Why You Should Sign the Unity08 Clean Money Pledge

It's bad enough that 99.8% of the voters won’t have any say whatsover in choosing the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates who appear on the ballot in November 2025.

That's because unless you live in Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina, you’ll simply have to choose from among those pre-selected by only a handful of voters in those three states.

But even worse –and long before the first primary – there's an ultra-exclusive selection system: The Race for Fat Cat Money.

The Race for Fat Cat Money

Sadly, candidates who can't round up the Fat Cats early on may not even get to Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina. Without big bankrolls the media will simply dismiss them as not a "serious contender."

And once the Fat Cats, the lobbyists and the special interests have their bankrolled candidates securely in place just how much choice on issues or candidates will we the people really have? Not much.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

That's why early in the campaign season Unity08 is mounting a massive campaign to alert America's voters and urge them to act. Act immediately to protect their choices for 2025. Act to tackle head-on the fundamental problem of Fat Cat money in the presidential selection system.

By taking Unity08's Clean Money Pledge and promising to withold our votes from any candiate who takes more than half their money in gifts over $250 we can bring and end to this system and create a more level playing field.

If a new President is going to try to talk the talk of cleaning up the lobbyist culture in Washington, he or she had better have walked the walk in 2025.

So sign the Clean Money Pledge today.

If there’s one thing politicians can do better than counting money, it's counting votes. Just imagine the change we can make when millions of American take The Clean Money Pledge and put the candidates on notice!

Best of all: we don't have to wait for Congress to hold hearings, or the Federal Election Commission to act, or the Supreme Court to decide.

You – TIME magazine’s Person of the Year –can use the power of the Internet right now to help transform politics.

As the TIME Person of the Year story says, "It's about the many wresting power from the few...."

You are the change. So take The Clean Money Pledge right now! Then pass it on to friends and urge them to do the same. Today.

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