Whips, horses, sheep and the Constitution

posted by patricia13 on September 27, 2025 - 8:06am

Since when have such a great people become SO lazy? We have just about turned into
a sort of modern-day-slave to the a new political/corporate/economic class! Slaves
lived in huts (right?), one on top of the other. Do you think air-conditioning

and T.V. make us different? Think again! It just makes us entertained, comfortable
slaves that will WORK HARDER to buy what our slave masters sell!!! You know I am right.
Who works 8 hours anymore? Slavery and oppression come in ALL forms, not just whips and
chains (At least this way was more kinky) and horses being ridden by smelly men. Our poor
founding fathers! I hope they never come to life and bear witness to the pansification of
our nation.

Only an idiots would say we have "Freedom". We have laws that pop up in the night like
mushrooms we can't even experiment with. The entire world is taking a drag on their
plant-leaf of CHOICE (in their non-democratic nation, I might add) and laughing their
ass off AT US, our GREAT PEOPLE, before going to drink (after their 2-hour seista) and
eating off those mad munchies before going back to work, study, ride their bike, paint
a picture, visit a friend, you know...LIVE!! I WANT THAT GOVERNMENT! It sounds positively
atrocious to live under such a regime.

Cheer up! This is not a death knell. Revolt in your own world. Make your quiet statements
(everyday) that yes, we are sheep (embrace your wool my friends), but damn it! We have
the heart of an elephant. Or whatever animal you like. Even sheep. But be your OWN sheep.

Today, I plan to express my freedom from this slavery by thinking about ways to join U08
in spreading this truth. I have already submitted 5 or so emails. I will include my child
in my effort. Pretty pathetic, right? Well, "Even a journey of a thousand miles begin with
one step" so kiss my ass. (I say that with affection. :) In the end, remember, this is all
an adventure anyway. I'm just kind of tired of being controlled so much. Aren't you?
Kind Regards, P13

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In the "shout box", my libertarian point of view has been largely rejected, nearing the point of persecution in some cases.

Of course it has been rejected! It's far more easier to
blame problems on everything but where it should be - ourselves!
:) Don't let the zombies get you down.

when "horses being ridden by smelly men" showed up in africa, they didnt say to the tribesmen, "hey wanna come with us? we'll give you a place to live with 50 of your closest friends and work you to death with no pay" there was no option. no poll. no votes. america is free because it is what we made it. there was never any royal decree that we all have to be satisfied being ignorant and stagnant. only people (like you, apparently) that see only what they want to see, hear only what the want to hear, believe only in the sensational, and are too closed-minded to consider that everyone has a choice and by everyone, i mean EVERYONE. just because billy-bob redneck and his 400lb wife-beast are lazy slobs and will never contribute anything useful to society, doesnt mean it is anyone's fault but theres.

What color is the sky in your world, cummins?

cummins, the only thing interesting and intelligent
about your post is your name. I like it! mmmmmm.....

huh? cummins


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Lets uncorrupt our government!

pat13, i like your post. i have ranted here before on what i termed "the pussification" (i like pansification, more pc) of america. like how many live in constant fear of a terrorist attack. isn't that exactly what the terrorists wanted to accomplish? if we had competent people running our government why be afraid, why live in fear at all thats un-american. \ the pussification/ pansification also refers to our apathy when it comes to the dissolution of our rights. it seems like we just figure as long as the cable and internet works everything is cool. but how about our kids, what kind of america will they live in? we already know that future generations will be saddled with national debt due to the folly of the current thieves that are in running our country. is it not our duty to make sure we don't hand over that power to another set of crooks who want to fleece the poor and middle class? do we let them continue to squeeze the majority of wealth distribution into the pockets of just a few? ship jobs & manufacturing overseas in the name of the bottom line, public be damned? then give us a line of bs about the new tech jobs being created. i dont consider running a cash register at burger king or mcdonalds a tech job.
when i read the paper or watch the evening blues (news) or search the internet all i see are things getting worse, ie: more corruption in every form and at every level of government.
are we going to follow the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
who wait until a species of fish or animal has almost disappeared to do something about it? should we wait until there are only a few thousand middle class families left in the u.s. and then act? hell no, we need to do something now.

Hopefully - With The Founding Of Unity08 and the Establishment of 100,000 + Supporters we've created a snowball that - with the help of THE INTERNET with gather the Size and Momentum it needs to Force Change where change was once impossible ..

You see Scandals - things have to get bad enough to really piss off millions of people enough TO SAY : THAT'S IT - ENOUGH'S ENOUGH !! you've played me for A Sucker ONE TIME TOO MANY, from here on out I'M GOING TO MAKE MY PRESENCE FELT .. I'll Use The Media, I'll Use The Internet - I'll use Every Damn Tool I CAN THINK OF TO GET : TRANSPARENCY - PERFORMANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY !! I'm not waiting for you to give it to me - YOU'VE HAD YOUR CHANCE FOR AT LEAST THREE DECADES - NOW WE'RE GOING TO EXERCISE OUR RIGHT TO HAVE THOSE THINGS - Whether You Like It Or Not !!!

How about that Scandals - does that Clarify The Situation - And Set The Right Course For UNITY08 - In Your Opinion .. and how about all you other delegates on this thread DOES THAT SAY WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID ???? if it is - SAY SO - HERE & NOW !!!


You said it. Now we got to do it.


Been to the Unity08 Delegate wiki lately? Join today!http://unity-usa.org
Lets uncorrupt our government!

agreed to both popo & phil

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