Balloteering Suggestion !!

posted by popo on August 31, 2025 - 4:02am

The VFW has a nationwide organization second to none .. IT'S made up of people who have the biggest stake in how this government operates - THEY CARE ABOUT THE SAME THINGS WE DO ..

Every City Town and Village Honor Their Vets at Least once a year - and often in between ...

THEY WOULD MAKE AN AWESOME PARTNER FOR UNITY08 .... PLUS ... It would discourage the other two parties from trying to keep us off the Ballot : THEY WOULD NOT WANT TO BE SEEN OPPOSING VETERANS FROM SEEKING BETTER GOVERNMENT !!

I can give you 100 more reasons to do this - I suggested it to Doug and the guys when I came to Washington, I suggested it on my blog, the only feedback I got was from Kacz - who thought it was a winner !!

A move like this would give us facilities and people in every community in country - OVERNIGHT !!

Run this up the Flagpole and see how it plays !

Peter K (popo) Evans

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Do you think they might avoid endorsement of a particular group as to remain neutral until closer to the election? It does seem like a good way to get people who have a little extra time on their hands, and it might be a good counterbalance to the heavy weighting of the internet age crowd we alraedy have here. Also, would they be willing to participate in this "new fangled internet thing"? Or might they avoid it for that reason?

Otherwise it's a good idea. We probably should be looking to present Unity to groups like this in any case. At this point we have probably gathered up most of the available net activism. Might be time to branch out more into the "real world"?

Any other organizations that might work? An odd one I thought about was actually the Librarians Association (or whatever it's officially called). I seem to recall that they are of the most dedicated defenders of the 1st amendment, and are terribly disappointed in both parties. I'd have to believe they are a sharp bunch too.


Let's do as The Beatles' said: "Come together, right now. Unity." Something like that... ;)

You got my vote.

If it can be would be great. Regardless though...if we are to truly get on the ballot in all 50 states, we need to get much more organized online. Candidates for president need to have a representative in all congresional districts and 2 at large for every state, as well as the requisite signatures in each states. At least, when I was looking up ballot procedures in VA, it appeared that way. I do not claim to be an expert. Nonetheless...have we looked into establishing local chapters/groups in each district or subsection of a state we need to have to get on the ballot? All this could be done online. We figure out what members live in which districts and encourage them to meet, get organized and provide them with clear goals necessary to have Unity08's ticket on the ballot. I don't think we can rely on other organizations except to help here and there...I think we have to be organized ourselves. I personally would be happy to help set up meetings in my area.

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