posted by Tee Barkdull on February 18, 2025 - 6:59pm

It this America or Mexico..... If someone is forced to do something against there will,
IT IS ILLEGAL! So why are our children and grand children being force to learn spanish.

before we all are forced to learn spanish. Why isn't the illegal mexicans, that come here
to this Country,FORCED to learn this Countries language!!! ENGLISH
Tee WWW.Tee4President.US

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In Las Vegas, my 6year old grand daughter is forced to learn spanish and English at her school. There are other school here that are doing the same. Where are you from Reino?
"Lets take care of "U.S." first"
U.S. = United States

That's where I'm from.

Hi, if you live in Vegas, then you know about the school system, forcing our kids to learn spanish. All I ask, Is this America or are we in Mexico? I guess the majority, DOESN'T rule after all, huh. America is made of many different nationalities, why doesn't the school force our kids to learn all the other languages?? Like german, chinese, japanese,russian. Get me drift? Why spanish? Why is the tail wagging the dog? Why cater to illegal criminals?
"Lets take care of "U.S." first"
U.S. = United States


Near Chicago

NO? No what? Where do you live?
Tee"Lets take care of "U.S." first"
U.S. = United States

When you talk about language in schools try to separate that debate for your pior stated hatred of immigrants who enter without a visa or over stay a visa. And as you know Spanish is not only the language of Mexico but many other countries.

Learning a language is a positive thing for children not negative. You should take up your suggestions of other languages directly with the school board as I agree that Children should be exposed to multiple languages. I know my my high school we had a choice between Spanish, French or German.

But, that IS the language they speak. And it was in High School, you were given the choice, not kindergarden. I was also given the option to learn a different language. It wasn't shoved down my throat. I don't think a child, just learning english, should have to learn any other language at the same time. This is America, our language is English. Let our children learn english first and then give them the option, you and I had in High School, not kindergarden, thats all.
"Lets take care of "U.S." first"
U.S. = United States

Ciscohiker: My wife learned Spanish in High School. When we went to Spain, she couldn't understand any one, nor was she understood. Spanish has many languages in itself. The Spanish that is being forced on our chlidren, is used by the Mexicans.. Just wanted you to know. And yes, I proud to say, I hate "Illegal Immigrants" In my web site, I refer to them as Illegal Criminals, thats what they are. Plan and simple.

"Lets take care of "U.S." first"
U.S. = United States

You gonna answer my question, Tee...or are you just gonna troll here?

Should district attorney's, police and regular citizens (whose father's work in the Courthouse) be granted "absolute immunity" to commit and suborn perjury by the FEDERAL Courts?

The answer is NO! No one is above the LAW! NO ONE MEANS, NO ONE!
If you break the law, you suffer it's penlities. Laws are not writen for just a few, there writen for all people. The worst part about the making a new law, is this. All laws are produced from a criminal act. Yeah, thats right. Laws are made, because someone did something wrong and a law is passed to stop anyone else from doing the same thing. So you all can give thanks to all the people that laws were made around, because of there acts.
Next question
"Lets take care of "U.S." first"
U.S. = United States

Now, will you two children try to get along?

Bye the way, the first word my 16 month old grandchild said was "more" - in sign language he learned at day-care. Much easier to learn than English.

We'll soon see if Assisstant US Attorney Paul Kovacs agrees with you.

Or if he is simply too lazy to respond to complaint and whines to Federal Judge William Caldwell for more time.

Okay, learning Spanish in Vegas would be one thing, it's pretty close to Mexico. I'm from MICHIGAN, and I'm being forced to learn Spanish in my Highschool...Of course my school would never "force" anyone to learn Spanish. They just "require" us to take a "Foriegn Language Class". However, the only language they offer is Spanish... French? NO! German? Nein!, Latin? Non! So de facto, I'm forced to learn Spanish.
"The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph," Thomas Paine

My grandkids are here in Vegas. I think it stinks and should not be tolarated, thats all
"Lets take care of "U.S." first"
U.S. = United States

If you are going to learn a second language, studies have shown it's best to start early.

I doubt the verity of the above claim anyhow.

A few friends are going to picket the Walker School in Henderson Nevada in a few weeks. My grand daughter is in kindergarden there. Just the other day, my daughter said, her daughter(my grand daughter) was not doing well with her english,but she was doing better with her spanish. It is happening! CHILDREN IN KINDERGARDEN, JUST LEARNING ENGLISH AND FORCED TO LEARN SPANISH. This is really going on here in Las Vegas folks. Your town or state is next if it's not stoped. This is SOOO WRONG! If you child is being forced to learn any other language, then you need to put a stop to it.
"Lets take care of "U.S." first"
U.S. = United States

I don't even think you are a real person Tee Burkdull.

Anyone make a rinky-dink website that says they are running for president.

And you still haven't answered the question....

Should district attorney's, police and regular citizens (whose father's work in the Courthouse) be granted "absolute immunity" to commit and suborn perjury by the FEDERAL Courts?

Sometimes you say something smart, then you blow it, by saying something stupid. I am running for President in 2025, what are you doing??
"Lets take care of "U.S." first"
U.S. = United States

It's Barkdull, Tee Barkdull, to you KrisW, it's Mr Barkdull
"Lets take care of "U.S." first"
U.S. = United States

Gee Tee...why do you get your panties in such a wad over mispelling of your name?

I've had to deal with that all my life.

Just answer the question.....

Should district attorney's, police and regular citizens (whose father's work in the Courthouse) be granted "absolute immunity" to commit and suborn perjury by the FEDERAL Courts?

This doesn't sound like the moderate majority to me. I would hope that your grandchildren had learned some English before beginning school. I know my children did. Personally, I'm glad they're learning some Spanish. Their brains are malleable at this age. And as adults, they're going to need to look beyond the borders of our town, state, and nation to achieve success in an economy more globalized than it is now.

I appreciate both sides of this argument, but I believe a single language is unifying and it contributes to strength. When people can't communicate it weakens almost any venture. I know this first hand since I currently have a hispanic business partner who has been unable to master the basics of the English language in seven years. It has been tremendously frustrating and financially debilitating.

I am dismayed and offended by the reluctance of many hispanic immigrants - legal or otherwise - to learn the English language. I feel there is a general laziness and lack of willingness to integrate into the American family on their parts.

I agree that knowing multiple languages can be an asset. What I question is why we, as Americans, don't require our new citizens to learn the accepted language of our country before being forced to learn theirs.

I think the homosexual agaenda in schools is more important than kids being forced to learn Spanish

From the Family Research Council.....

Federal Judge: No Room for Parents in the Classroom

According to a federal judge, public schools--not parents--have the right to control the curriculum to which children are exposed. Joseph and Robin Wirthlin sued Lexington, Massachusetts schools for allowing their son's second-grade teacher to read the homosexual fairy tale, King and King, to the class without prior notice to the Wirthlins. A couple FRC interviewed for Liberty Sunday, Tonia and David Parker, joined the suit when their son brought home a book about families that included two gay adults. Judge Mark Wolf sided with the school, saying, "...Under the Constitution public schools are entitled to teach anything that is reasonably related to the goals of preparing students to become productive citizens in our democracy." Wolf continued by saying that if parents don't agree with the curriculum, they are welcome to send their kids to a private school. "It is increasingly evident that our diversity includes differences in sexual orientation." Clearly, this is not about diversity but a political agenda. Massachusetts law on homosexual marriages was imposed by judicial decree and is far from settled. The government seems bent on overpowering parents and dictating what's in the best interest of children. At the very least, the Parkers, Wirthlins and others deserved to be informed about the content of the curriculum and to have their kids exempted from lessons that violate their moral beliefs. School administrators argued that the books did not focus on human sexuality but family structures. If they truly believe that, Lexington officials must be living in the very fairy tales their schools are promoting. It's no wonder America is failing miserably to keep up with international test scores. Public schools are consumed with teaching not the basics reading and writing but the chic and the radical. Both couples will appeal the case to the U.S. 1st Circuit Court of Appeals, where we can only hope that the inherent authority of parents will fare better.

Don't you vote for the people on your school boards?

I think that it should be required for students to take at least one outside language. As for the language being Spanish, i think that is dependent on the amount of money your school has alloted for foreign languages. It could be that the budget only allows for one language to be taught. I have never seen a study, but from my experience, it appears that Spanish is the most common language other than English. This also makes it somewhat easier (and cheaper) to get Spanish teachers than other languages.

Another problem is that the teachers learned spanish and thats the only language that manages to make it to that school. In my highschool all we have is spanish because we can only afford one language teacher. The only thing they are doing is preparing us to order at the drive through, the language they should be teaching is japanese, chinese, and other asian countries languages because they are going to rule the world with technology. You cant even go to techsuport anymore because you cant understand what the other person is saying.

AKA: Concerned student

I do believe that students should learn foreign languages beginning at a very young age so they can pick it up better. Their parents should get a choice in what language to have them learn. Spanish is very convenient given all of our neighbors to the south. French would be more convenient on the Canadian border. Business-wise, learning Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or German would be beneficial too.

In a globalizing world, being multi-lingual is incredibly important for people wishing to work in business, law, diplomacy, technology, and the military. Given the fact that China is starting its move towards dominating a large part of the market, learning Chinese would be very beneficial for children currently in elementary school.

In high school, allow children to pursue a third or fourth language of their choice, or allow them to study classical languages like Greek and Latin-- more scholarly.

Language is not a political issue. In many countries people know several languages, and that is not a burden. Instead of talking about what we shouldn't teach, lets find out how to educate the young about more things, and improve the ability to do so. If you're afraid of progress, and sound scientific facts being taught, then do us all a favor and home-school your child instead of wasting resources on absurd litigation. Tee... it has been well documented that language is exponentially easier to learn at the earliest stages of development, and every type of education until the age of 16 is not by complete choice. Your postings demonstrate a nationalistic anger, stereotypes, and logical gaps.

I myself am a student i agree that students should not be forced to learn spanish. Though it would help them greatly in their upcoming lives. With all of the mexicans it would help greatly with a job interview. Though it may not be their choice spanish would be the most effective language a child can learn behing english.

The point of learning a secondary language seems to lie in the choice of said language, does it not? One would not learn another language if they had no reason to, or did not wish to, in most scenarios.

For an educational system to FORCE the learning of Spanish, is both unsettling, and an annoyance. Are we not trying to stem the flow of illegal immigrants into our country? Why are we now attempting to make it easier for them by forcing our citizens to know their language?

It's sad. Offer multiple languages, and don't force a single one.

Okay, seriously, where did you get that idea?

No one is being forced. That's like you saying that our kids shouldn't learn mathematics or natural sciences or English. It's all part of graduating requirement. Don't like it? Well, that's awfully neglectful of you-- second languages highly benefit a child in their awareness of the world and understanding of other cultures. Take away language B and America will be full of bigots, rather than almost full of bigots like it is now. Is it "illegal" to "force" someone to obey the law? It is "illegal" to require someone to have a valid driver's license before they drive? You're being unreasonable.

Spanish -ALSO- is NOT the only second language available. There is often at least German and French and in some schools Chinese and Korean. Stand up America, and don't listen to the pointless ramblings of Tee Barkdull.

America DOES NOT have an OFFICIAL national language, which is why this topic is even under dispute. Rather than spouting nonsense, we as citizens should be requesting a national language.

immigration policy should be a reflection of this planet not who lives next door.
illegal immigration is a critical mass that only restricts/overwhelms cultural diversity.
Spang^lish will be the result of illegal immigration.

I believe "forcing" is a "tough" word. A more appropriate one is "required." Las Vegas is in a major area of mexican/central American area, where many people speak the language. 12% are of Mexican descent. But to say that every person from Mexico is illegal is nationalist/racist. I say make learning a foreign language be encourages, but allow other major spoken languages of the US be allowed to be taught, which are Spanish Creole, Chinese, French, Tagalog, German, Vitnamese, Russian, Polish, etc. It is proven that the younger one starts learning languages, the it is...

Konrad's got it down to a T. I went to an inner-city high school. If you think it's an issue that your children are learning the "local language" admit them to any school in NYC. You'll quickly realize that the fact that your local suburban school system offers only 2 second languages will leave your child lingually crippled.


I am also very upset that our schools FORCE children to learn math!! What an outrage!!

I find it very surprising that so many are up in arms about their children being taught another language. In all European countries that I know of the children are taught at least two languages. I think is ridiculous that kids aren’t started on other languages when they are in elementary school, when their mind plastic and can pick up languages and speak with no accent Looking back at my personal education experience, the one thing that I regret is I was not taught any foreign language until high school. Learning other languages opens the door to a whole new realm of communication, providing increased channels for learning, business etc. Thinking that learning Spanish is equivalent to pandering to those who come here illegally is just xenophobia. Spanish is just a practical language for those of us who live in the south western states, and a foreign experience where we can practice our second language is very convenient. I am planning on teaching my kids more than just English. Complaining that they are forced to learn another language is just announcing that you are seeking ignorance. So let’s learn Spanish then try others, maybe even French, but or is that too unpatriotic?

THANK YOU KRGrindley!!!! You put this SO elegantly. I hope that others who seek to stay stuck in the limitations of one language only get a chance to read your perspective. Rock On! I wish that I was taught Espanol when my brain was like a magic's TOUGH now to try and aquire that action. Thank you for the refreshing comments. Peace.

I took Spanish in High School for 3 years and I got decent grades, now I need to retake it in college and I can't remember one damn thing. Had I been introduced to another language earlier in life this would likely not be an issue. Besides how is being "forced" to learn Spanish any different than being "forced" to learn biology or algebra. Last year I had to learn how to find the square root of an imaginary number, I was much more outraged about finding the square root of a number that doesn't exist than learning one of the most widely spoken languages on our planet.

With that said, immigrants here should do all they can to pick up the English language. Though even this will die out within a generation since almost all children of immigrants have a much easier time assimilating into our culture, this is in no small part because they are exposed to it at such a young age.

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