i always wwanted to give my hard earened money to a museum that supports widgets...we have become the dumbest country..but wow we wont hurt anyones feelings