Illinois illegal immigration problem

posted by dans63 on September 29, 2025 - 7:28am

Anyone in Illinois interested in addressing the illegal immigration problem in our state and would like to kick some democrat and republican butt at the same time, get in contact with me at There has to be a better way than what the two parties have done so far.

Dan K

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I support open borders. These people are hard working, family-oriented and a plus for our economy. Let's make them legal, have them pay Social Security taxes and into Medicare - something that would go a long way toward fixing those problems too. We cannot afford to have a shadow economy where employers can pay lower wages and take advantage of workers who are afraid to complain. Police activity should be focused on those conducting illegal activity, i.e. terrorism and drug smuggling. We are wasting national resource and manpower by focusing on people who want to work and become useful citizens. It's insane.

I have to vehemently disagree with your assessment of the situation. We have to learn from the mistakes of the past or repeat them. The amnesty that was granted in 1986 was put into law to stop the illegal immigration back then. The laws were not enforced so we have 10-20 million more illegals. Granting amnesty to this new group of illegals will only provide an incentive for more to follow. And the corporations will have another round of low wage workers to prey upon.

You mention the police focusing on illegal activity, terrorism and drug smuggling. How would open borders prevent the smuggling of illegal drugs? A vast majority of drugs come across the Mexican border with a patrolled border. How many more tons of illegal drugs with which we would we be deluged if the border was open? What about identity theft by the illegals using false SS numbers? I am sure we can find many fine examples of hard working, family-oriented people who have committed crimes. Should they go free because they are hard working and family-oriented?

How many people can we bring here without borders? 200 million more? 1 billion more? If you haven't been affected yet by higher property taxes for educating illegals, or haven't seen your insurance premiums increased because of the illegals, or haven't seen local hospitals closed because of nonpayment by illegals, you soon will. And, no one ever mentions those who have been following our laws and waiting for their turn to come here LEGALLY. Who will stand up for them?

Anyone here illegally does not provide one cent to our economy. Someone here legally had that job before the illegal took it. It might have been a teenager saving money for college, a legal immigrant who was providing money for their family, or maybe a former union worker who is now unemployed because an illegal was willing to work for a lower salary. They were paying taxes and were not a "shadow" economy so they were providing more to our economy then the illegals.

The wages for legal workers have either stagnated or dropped in the jobs where illegals have become concentrated. I could go on and on regarding the effects of illegals on our country. The open borders you propose would only compound the problems we already face.

It's thinking like yours that will drive this county into the abyss. We must seal off our borders to ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. I don't care how bad it is in another country, that doesn't give them the right to break our laws and insult us if they do make it here by not learning our language but making us learn theirs. My America forgive you for betraying her.

The subject of Immigration must be viewed with compassion but also with common sense ...

Let's look at the situation dispassionately !!

America like every other Country - Is Constantly In Need Of People With All Kind Of Special Skills & Experience - If They are not available from our own Educational Facilities we have to attract them from other Countries - placing a burden on that country ..

People "don't want to leave family and friends - I know - I are One" - they leave to seek a better way life and in doing so their new country benefits from their talents and ambitions - their children give their host country a new group of young people thirsting for education to improve their lot in life, everybody wins ..

Stopping the FLOW OF ILLEGALS FROM CENTRAL, SOUTH AMERICA & MEXICO - IS SIMPLE (That's Right - It's Simple) .. stop and think about this for a few minutes : YOU TAKE JOBS WE DON'T WANT OR NEED TO THE PEOPLE .. American Corporations relying on these workers can reduce their social and economic problems and increase their profits by Establishing Joint Ventures with Partners Down South - Growers Of Crops Can Put Their Lands to other uses for different sources of revenue, provide their Southern Partners with know how, equipment and financing - they have the customers for the products ..

America's place in the future IS THE WORLD'S SOURCE FOR EARTH & SPACE TECHNOLOGY - we can retrain our people for Higher Paying Jobs in these high tech fields : America becomes a friend and partner of all developing Nations ..

The 15/20 Million already here - working hard raising families : give the Parents A RED/WHITE & BLUE CARD - (sort of a permanent Green Card) to stay as contributors of good things to our society and care givers to their American born children - no amnesty - no citizenship if that's the punishment the Voters Demand as fair. Relatives in their homeland must apply and wait in line with others ..

Those illegals convicted of felonies, serve their time - them immediate deportation - never to return.

We are living in exciting times - WE EITHER RISE TO THE OCCASION AND PROSPER - or slip back into obscurity as just another Great Society that couldn't cut it when the going got tough, EVERYBODY LOSES, Americans and People of Goodwill - Everywhere.



Courts are based on the principle of innocent until proven guilty. We bend over backwards to make sure that the rights of the accused are not violated. Criminals go free so that we don't falsely punish innocent people. That is the rule of law. Are we to now ignore Americans that have willfully and knowingly broken the law? Honest citizens and businesses have been hurt by the cheating and law breaking that has gone on. The law breaking businesses have profited handsomely. Is it any wonder that people are inclined to break the law to get ahead? Be careful about what you ask for, you just might get it.

We have no right to complain about corruption. Our culture is based on inviting it into our midst.


Been to the Unity08 Delegate wiki lately? Join today!
Lets uncorrupt our government!

I respect you and your attitude about most things - here I hope to get you to look at things in a whole new light ..

I do not condone what the Good Hardworking Illegals did - I do understand why and the "net affect on America as a Nation and as a Society" - the why you can't possibly understand because you've never lived in their shoes, you've never been forced to make a decision - to stay where you are with little food and no hope for the future OR Leave all you hold dear and risk your life - to try to find hope elsewhere ..

Too few people realize - there's a Flip Side To This Coin For America : We acquire new group people. who contribute both directly and indirectly to our economy, even more importantly - they contribute an influx of new young Americans that can become valued citizens as they strive to improve their family's lot in life .. and in this day and age - as a realist, unlike Britain and France we are being invaded by mostly Christians ..

Phil if the Rule Of Law is that important to you (which I assume it really is) - YOU & I AND OUR PEERS future IN THIS SOCIETY NEED TO LOOK CLOSER TO HOME FOR THE REAL & WORST VIOLATIONS OF THE RULE OF LAW ..

Look to The Grievous Violations Of The Rule Of Law By Our Federal Government - The Congressional Legislature with the Complicity of THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT .. and let me Cite You A Class's Example of This Treachery : The Handling Of Eminent Domain - A Citizens Rights With Regard To His Home Or His Business & Property .. THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT - The Peoples Court Of Last Resort REFUSED TO ACCEPT JURISDICTION FOR THIS MOST SACRED RIGHT OF THE INDIVIDUAL - they threw it back to The Officials of States, Cities, Town and Villages - where many were in cahoots with unscrupulous Developers ..

The Expression A Nation Of Laws and The Rule Of Law - has a whole new meaning today, and it has nothing to do with JUSTICE FOR ALL ..

Phil my friend, right now - here in America, Thousands of People are losing their homes BECAUSE OUR GOVERNMENT ALLOWED MORTGAGE COMPANIES TO ENGAGE IN QUESTIONABLE LENDING PRACTICES - they have even appointed themselves as THE COLLECTION AGENT & ENFORCER FOR THOSE LENDING AGENCIES WHO GOT THEMSELVES IN TROUBLE .. Phil, you don't have to take my word for it - IT'S IN THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ..


Finally, Phil, trust me - the decision to leave everything you hold dear to seek a better future in a strange land, requires the type of courage and determination we need more of in America today.

My word - for what its worth ..


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