roe vs wade - our platform should be to leave the law stand as written in this election cycle

posted by mkarell on March 2, 2025 - 11:37am

It seems to me that if UNITY08 wishes to be a political force,
we need to have a clear platform.
The above topic splits voters into red and blue.

UNITY08 needs to address this critical issue.
I, for one, having joined as a delegate, wish our platform to stress
that our candidates will not change current law in this election cycle.

THUS we can gain numbers from both sides.

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I am tired of this issue. It occupies far too much of our political and social energy. I have specific opinions on the subject, but we have more pressing concerns. I propose we ignore this subject completely.

I totally agree, this should not be a major issue.

I agree with you Guys



------PROPS 4 BUDDHA------

Richard S. Poleet Jr.
The law was never written at the Federal Level. Only at the State. If fact being illegal at the state level. Thus being challenge on Constitutional grounds to the Supreme Court. Where they interpreted it to be covered on various grounds and amendments in The U.S. Constitution. Though some feel our forefathers/forebearers never envisioned that interpretation. Or even comprehended state endorsed abortions. I do believe the Supreme Court over steps it authority under the Constitution. By creating new law, Instead of interpreting the Constitution as written.
That being said! I believe the original decision to be on questionable grounds. But threw further Supreme Court precedence, state enacted laws, Stare Decisis and State Superior Courts decisions it has become part of American jurisprudence and law. Therefore the law of this great land for the most part.
As far as it restrictions. That should be left up to the people of each individual state.
So now no longer a Federal Issue. Either for the Executive or Legislative Federal Branches of government. It should not be an issue Unity 08 concentrates on this election cycle. It pretty much etched in stone. They may whittle away at it a little bit. But that will be all. That is as far as the restriction each state will impose.
Peace!!! Love!!! Long live the Great Federal Republic of these United States and all those who reside within her/ or serve her.

People are forgetting why this law was put in place to begin with. There have always been doctors ready willing and able to perform the service, as far back as history goes, and women wanting it and willing to pay high prices including death for whatever reason they may have. The difference between then and now is cleanliness, safety and medical care. I personally do not want to see women go back to the dark ages of streets and unsterilized equipment and no followup care if needed. I also do not believe that I, or anyone else, have the right to make personal moral decisions for anyone other than myself. Are the women who are putting their newborn babies in garbage cans and drowning them immediately after birth in bathtubs afraid of the so called Pro-lifers? Lets drop this discussion already - its really getting old.

Could not agree more...drop it!

This is too divisive of an issue; I do not believe there will ever be common ground. Both sides will make there own points and disregard the other side, just as it has been since “Roe vs. Wade” became law. If we support it, we may loose voters on the opposing side and visa versa. We have too many issues with the politicians that have to be resolved. Our elected officials need to be reminded of their place, Representatives, not Dictators.
Lets get a sense of how many of our States and Congressional Districts are represented by ‘08 Delegates.
Under your Profile, in your Signature space add your”unity08name”, with State & District:“your08name-NY07


This country is split on many issues. Are we going to drop every one with which a majority isn't in agreement? This is the ostrich's head in the sand or the tail between the legs of the dog. How can you not have something on the platform that is so important to many southern and black democrats? There esists an inherent risk in talking about anything and everything. Some people love the fact that we are trying to protect our citizens via the war on terrorists...others call it a bumpersticker. The fact remains that it is the duty of the president to protect the US citizens. Are we protecting US citizens via abortion?

Yeah, we're split on many issues, but this ain't one of them. The power of the religious activist right is an artifact of a grand scheme that had them, in concert with Hispanic/Latino values voters, economically well-off gay folks and
military persons all voting together for the glory of GWB and Karl Rove.
None of these groups is a majority in and of itself, and none of them has any real vested interest in the broader GOP agenda. Let's call it an exercise in audacity and cynicism that is at this point largely discredited.
If you want to vote your Christian values, I'd say vote the ones that show us the highest aspirations of your faith, and quit trying to push everybody around.
As for a platform, its safe (and popular) to be pro-choice in this country. Just don't start talking about the issue in any terms except the right to privacy or government subsidies. What's so controversial about being for the rule of law and personal privacy?
The cynics win only when they can use inflammatory language. Emotions are a powerful way to get people to vote against their own clear best interests. Funny how nobody gets emotional about their liberty and privacy anymore.

It should not be an issue that is debated as a crucial issue to our countries survival.
I'm not saying we should not talk about it, I just feel that to many people use it (and other issues like gay rights and gun control) to decide who gets there votes. That's just insane; there are many more important issues that we have to face, such as our foreign policy and even finding new energy sources (only 2 examples)


------PROPS 4 BUDDHA------

Regrettably Roe v. Wade IS still an issue; albeit not a priority; given all the other issues besetting Americans today. I'm not, necessarily, in favor of abortion, but I'm less in favor of our government taking away a person's right to choose.

I'm old enough to remember the back room (illegal) abortions & the horror & death that followed. The decision to terminate a pregnancy is personal & gut wrenching & doesn't come easy. It cannot-& should not-be made by others who are not involved.

Sadly, too many of our liberties are being taken away. We are allowing our government to run our lives. Yes, allowing is the correct word. Our Constitution clearly states that ours is a government of the people, by the people & for the people. If we do not speak out we get the government we deserve. Enter; Unity08. Let's hope that this organization can bring us back to earth (as it were) & lead us in the right direction. But that's up to us, isn't it? I remain cautiously optimistic.

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