Bob Roth, you are spamming

posted by davidfarrar on September 5, 2025 - 8:41am

Stop it, Bob. You are in violation of your own rules on spamming. If you can do it, everybody can do it. The rules are there to be followed and respected by everyone. Now if someone does the same thing you have just done, they are going to say, "But Bob Roth did it too."

ex animo

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)

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Let's see it in action, then!

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Unfortunately, there are no tools in this system that allow me to post once and reach all the users that are interacting in the various categories. Yet, these features have been requested by many members and several of those do not post in every category. Placing a sticky topic in the most active categories is the only means I have to quickly inform those that have requested these tools.

Which, I believe, is much different than someone posting an opinion or an agenda in multiple areas.

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08

I am sure you are right. But now anybody can plaster their same post, repeatedly on every topic, in every threat, unless there is an exception in the rules for "Unity08 leadership".

Secondly, I don't know about everybody else, but every time I open a meassage and vote, it seems to register my all I have to do to get ten votes in support of a message is to open it up ten times and vote?

By the way...where did you say we can see the running tallies?

ex animo

I am making a guess that we are talking about two different things.

I believe you are referring to the radio buttons that exist right underneath the topic itself. Yes? If so, you can change your vote each time you click. A changed vote simply alters your previous vote, it does not add another vote. The number of votes and the average vote are listed beneath those radio buttons. You can do the math, I am sure.

What I am referring to, in this case, are the votes that can be cast for individual comments. Notice the plus and minus signs on the title bar of this comment. The "points" are tallied at the bottom of the comment using a VotesFor minus VotesAgainst formula.

Bob Roth VP Online Marketing, Unity08
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Thank you,

ex animo

I have to say I agree with David here Bob. I am pretty tired of the folks who plaster their pet message on unrelated threads. I agree that you need a way to advertise stuff, but being a bad example on this isn't the way.

Plus, what happened to the "Torch" blog??

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In reference to the torch blog, what do you mean?

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08

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Hey Bob, what is up with this spaming. I have never posted spam but I keep getting denied access when trying to post. Could you please fix this.


Betty, looking at your activity record, it looks as if things are working for you now. If not, please try again and send the exact error message that you are getting to

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08

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