Are we able to absorb the hoards?

posted by on February 14, 2025 - 2:28pm

We are currently under attack from the population of Mexico's powerful drug cartels. The Bush administration has rolled over to the government of Mexico. The prosecution and incarceration of border agents Ramos and Compean is one of the most heinous tragedies to be perpetrated by this administration.

The latest information available declares that approximately 85% of the illegal drugs that come into the U.S. are routed through the Mexican-American border. The gangs that are devastating the Los Angeles community are almost exclusively Mexican illegal aliens.

The western states are suffocating under the drain on medical resources that are being utilized by illegal aliens. One cannot make a telephone call without being told to push 1 for English or 2 for Spanish.

Ever since I learned about immigration as an issue (around the age of 12), I was taught that immigrants were put through a process by which it was determined whether or not they were or were not an acceptable asset to the country. Somehow the civics lesson that I learned in elementary school seems to have morphed into some sort of free-free-all-in-free.

I am not anti-immigration. I am against "illegal" immigration. If we as a country/government don't gain control of our borders, we are going to fall as a nation just as the Romans fell to the influx of Goths, Visigoths and Huns. They depended on mercenaries to defend their borders, who were eventually bought off by the invaders. We, on the other hand, depend on law enforcement agents. Then, when they perform their job, the government decides to throw them in prison.

There is something terribly wrong with the direction that this administration has taken our country, and until and unless we do something about it, the future of this nation is in dire peril. And I do not have the time to go into the tragic and criminal war in Iraq....

Comments are welcome, and I will respond with statistics to anyone who would have issue with my stand on the subject of illegal immigration.

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In 1986 Amnesty was given to about 3 million, a promise to control the borders, and passed a law that made it illegal for employers to hire "illegal aliens." This is a federal law everybody has ignored, no arrests or fines, no border closure, and people continued to come into the country for 21 years now. Why should we believe anyone is going to follow thorough with this crappy bill, that no one is happy with?
What makes you think the politicians are even reading it, they didn't read the crap George W. handed them allowing him to get us into the war, some still haven't read the patriot act.
I think every politician should have to take a test on the U.S. constitution before they can be sworn in. It says our government will protect us from invasion. If 20 million maurauders coming here; making demands, using up the resources of every state's welfare, food stamp, SSI, housing, help with utilities and everything else that is available to American indigents, isn't an invasion - I sure want to know what is.
Our schools are so overcrowded, teachers can't spend the time to teach the kids whose parents are paying for an education, or the illegals. We have had to double and triple our police forces to keep up with the drug dealers, gangs, and undesirables.
Soon there won't be a middle class, we will be like other third world countries. Very rich or very poor. There sure won't be enough food to go around, and you'll have to keep a gun in your house to keep from being robbed, if you have anything left for them to take.
It may take a few years, but this is the answer to your question...

When the subject of immigration comes up I am always reminded of the following:

Vice President Lyndon Johnson received the following message from a
Native American Indian chief on a reservation:

"Be careful with your immigration laws. We were careless with ours."

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