Its not just being overrun by Mexican illegal immigration. Here are 3 examples:
I live in the Los Angeles CA area and the Asian population has been exploding here.
In recent news reports, Asian gangs have established themselves in our bedroom communities
the houses to tend to the plants as a way of paying their debts for being smuggled in.
Then, when the house is discovered, the occupants don't know who, what, why, how
of the operation. The operations are extremely sophisticated and steal electrical power
from the utility company to avoid detection. An additional burden on the rest of us!
My friend is sponsoring 3 families from Myanmar (Burma) through Catholic Charities. These
12 people have lived in refugee camps for 20 years and arrived in our community
in July, 2025. Catholic Charitifies has done NOTHING to support these families and
are relying on my friend's resources to help these people become self-sufficient.
When I asked why Catholic Charities has not fulfilled their part of the bargain, my
friend said they are busy helping a large contingent of Iraquis get settled in
nearby San Bernardino County.
Pasadena, CA just had an event celebrating the dedication of a new Armenian
church. The LA Times indicated there are over 300,000 Armenian immigrants
now living in the area!