Courts should not be deciding voting procedures for States

posted by kimpike1 on September 25, 2025 - 10:23am

Its not even civilized that 9 unelected people should be deciding these issues.

This stuff should be on the floor of Congress in open debate by elected citizens.

We are less of a democracy today than we were yesterday.

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Lets uncorrupt our government!

The Court took up this issue this week, to enlighten state officials about how they can be better Americans.

In our local paper, the online vote was 80-90% in favor of using picture IDs for voters. You watch, these yokels are going to rule against it with a grand condescending explanation.

I'm looking, looking, can't find Supreme court's authority to regulate elections any where in the Constitution. It's not in Article I section 4 para 1. It's not in Article II section 1. It's not in the 12th amendment. The only fed authority I find is in Article I section 4 para 1, "The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature therof; but the CONGRESS may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulation, except as to the Places of chusing Senators". Can't find any fed authority in presidential elections, except CONGRESS granted power to enforce the 15th 19th 24th and 26th amendments.

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