i want to know if i waisted my time signing up here

posted by pigchunks on September 26, 2024 - 11:05pm

is this really about government reform?

are the administrators of this site really trying to help America and the common man/woman take back the country?

how about electing a common man ill run and ill air all my dirty laundry immediately id even be willing to give half the pay back to the country declassify the 911 reports and the pentagon film kill the central banking organizations and put my fellow Americans in charge.regardless and either way can we get rid of the puppets and elect someone who cares. someone who has an actual interest in our fore fathers dream. or is this just more political side show to keep the dumbed down American culture occupied while the powers that be find more creative ways to stick it to us with no vaseline.

i want the voice my great great grandparents had back. i want what the founders of this country had in mind. the American dream NOT the poor American nightmare stuck in poverty trying his hardest to work his way out with his only success being the moment he dies and is truly free from the confides of this society.

if the administrators arent really about this then maybe some of you who see my post are. and will spread the word ITS TIME TO TAKE OUR POWER BACK!! ITS TIME TO BE REAL PATRIOTS AND FIGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY DIPLOMATICLY PREFERABLY BUT ANY WAY NECESSARY.


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You know advertising the sight on the colbert report is fine, but come on, this sight is a joke for people who thought this was where you could accomplish something. Voting for colbert's running mate, is there not other questions that could be addressed that actually affect our world.

only this isnt a movie its a real situation. i think the lightness of the subject on this site only shows that the agenda is to put theyr own puppet into the office.

It is very important for us to get members into the movement. Television is an effective means for us to do this. For those that are looking at what we are doing, aside from media appearances, please visit the latest vote on the New American Agenda.

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08

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I don't think our founding fathers had the "Linescale Study" in mind when they forged a new nation. They wrote down their political aspirations and went about rallying people to their cause. If their cause be true, people will know the truth. They used the very building of that political platform as a means to grow support for their case. All that is required to organize people around the casue of a new beginning is the truth.

ex anime

my point was i dont want to elect any of these rich beurocrats listed on this site into office. and if thats all this sites offering another puppet with a fat pocket. then yes i waisted my time

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