I have read many ideas on here about candidates and issues needing to be solved, but to actually do these things, you need to have sincere and honest people in control of the government. As someone who watches C-Span quite regularly, I can say that you can easily see that "money" is the driving force behind our gov't. And the "Big" money comes from the corporations, mainly. How else can anyone explain all the polling over the years showing the large majority wanting health care reform, job security over outsourcing, exit from Iraq, equitable tax reform,etc, etc. The richest one per cent and the largest corporations don't want any of these issues settled, or their lifestyles would have to change. So before any third party can be effective, they need to focus on something bold in order to attract voters. We don't need labels boxing ourselves in as conservatives or liberals, which only limits an individuals range of imagination which are needed to get somewhere. But, mainly, we need to get back our gov't from all these parasites who are using our system against us.
...with just two major flaws. One, the ownership of Unity08, being simply a collection of lobbyist-driven, Washington insiders, has no intention of becoming a political party. And, two; the ownership of Unity08, being simply a collection of lobbyist-driven, Washington insiders, has no intention of becoming a political party.
Now I realize, technically, those two points are the same. But I thought it was such an importing point, it needed to be stated twice.
However, do not be alarmed or disheartened. There are Unity08 delegates who believe Untiy08 must become a viable political third party to be effective. If you would like to join a discussion group to address this issue, please go to The Unity Cyber Party Yahoo Group
ex animo
The Unity Cyber Party
Let's Start Here and Move Forward
Click on www.america-21stcentury.com todays posting read/digest - scroll back a few : everything will become clear as crystal.
One word of advice and caution : there are people trying to discredit the founders and dedicated delegates of UNITY08 by setting sites using UNITY08 identity, they want to High Jack the Vehicle created and supported by individuals like me ..
There is only one UNITY08 Legitimate website - unity08.com
I started seeking Political Reform on my Own website before UNITY08 was formed - I joined forces with them because our goals are the same ..
If you will just click on www.america-21stcentury.com and study my postings - you will know what course to follow.
Peter K (popo) Evans
But let's set the record straight: The only real problem I have with "Peter's Plan" is his statement: "As the self appointed leader of this revolt - and a founding delegate of UNITY08, I’ve dedicated myself to convincing the founders Doug Bailey, Jerry Rafshoon and Hamilton Jordan to adopt “Pete’s Plan For Political Reform” as the cornerstone of its Agenda for America..."
Peter, the only body you should be dedicating yourself to convince into adopting your plan is the delegates of Unity08 themselves. It is they who, supposedly, will have to pass judgement on your plan, not the four owners of Unity08, hopefully.
As far as any high-jacking going on, it's quite clear in this paragraph you would have no trouble high-jacking Unity08 itself if only Bailey, Rafshoon, and Jordan would go along.
Peter, if you really believe millions of people will support you plan, why not simply go to the delegate membership and ask for their support?
ex amino
And are you telling me this organization is being driven by the same bunch of Washington people who are sucking the life outr of this country right now, David? And to answer you, Popo, if you feel I would be satisfied with leadership from the likes of Newt, one of the founders of the current wave of swamp slime, you are sadly mistaken. And Obama doesn't cut it for me either. We need to get away from the millionaires, who have 'succeeded in life by manipulation and shrewd business deals'. We need a driven leader in the form of T. Roosevelt, or Andrew Jackson to get this country back on the straight and narrow.
"Fair trade, not slave trade!"
Do you due diligence, as every thinking voter should. Look at Unity08's IRS contributor's list. There you will find registered lobbyist donating money to Untiy08 and being placed in leadership roles within its structure. It's all in the record.
Denno, if the four Washington insiders who own Unity08 were really interested in change, they would have started at ground-level building a viable Internet political 3rd party to effectuate change. The reason they didn't is because they, themselves, are also players in the present political power structure. All they have to do is harness the forces of change by the next election and they will have obtained what every lobbyist needs to be successful, the allusion of power.
However, do not be disheartened. There are plenty of Unity08 delegates who believe Untiy08 must become a viable political 3rd party to be effective. If you would like to join a discussion group to address this issue, please go to The Unity Cyber Party Yahoo Group
ex animo
The Unity Cyber Party
Now these are grass root commoners who might just have the best interest of the American people at heart. They are far better than anything I have witnessed so far.
On another note, can anybody tell me why Hillary Clinton is the front-runner? Wasn't it her husband who signed Nafta into law and caved in to special interest on Health Care reform? Why has not the media ever asked the question on her stance of Immigration Reform? Her answers to all questions are so vague and mis-leading, nevers gets to the point and skirts the real truth all to many times. Awaiting your comments.
Hillary is more of the same as what we have had for the last 20+ yrs, and the point I'm trying to make is not to favor any of the front runners, but to really find a pro-US citizen type. I just want what the other leading industrial countries have, which is reasonable health care, fair trade, enforcement of existing laws, domestic labor force, etc. Like we had when I was young!(1950s)
"Fair trade, not slave trade!"
What we had when you were young - was a Nation of People free to become Millionairs or Bums, the choice was theirs to make .. our System of Government (Capitalism, Free Enterprise) provided the machinery that drove a successful economy ..
Every legal immigrant that arrived in this country brought with them new energy and needed skills - we continued to prosper .. IT WASN'T PERFECT, the private sector failed to recognize the importance of sharing its success with those who made it possible - and accepting a responsible role in protecting the quality of life in America ..
What caused the denigration of our society - was the shortsightedness of our Leaders in Government and Industry ..
Various administrations Democrat & Republican - sold out to two different groups to gain money, votes and power - One party agreed to become the peoples source for free this and free that .. The other party became the source for "earmarks" - "no bid contracts" etc etc
Both parties had years of winning what they wanted when in power : we've wound up the losers during their times at bat !!
The damage both parties have done to this country can no longer be hidden - how we the people handle this situation for 2025 is critical ..
We have proved twice now : A Government of The People, By The People and For The People, Operating in compliance with our Constitution and Bill of Rights - IS THE MOST POWERFUL FORM OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF HUMANKIND - THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN ..
History has proved time and time again - Socialism destroys the type of drive and commitment a society needs to be truly successful in the long term !!
I agree with you - if we had access to two unblemished People with the credentials that indicated They Could Win, and Get The Majority of The Democrats & Republicans in Congress to work together - I WOULD VOTE FOR THEM IN A HEARTBEAT !!
Newt Gingrich has been a controversial figure - but friend and foe alike know two things about Mr. Speaker : His Love of Country has never been questioned - He's has one of the most creative and brilliant minds ever to serve in Government & while others have been working to solidify their partisanship activities - Newt's been working and getting many from both sides to sit down together and talk. He makes the ideal Leader and Coach ..
Barack Obama has made repeated Commitments - to Eliminate Partisanship and Pandering to Special Interests : he brings to the table the Support of Democrats from both Inside Government and The Voting Public, when the time comes - he could make a fine President.
Denno, I have no crystal ball - I do have over 60 years of life experiences applicable to our present situation .. Gingrich/Obama would be my first choice, if we can't get them, I like The Honesty & Integrity of Ron Paul, I like the Management Skills & Bankroll of Bloomberg, I respect Joe Biden ..
Hilary I despise and don't trust - Bill I like and don't trust ..
You and I - I trust, but I don't think either one of us would make it !!
Hope I haven't bored you ..
Denno - all I can say is read what I write on this site and on my blog - www.america-21stcentury.com , read what David Farrar writes - judge for youeself ..
Peter K (popo) Evans
The issue of transparency is broadly discussed here at Unity08. The need arising out of the hidden interactions of elected officials with lobbyists and contributors, these interactions breeding corruption, favoritism, and deceit within our government. I would suggest that these interactions have been going on for some time, if not a long time. The problem becomes consequential of late because of the ever increasing excess of power exercised by our government, with total disregard for our Constitution. Without this usurpation of power, these officials would have nothing to sell. When government assumes absolute power, it is capable of destroying anything.
The “income tax” is my favorite gripe. Assuming the power to tax wages, there is nothing stopping it from taking ALL of your wages.
Assuming the power to regulate anything that “effects” interstate commerce, it assumes the power to regulate EVERYTHING, since almost everything has an “effect” on interstate commerce. As we speak, it is looking for ways to tax the internet.
Converting “promote the general welfare” into “provide for the general welfare”, it assumes the power to buy votes without restraint.
25000+ pages of Internal Revenue Code empowers it to grant favor to any party for any reason.
The complicity of the Supreme Court in this usurpation of power gives us little recourse to correct it.
One solution I see is to elect those who disdain this power. And keep electing them until the courts are fully seated with those of similar inclination. This will be very difficult, since so many of us have become dependent on, or highly favorable to “free money” favors from our government. Hence the failure of the Libertarian party.
Another is to clean house for several election cycles, also difficult for the same reason.
Electing a “transparent” candidate to the presidency could work, given a candidate with disdain for power, and a barrel of ink, with a pump, attached to a veto pen. Without the disdain for power, we simply trade the power of the purse for the will to subjugate.
We have become a nation of thieves, stealing from each other for our own advantage.
We have become a nation of tyrants, desiring control over our neighbors.
We have become a people with no moral conscience in evidence.
Yet there is good among us. We are a most charitable people. We just have trouble with the concept of live and let live.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can exist only until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury—with the result that democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by dictatorship.”
–Alexander Tyler (in England 400 years ago).
The Verdict: Guilty
The Sentence: Slavery
Popo is right when he stated that both our government and industry leaders are shortsighted. I would also add GREEDY. Capitalism is the driving force of our country but should be tempered with what is good for the country and not just what is good for the company.
With regards to cleaning house: The reason this is impossible is because of gerrymandering. There are very few competitive seats left in the house, most are "Safe Seats". We need to get the redistricting out of the hands of the legislators (for whom gerrymandering benefits) and into the hands of a non-political entity.
While greed is a major force in our demise, it is not restricted to corporations, the wealthy, and politicians. The poorest among us does not hesitate to take funds from the gov't, stolen from their fellow countrymen.
Greed in itself is a good, honest, predictable force; as long as it is tempered with moral conscience. Until we see the value of our nation above the value of ourselves, we will continue to vote ourselves "largess out of the public treasury".
To clean house is entirely in the hands of the voters. No district boundary can keep us from either refusing to nominate incumbents, or refusing to vote for them. Unfortunately, the incumbent can deliver more "largess out of the public treasury" and we can't give up the teat.
The congress has low approval ratings, the president has low approval ratings, but most seats in government are surrendered voluntarily. Why?
The reason must be that people will answer a poll question in a way that indicates their frustration with government, but they won't vote any differently than they have before.
Some people on the forum will blame "the elites" for their problems, but if we voted to turn over the government when we were displeased, people would soon realize that they are the elites.
Every two years, we can repopulate the entire house of representatives, and vote on roughly one-third of the senate. Every four years, we can elect a president. This is a fact.
People complain about government, but most people are happy enough to vote for the status-quo; there has been remarkably little change in the make-up of the federal government over the last eight years - and even farther back than that - all the way back to 1994.
Unity08 has a chance to influence the (presidential) election next year, and the opportunity should be seized - because it doesn't happen very often.
Unity08 should not count on people being sick and tired of the other parties - because it isn't true. Look at the make-up of the federal government, and ask where the evidence is to support that claim.
Unity08 must make a difference based on the substance of ideas; the organization will never change anything by depending on the frustration of the electorate.
Jeff C
I will at this point in time make a solemn promise that in 2025, I will not vote for any incumbent, local, state, or federal, in primary (unless the primaries get moved to 2025, in which case the promise still applies) or election, regardless of how much I may abhor the challenger.
I wonder how many more.
Sorry Jeff, we are not the elite. Money is power! Money is influence! Money is accessibility.
You are right about people voting for the status quo. The sad thing is that I don't see that changing in 08. If you read enough of these post you will see why I think that way. Too many are still defending THEIR PARTY. I can't stand dems or reps. There's been presidents that I've disagreed with and even disliked. I have never feared a president, until 2025. What this administration has done and continue to do, not just Iraq, is indefensible and yet people still defend them. That amazes me.
I must also admit that every time someone defends Bush and his buddies, i feel like defending the dems, ugh! My point is that I don't see anyone who really thinks that their party is not at fault. You can tell, for the most part, who is rep and who is dem and who is independent.