No health ins

posted by Laurel on July 27, 2025 - 4:38am

I am a citizen, taxpayer, as were my parents and grandparents. Our daughter was diagnosed with MS at age 13, she is a healthy 21 year old in college. She is on many drugs and leads a healthy lifestlye and wants to contribute to society She will also loose her health benifit from my husband (a federal employee)in two months. I have contacted everyone from the governer onward. No one has an answer. We have to put her on free medicine .com.which means no drs. visit will be covered. She is not even allowed the luxury of finishing school before this happens. There is something very wrong with this picture. There is no plan for people like her. we will be charged an unaffordable fee to keep her on our ins. I feel like all the hard work we have done over the past 8 years to be proactive in is vein. Illegal aliens have more rights to health care than she does. I have lived in Europe and know that the socialized medicine there is neither good or is free. Can somebody please point me in the direction of any leader in this country that has a plan? I favor no political party just good people; are there any out there anymore?

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hopefully this might be kinda what you're looking for.......
........currently the only ones, i know of, doing (as opposed to talking) something real with this issue is/are:

~ Conyers & Kucinich's H.R. # 676 Universal health care bill; up before congress now (07/2007).
lnk ~ HR #676

sorry for your families' difficulties..........

individuals capable of contributing should not be forced into bankruptcy, and thereby devastating their families both immediate and generations to follow from the likes of these health problems.


Thank you for your suggestions and since I am not so computer savy, thanks to all for the input. I will look into everything. To clarify a few things, my daughter has two years of school left. Students with disabilities are required to take no more than 12 credits so the time in school is longer. I will try to call that ins co, but I will tell you that out of the dozen or so I have called no one will take her as she is an immediate decline because of MS. Cobra will cost $1000 monthly which is $12,000 annually. I will read the Conyers Kucinich health care bill. In the meantime I have to depend on Montel Williams plan of free or reduced fees for people with no ins. I am really at a loss I will try anything. Sometimes I wonder what lie do I have to tell to make this work for her? It is a shame that it comes down to that. I believe in doing things the honest way and to that end it is a disadvantage.

in a period of my life when i(we) had no health ins...
we used a special clinic supported by donations & a church...& the salvation army...
the clinic is/has been over-whelmed...but it continues to operate...

only now, when universal health care is picking up steam; ain't it curious, how a drug company (via montel's urging) is implementing the program you're talking about............hmmmm...........?

yes, the current patchwork of health care delivery systems in the usa; denigrates the poor, the weak & the tired......

the best to you & your familey........


Your daughter's situation is NOT as dire as you may believe.

I'm guessing she will be coming off your husband's group medical policy because she will be graduating from college.

While it's true she would not qualify for a fully medically underwritten individual health insurance policy all she needs to do to obtain coverage is secure employment at a reputable large corporation and her medical coverage will be guaranteed issued.

Time Insurance Company of Milwaukee, WI offers Short Term Major Medical specifically designed for college graduates and persons who are temporarily between Group Coverage Plans. This will bridge the gap between college and perhaps an employer's 90 day new employee probation period.

Further if she is disabled and can't work because of her MS she would qualify for MediCAID.

The bottom line is.....




The social safety nets are already in place.

We DO NOT NEED anymore government programs.

she wouldn't quality for either........
and the temporary insurance wouldn't cover pre-existing conditions.......

Dear Germanicus,

When did you get your Insurance License?

Mine was issued on August 16th 1985, that's 22 years ago.

One of us knows what they are talking about and the other is talking out of their orifice where digested food is discharged.

TRUE Group Health Insurance is GUARANTEED ISSUED.

Further with the COBRA and HIPPA legislation pre-existing conditions ARE covered if you have had continuous coverage.

You simply DON'T "know" what you are talking about.

Persons like you are part of the problem because they talk out of THE orifice where digested food is discharged and/or they are full of digested food waiting to be discharged.

Best regards,

Title I of HIPAA regulates the availability and breadth of group and individual health insurance plans. It amends both the Employee Retirement Income Security Act and the Public Health Service Act.

Title I prohibits any group health plan from creating eligibility rules or assessing premiums for individuals in the plan based on health status, medical history, genetic information, or disability.[1] This does not apply to private individual insurance.

Title I also limits restrictions that a group health plan can place on benefits for preexisting conditions. Group health plans may refuse to provide benefits relating to preexisting conditions for a period of 12 months after enrollment in the plan or 18 months in the case of late enrollment.[2] However, individuals may reduce this exclusion period if they had health insurance prior to enrolling in the plan. Title I allows individuals to reduce the exclusion period by the amount of time that they had “creditable coverage” prior to enrolling in the plan and after any “significant breaks” in coverage.[3] “Creditable coverage” is defined quite broadly and includes nearly all group and individual health plans, Medicare, and Medicaid.[4] A “significant break” in coverage is defined as any 63 day period without any creditable coverage.[5]

To illustrate, suppose someone enrolls in a group health plan on January 1, 2025. This person had previously been insured from January 1, 2025 until February 1, 2025 and from August 1, 2025 until December 31, 2025. To determine how much coverage can be credited against the exclusion period in the new plan, start at the enrollment date and count backwards until you reach a significant break in coverage. So, the five months of coverage between August 1, 2025 and December 31, 2025 clearly counts against the exclusion period. But the period without insurance between February 1, 2025 and August 1, 2025 is greater than 63 days. Thus, this is a significant break in coverage, and any coverage prior to it cannot be deducted from the exclusion period. So, this person could deduct five months from his or her exclusion period, reducing the exclusion period to seven months. Hence, Title I requires that any preexisting condition begin to be covered on August 1, 2025.

Title I also forbids individual health plans from denying coverage or imposing preexisting condition exclusions on individuals who have at least 18 months of creditable group coverage without significant breaks and who are not eligible to be covered under any group, state, or federal health plans at the time they seek individual insurance.

If every citizen and company would simply drop health insurance the costs of medical care would plummet and the insurance companies would go belly up and the Congress would be denied the bribe money that keeps the People on the losing end.

"If every citizen and company would simply drop health insurance the costs of medical care would plummet..."


Then the doctors, hospitals and ALL other medical providers would have to charge fees based upon what the market would bear, NOT based upon what the insurance company will pay.

This would also drive innovation and competition.

Having the third party payor system IS the problem.

Regarding these comments:

"...and the insurance companies would go belly up and the Congress would be denied the bribe money that keeps the People on the losing end."

The above phrase is pure rhetoric.

#1, The insurance companies would not go belly up, they would simply sell other more profitable forms of insurance.

#2, Your bribe comment is rhetorical non-sense.

#3, I agree the People are on the losing end BECAUSE the People EXPECT their employer or the government to pay 100% of their medical insurance premium and they also EXPECT the insurance company or the government to pay 100% of their medical bills REGARDLESS of what the Doctor, Hospital or other Medical Provider has charged.

HR tell me something.....

When was the last time you challenged your Doctor or Hospital or other Medical Provider as to what method or basis they use to determine their fees?

Laurel wrote in her original post:

"Our daughter was diagnosed with MS at age 13, she is a healthy 21 year old in college. She is on many drugs and leads a healthy lifestyle and wants to contribute to society."

...then Laurel writes,

"I will try to call that ins co, but I will tell you that out of the dozen or so I have called no one will take her as she is in immediate decline because of MS."

Hmmmmmmm....So if I've got this right in your first post she's a healthy 21 year old college student leading a healthy lifestyle and then in your very next post SHE IS IN IMMEDIDATE DECLINE BECAUSE OF MS.

Well then...since she is now in IMMEDIATE a parent I would pull her out of college and spend as much quality time with her as I could BEFORE she dies of her condition. A college education won't make the MS better and apparently she'll be in a wheelchair by your next post.

By the way, although you and your post is/are disingenuous THAT still doesn't change the FACT that the social safety nets are already in place.

Simply go have your daughter apply for MediCAID. Would you like for me to refer you to a Medicaid/Medicare attorney who can get this accomplished?

Since she is now in IMMEDIATE DECLINE and she's sick and hurt and won't be able to work.....sorry, no AFLAC for her!!!

Your post is a FRAUD.

Edit: Oh my bad, you wrote "an immediate decline" NOT that she's IN immediate decline.......Sorry, but I guess you missed the the PART in my other post regarding HIPPA...or her getting a job with benefits.

Title I also forbids individual health plans from denying coverage or imposing preexisting condition exclusions on individuals who have at least 18 months of creditable group coverage without significant breaks and who are not eligible to be covered under any group, state, or federal health plans at the time they seek individual insurance.

about ~ Which is it Laurel?
i'm thinking attacking someone asking for info / help
ain't right............
i'm thinking there is another agenda you got going here that you haven't expressed..........
after looking at your bio........
ah, now i're an estate planner........looking for business


Please copy and paste the linky above to your browser's address bar and read ALL about HIPAA.

Then please post again about how you CAN'T get coverage for your daughter.

You're a FRAUD.

According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners linky above:

Coverage Through a Parent's Health Insurance Policy

The good news is that most health insurance policies cover dependents, who are full-time students, until the age of 23.

However, Laurel wrote:
1) Our daughter was diagnosed with MS at age 13, she is a healthy 21 year old in college.
2) She will also loose her health benifit from my husband (a federal employee)in two months.
3) She is not even allowed the luxury of finishing school before this happens.

...and the best line of them all...

4) In the meantime I have to depend on Montel Williams plan of free or reduced fees for people with no ins.

Yes, there is definitely an "AGENDA" here!

Wouldn't you agree Gemanicus?

this is a nation that put a man on the moon,fought a revolution to gain our independence, taken millions of people in from all over the world and gave them freedom and a chance at a better life. But health insurance is our Waterloo. How about this for a solution, let the American people go to an ins. co. and purchase health care ins. like we do car ins. cover what you want if you don't want a policy with AromaTherapy covered, sex change operation covered,Botox eye shots covered you decide what you want. Decide on a deductible and get an affordable policy. In Columbus, Ohio's family of four can purchase a policy for $180.00 a month- in NY. the same policy would cost $920.00 a month why?/. Mandates put on ins. companies by Politicians who only want universal health care- will help get them elected by making as many people as possible dependent on them.If the politicians get out of the way and let America be America we can solve this problem in six months. Our 535 congressional employees have great health ins. we pay for it, that should stop now!!- Unity 08 members i call for the 535 members of congress to pay their own ins. cost--- they can certainly afford it.Maybe then they will understand what we the people have to deal with.

Bloomberg, New York's Mayor would a be a great candidate for president for many reasons. One being his eagerness to improve healthcare, starting with preventative care. He banned smoking in bars, banned trans fats from NY restaurants, and if he runs for president, he will be self-funded (he's freaking rich) and will not have to be a pawn for any lobbyists, including health insurance companies. That would be a huge step in the right direction.

Doctors, Hospitals and other Medical Providers are the ones who are in the BEST position to solve and get control of the delivery of medically necessary services.

The problem is the fact they "think" like Doctors rather than businessmen.

Doctors could charge their patients a monthly fee of perhaps $100 per month for him/her to be "your" doctor. You pay the fee every month to the Doctor's office whether you see him or not.
When you get sick you go to your Doctor and pay nothing for the visit.

Perhaps a family would pay $150 per month.

Most individuals and/or families would pay a Doctor $100 to $150 bucks per month to have their Doctor on retainer.

You could call this the Private Doctor's Family Plan.

But what about the hospitals?

Well if the hospitals were smart they'd develop their own pricing and financing plans and they would make more money in the process. Financially brain dead persons love the monthly payment plans. Just find the monthly payment that fits their budget and they'll pay for as long as it takes.

What's my point here?


For medical costs to be set by the market the buyers and sellers have to be engaged in the process.

Our "system" is broke because of the insurance third party payor.

Doctors and Hospitals should start refusing ALL insurance.
They should agree on pricing with their clients for ALL non-emergency procedures.

The above ideas ARE NOT intended as a be ALL or end ALL solution.

But Doctors and Hospitals and other Medical Providers are in THE best position to create and develop innovative solutions to DIRECTLY compete with the Insurance third party payor system.

All they really need to do is expand the pricing and payment arrangements already used by the Cosmetic Surgery doctors. There doesn't seem to be any shortage of persons willing to pay thousands of dollars for boob jobs and other non-sense "medical care."

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