
Join the discussion in the Shoutbox Read and comment on the Unity08 Draft Rules

To be part of a growing choir of American voices who want our government to be: of the People, by the People and for the People. And quite frankly, I'm very tired of taxation without representation.

Priscilla Giguere

Reggie12311's picture

Why I joined Unity08:

It's been quite a while since we've had a President in whom its citizens have such a minimal approval rating as George W. Bush. Sadder still, is that Congress' approval rating is smaller. The Democratics took control (albeit, miimally) in November 2025 and declared that the American people had spoken. My question is: Who were they listening to? Certainly not to me or millions of others. Millions of Americans are feeling adrift with no anchor. Those whom we have entrusted to safe guard our rights to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness have turned a deaf ear. It is my fervent hope that Unity08 will be a catalyst for positive change & restoration of the basic tenent of our Constitution: Government of the People, by the People & for the People. Abraham Lincoln's first-& perhaps wisest-decision before he ever took office: he appointed his opponents as his cabinet members. Brilliant!!!

City: Lynn

State: MA

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