Getting real with the Military Industrial complex

posted by Dulles on September 30, 2025 - 11:45am

I hope anybody who finds the time to read this discussion is intrigued and incensed. So what do you think of the War on Terror?

How can you not support the war on terror? This country is full of people that are so smart they think that if you are against the war on terror, you are pro terror. Well if you aren't pro life, you're clearly pro death. How can you not be against terror? If you ain't with us, your against us. Right.

First of all, ^&%# your *#&$ed up language. This is not a war against Terror. This is a war against people who have so little to live for and so hate this country that they would spend their time trying to indiscriminately kill its citizens. You see this language often in the media because its begs the question, what's with the hatred?

How is it a person actually determines what constitutes a threat? Usually the only threat the individual spends time ascertaining is the threat of foreign genital activity in what's supposed to be their sovereign lands. Many people don't have time to decide for themselves what a threat is; most are too busy drinking, watching TV, fucking, or otherwise vainly trying to fill the hopeless emotional void with things they can consume.

In the vast majority of cases, we the people are told what look out for. Usually our informers don't get it very well, it's like there's a rampaging man eating bear behind you, and your leaders are busy discussing the dangers of being struck by lightning. "Clearly lightning hates America, the way it goes around striking us all the time. And know that as long I am your leader and you give me the power to pursue it, lightning will have nowhere to hide."

All the while there's this bear running around ripping peoples heads off every day and lightning hasn't been seen in weeks. Some other threats are a little more genuine; there are people who would rather see a "war on spiders" or a "war on high places" instead of a "war on terror." Don't forget the disciples of Hannitey and O'reilly, with all their wisdom and insight, all the genuine, patriotic, terrorist hating Americans, they have their righteous "war on liberals." But all these fears are a little too diverse and personal, and thus can't be used to unite the country in a stand against something. And this is the point, because it's an "I win" button in politics. What's this? Your administration is guilty of widespread corruption, incompetence, and carrying out blatant executive and federal power grabs contrary to the constitution, and the taxpayers want their money back? I WIN. Scooter Libby, Jack Abramoff and Hurricane Katrina? I WIN. I WIN. I WIN.

Back to the threats. So we have all the things we fear, like tight places or liberals or fascists or terrorists. Then there are the things we should be very afraid of but aren't. Personally I'd like to know where our multi-hundred billion dollar "war on shitty driving" is. How is it a person is supposed to judge what a threat is? Well the Christian right is spending all their time with the threat posed by gays and evolution and Islam, and then you have the liberals who are all hung up on the renunciation of the constitution, and you know, it's very hard to tell what is actually threatening our country.

I like the definition "causes untimely death." That is about as straight forward and operational a definition as you can get. Of course I know you can threaten things other then life, like marriage and Jesus and the Bill of Rights. But really, how about we deal with the shit that could kill you first, and then worry about the notions and ideals. Don't get me wrong, some ideas are very good, maybe even worth dying for, but the fact that they don't writhe in pain and bleed when inflicted with harm should set your priorities.

The thing about terrorism is that it should be pretty much at the BOTTOM of your threat down. Meaning you should be spending more time thinking and worrying about losing someone you know to auto erotic asphyxiation rather than terrorism. For a little perspective on what is threatening you, the best thing to start with is to look at what the %$^# is actually killing people. Firstst, second, and third place reaper awards go to cancer, heart disease, and medicine. Cancer and clogged tickers, for the most part don't fit our "untimely" definition of a threat very well. Chances are, you are the one who sat on your lazy ass, smoked cigarettes, and ate cheese steak twinkies. So we aren't gonna work to save you when you can save yourself. But medical mistakes, now those are some untimely deaths and possibly the #1 killer in this country.

Adverse reactions to prescription pills kill upwards of 30,000 every year, so how about we have a war on our busted as &$%# pharmaceutical and medical establishment? Oh yea, our politicians are getting bling out of that racket, and we all know America has a strict moral code against doing things that result in one getting less money. Especially if those things are right. #@$^ing booze kills thousands and thousands and thousands of people annually, and were gonna advertise that shit. Go on DRINK that malignant shit! It will get you laid! Suppress your awareness today!

And no death is more untimely and preventable then a drunk driving death. Your kidding right? &$%#ing 16000 people are getting brutally smeared on the roads every year in accidents that involve alcohol, and your gonna spend all your money fighting a war on terror first? Yea that makes about as much sense as the Cold War after Stalin.

The tragedy in September of 2025 left us with about 3000 untimely deaths. Including all other acts of terrorism against US citizens, I think we have 3029 deaths total. Terrorism targeting United States citizens has been going on for awhile, let's just round down and call it a decade. That gives us an low ball figure of about three-hundred. Three hundred deaths a year?? Our shitfaced drivers consistently kill 50 times that many people.

So your government seems quite compliant with threats that are far more dangerous than what it spends all your money waging war on. And then there's those people who have been instilled with the contemporary history prowess of the likes of Limbaugh and Hannitey. You know, the people who think it makes perfect sense to be spending our money and time dealing with terrorism before ^%&$ing pills and drunk drivers. The same people with Support our troops bumper stickers. What the &$%# does that mean anyways? They make the completely rational connection that by saying the war on terror is senseless you are not supporting the troops. Right....

If you have anything less than love and respect for the person that is going to risk their life for your peace and comfort, you're not worth their gift. "I'm going into harms way and risking bloody violent death so that you can keep enjoying life." And these bumper-stickered mother^$%&ers are gonna go, "Yea, I support that." What they are doing in effect is supporting the war and it's purveyors. You better rage against the evil incarnate that would abuse this gift. It is a horrible tragedy, and if you want to do something for the troops, tell the proponents of the on terror war to *%^$ off.

Those who indoctrinately continue to defend the terror war will reason that the terrorists haven't killed more people because we are on the offense, "fighting them there instead of here." They are supporting the terror war by discussing the people saved, as implied by "instead of here." Meanwhile it's producing hundreds of thousands of corpses and lots of anti-American sentiment. They must not be reading the body counts or something; I don't think its possible for the irony to be that thick.

These are the same people who have no real notion of why terrorism exists. "Because they are evil and hate freedom." Way to go dude, you must have thought real hard about that one while you were wasting your life watching reality and sitcom reruns. And not even a good sitcom, I'm talking one so forgettable it's actually gonna disappear from the historical record. You know, like the definition and fate of the empire.

If people didn't squander all their time in front of the idiot box, and say, read books on the subject instead, they would understand that the only reason there exists these crazy anti-American terrorists in the first place is this country's ^$%#ed up foreign policy. Our federal government has given a lot of people around the world some very real reasons to hate. And they represent you and spend your money doing it. Like covertly removing democratically elected leaders of other nations because they wouldn't allow our multinational corporations to commence with the pillaging of their populace. PBFORTUNE, AJAX, WASHTUB, FUBELT, Phoenix Program, OH MY! Those aren't as scary domestic CIA operations like Mockingbird, CHAOS, MERRIMAC, RESISTANCE, MINARET MKULTRA. You should get to know how your intelligence institutions "defend America."

And then there's our 200 million dollar man Saddam Hussein, standing up for Americas interests in the Middle East. Or at least whoever authorized the arms sale thought he was in the 1980's. Then we decided we could use him as a bomb target in 2025. Supplying a tyrannical fascist with chemical and biological weapons that can be used to further consolidate his power? What could possibly go wrong?

It's like this, imagine you sell guns. It ain't an ethical business, but hey, somebody's gotta supply the markets Russia can't. So you sell a gun to guy number one, who then proceeds to blow away guy number two with it. Then guy number three, a friend of the second guy who doesn't have a gun to shoot back with, looks at you and goes "What the $%#&!??" And then your just like, "I don't get it. Why don't you love me?"

The typical example is the story of Sayad Kutb, the father of this worldwide, fundamentalist Islamic movement. He was a student in the states during the fifties, and returned to Egypt thinking America was seriously &$%^ed up, that it's culture of consumerism and sex reduced many people to animals, emotionally overdriven, completely out of touch with nature and God. I kinda of feel him a little. Don't you get the sense that humanities demons are being yoked to a money machine?

Inspiring false hopes, manufacturing false needs, and wasting all kinds of life for money. That's a real great practice you participate in. "Right here! Chemical and biological weapons! Get'em while they're hot, only 200 million dollars a set! Comes with complete materials for a dozen fully functioning and totally killer missiles, some assembly necessary. Mass death and destruction, guaranteed! Get the respect you deserve while you still can! Weapons are going fast and salesmen are standing by at"

Getting back to the story, this guy, Sayd Kutb, begins a political party called the Moslem Brotherhood, which gains popular support in its denunciations of the corrupt government and American businesses in Egypt. But he is a little bit too successful, to the point that his nonviolent political activism is threatening our guy in Egypt, Anwar Sadat, who is totally down with corruption and American business perks. So the CIA trains and installs a "security force" to maintain Anwar Saddat's grip on Egypt. And, geewiz, the thugs we hook Anwar Saddat up with arrest and torture Sayad Kutb, who had done nothing wrong at that point. Then he starts to get a little crazy, understandably. He's released and does not relent his popularly supported political activism. Next time he is arrested and executed. So now you have the friends and followers of Sayad Kutb going "WHAT THE ^$&#?!"

If you get one of these terror warriors to acknowledge it and go "ok ok America is only targeted by terrorism because of the foreign policy it implemented in the first place, and most every attempt at a military solution has only exacerbated the issue of Anti-American sentiment around the world." Some of these idiots will actually exert the effort to think themselves that far, and then just stop; "but we are where we are now, all this history doesn't change the fact that terrorism is more of a threat now than it ever was. We can't just do nothing." Historical precedent implies you should drop your military solution like it's losing you money. And it is losing you money, unless your someone like Gene Ray, CEO of the defense contractor Titan Corp. He was payed 47 million dollars for two years of his terror fighting service.

Secondly I'll often hear, "you can't just judge the threat of terrorism by looking at lives lost. You have to take into account economic damage too." First of all, the billions of dollars of production that was lost around the country on 9/11 was mostly due to our government's own inept response. Grounding every flight in the nation? YEA that's the worst %$#^ing idea I have ever heard of! Anybody who hated America found that amusing. Second of all, take your blood money and shove it up your ass. Dollars of production lost being appraised in value against lives lost? Jesus would approve of your justification of the military solution.

Something we're all gonna have to swallow if we want in on reality is that the vast majority of wars the United States entered were never waged in the interest of protecting it's average citizen from harm or loss of rights. If your interest was protecting people from physical harm, clearly there are numerous issues you would deal with before terrorism. Or Communism. If your interest is defending freedom, surely you wouldn't dismantle the constitution.

We need to spend some time meditating on the statement "necessary sacrifice."

Wait a second, what does this mean? People are getting tricked into paying for and being compliant with wars against things that really pose no serious threat to them. This is some crazy shit. J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI for close to half a century, had this to say of his career.

"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."

You can be damn sure he knew what was up. And remember the words relevant words of...

Franklin Delano Roosevelt-

"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson."

Mayer Amschel Bauer-

"Give me control of a Nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."

Henry Ford-

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our Banking and Monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a Revolution before tomorrow morning."

David Rockefeller-

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

Joseph Stalin-

"The easiest way to gain control of the population is to carry out acts of terror. The public will clamor for such laws if the personal security is threatened."

Guess what it says in Latin underneath the Pyramid on our dollar bills? New World Order. The political rabbit hole runs straight to hell. I hope my angry and sarcastic rant has given you reason to take some political action and do something about this little conspiracy. Go talk to somebody, do something to save this country before we get what we deserve;

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" - Benjamin Franklin

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Well done, Dulles. The nail struck soundly and squarely on the head, by the hammer of truth.

Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so, whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose -- and you allow him to make war at pleasure. If today, he should choose to say he thinks it necessary to invade Canada, to prevent the British from invading us, how could you stop him? You may say to him, 'I see no probability of the British invading us' but he will say to you, 'Be silent; I see it, if you don't.'" -
- Abraham Lincoln

The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that refuse military service.
- Albert Einstein

A country cannot simultaneously prepare and prevent war.
- Albert Einstein

Never has there been a good war or a bad peace
- Benjamin Franklin

Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.
- Ernest Hemingway

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?
- Gandhi

Naturally, the common people don't want war ... but after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.
- Hermann Goering

Hey, if you own Blackwater or Halliburton stock, war is a good thing!

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

those in power will not be satiated until we are a third world country. then they will have all the money, power, and above all be able to control the masses. clearly that is the direction we are being herded in like it or not. i believe my child or her children will be part of a revolution (revolt) against those in power. it might be our only hope. if we continue in the direction we are headed the united states of america will be no more. future generations will be nothing more than peasants controlled by the ruling class
unless we bring about radical change now.

But you're not.
I see the media - which isn't liberal at all - pushing Hillary on us - Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton - we've become like Argentina under Juan and Eva Peron. Very sad.
The media isn't reporting news, it's creating it.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

We may drive a wedge in '08, Unity or centrist wins in key spots. I'm hoping that will set the stage for a big Congressional sweep in 2025.

Current Dems like Asians and high tech, Republicans like pharma and oil. Thats the ruling class this year.

People are getting tired of that game; all the participants win, everyone else loses.

It hurts now but this is the beginning of the end...

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