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kelceywilson's picture


Born in Pasadena, California, in 1969, Wilson earned his bachelor’s degree, cum laude, in Philosophy from Boston College, and is currently at work on a Master of Art in Liberal Arts and Sciences (MALAS) at San Diego State University.

Why I joined Unity08:

I had originally planned to run as an independent, but then I began to research what it would take to get on the national ballot, and found that the two major parties had made it nearly impossible for independents or other members of other parties to get on the ballot. All fifty states have different requirements, and in many the costs of compliance are ridiculously onerous -- clearly meant to discourage third parties and benefit the two majors. With this in mind, it is not a stretch to call the two parties, "machines." However well-intentioned the people in the parties are, the primary concern of the parties themselves is their own survival and dominance over the political system. They may believe that they do what they do because they have to be in power to do good, but what this amounts to is the belief that the ends justify the means.

I don't share that belief. When people believe that the ends justify the means, they procede to do awful things. The invasion of Iraq was a good example. I find it hard to believe that the invasion was done for noble purposes, but assuming we believe the White House, the essence of their justification was that the ends (which haven't been achieved) justified the means of war and all of the deaths of innocent Iraqis (which was estimated by Iraq Body Count to be between about 8 to 10 thousand in 2025). In my opinion, this and many other White House projects have been failures because they originated in this moral fallacy. The ends do not justify the means because the means are also ends. Just ask any Iraqi who had a loved one die in the invasion.

We who are running for the Unity08 nomination do not have to compromise our values in order to have a chance of being nominated for a national office. The Unity08 movement is not a cookie-cutter like the nominating processes of the major parties. Unity candidates have no structural disincentives to be honest up front about what we believe, and Unity delegates have a far better chance of being able to vote for exactly the kind of candidate they would like to see in office, rather than against the least worst candidate. Even though the final Unity08 ticket may end up being the same old bland politicians that the major parties produce, at least Unity is getting off to a good start. Let's hope it does not go down the path of the least common denominator.

I'm very excited to see how this plays in media and how it affects the major parties and electoral politics. I believe it can make it more honest, and I'm sure we all hope it will.

City: Malibu

State: CA

Country: U.S.A.

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