Unity 08 Nominee Gives Primer on Transnational Terrorism

posted by gharrington on October 2, 2025 - 2:23pm

Under the idea that without security, all other issues pale in comparison, here is a topic.

Unity 08 should advocate that the Unity 08 nominee prepare and deliver an FDR style "Fireside Chat(s)" primer called Global Jihad for the Average Joe. The primer should be based on the authoritative and credible information in 2 recent books: Future Jihad and War of Ideas - both by Walid Phares.

The nominee would educate the electorate on the history, ideology, ideologues, events, strategies and tools of the modern Islamist transnational terrorist. At the very least the nominee would explain what the Arab jihad terms takfir, tahrir, tawheed and khilafa mean to pluralism, democracy, rule of law, civil rights and particulary for women.

The 9/11 Commission reported that 9/11 was a failure of imagination. No it wasn't. It was a failure of education and academia, and those useful fools who mollify, obfuscate, euphemize and blur the threat. Like Hitler's Mein Kampf, the script for Salafism, Wahabbism, Deobandism, and Khumeinism was written out long ago. We remain uninformed and inept at our peril.

I have prepared 9 Power Point slides summarizing this topic that I will email to any staffer or Unity 08 delegate interested in the essential elements of information about this global threat to freedom.

We need unity of purpose and understanding to protect ourselves. A national conversation by the Unity 08 candidate on this topic would help the electorate focus on first things first.

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