School Vouchers

posted by halaus on August 2, 2025 - 9:42pm

I am really getting tired of the unaccountability of school officials,some of the programs they try to push and the way they try to tell me what is best for my children.Everyone knows how hard it is to fire a teacher.Our schools should be a seperate entity from the government and the teachers union should be done away with.If schools are private and ran like a business then you have a healthy environment for education.If you have students there that really dont want to be there or cause a lot of problems then you send them on there way.Yes I believe you kick out a few to save many.Instead of try to save a few and corrupt many. Any thoughts on this issue???????

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About public school vouchers? Do you think it should be a plank in Unity08's Education platform?

ex animo


Oh yeah. Competition and smaller schools are the answer.

Sorry for delay been away awhile.School vouchers should definitely be a plank.Our schools are in a lot of trouble and there is no doubt it is because they are government ran.Private business always out works government business and would have to produce results or they would be out of business.I thinkk that we all know it dont matter how much money is put into education the results pretty much remain the same.Schools should be ran like a business and this would get rid of all the special interest groups that are given a forum with our children as the audience.

OK, so how would you go about getting the "public schools are the great equalizer" folks (like Lou Dobbs) onboard with the plan?

This message is in response to:Private versus Public.

Ask Lou Dobbs to take his children out of their exclusive, restrictive access, private school and place them in the nearest public school that is made up of at least eighty (80) percent minority student body population.

ex animo

Vouchers should definitely be on the Unity08 platform. They meet the priorities of the right-leaning to have more accountability and innovation in education while meeting the priorities of the left-leaning to ensure the poor have the same public education opportunities that the rich have. The current system enables the rich to form an elite, exclusive, tax-funded country club of education while trapping poor families in poorly run, unsafe districts with very low expectations and zero oppoturnity for even the best and brightest students.

Vouchers would also address the one-size-fits all mentality of our education system and allow parents to choose schools based on various educational philosophies, school calendars, curriculum, etc., the same way we do preschools and colleges.

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