Our immigration policy needs to take into account the problem of all of the illegal immigrants already in the country. Many people who do not support amnesty seem to think we can just kick all of the illegals out of the US with relative ease. However, I think people are forgetting that there are 12 MILLION illegals in this country; that's roughly 2 million more people than the entire population of Portugal. You can't just suddenly tell 12 million people to abandon their lives here and assume that we will have no problems. Allowing all of these illegal immigrants to stay seems to make the most sense after considering this, but I only support amnesty because I see no better option. Anyway, here are a couple questions I'd like to have answered:
1. Many businesses depend on the cheap labor from the illegals. If we remove all of the illegals then wouldn't this potentially hurt all of these businesses and then hurt the economy as a result?
2. Isn't there a danger of massive riots when we try to remove all of the illegals? (Please no one say that we will just threaten them at gun point we are not that brutal a country today I hope.)
3. From a moral perspective isn't it incredibly unjust to displace that many people?
I have an open mind I'm just curious to see if someone has a thoughtful solution to this problem
We have 12+ million illegal individuals here now. There is no way to force all of them to leave. They must decide to leave on their own.
Give them All a “Green Card” to work here legally with proper identification, fingerprinting and criminal background checks that the APPLICANT pays for. BUT any applicant who accepts that type card will NEVER- under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES- be eligible for Citizenship, Social Security benefits or any other government program assistance. The income tax they pay would go into the general fund as a “work tax”. The card renews at two year intervals. However, if they go home prior to accepting that card and return legally, then they may have the OPPORTUNITY after 5 years for citizenship – as long as they behave themselves (no criminal record) and properly pay taxes.
That is actually a plan that makes sense to me. It allows those who are already here and contributing to the economy to stay, while providing the government with a way to bastion up programs that rely on taxes. I like it.
The contribution illegal aliens make to the economy is 200 billion dollars in repressed wages annualy. I have cooked and done landscaping work for the last 12 years of my life. What illegal aliens represent is an underground scab work force who do not pay taxes. Why should they be rewarded for breaking the law?
"Never under any circumstances" is a much more problematic statement than you might realize at first.
There are many reasons we strive for a nation of citizens, visitors, and legal immigrants on the path to citizenship. One of the least discussed reasons is the fundamental notion that our USA shall treat us all equally (except those proven untrustworthy such as felons and DC residents).
Let us never consider keeping a class of working residents among us who shall never be allowed to join us in the honorable work of citizenship.
I applaud your efforts to find a feasible solution to the problem. Let us see if we cannot find one that provides justice for all who would be productive additions to our great society.
I'm okay with that plan, but "never ever" seems a little too severe if they're going to be required to pay taxes and get little or no benefit from it. I think there should certainly be a 10, maybe even 20 year block on being able to have benefits (of course, we should dump all these benefits and handle immigration and our lives like we did in the early 1900s pre-nanny state), but one thing you should know......
While legal immigrants are told that they may not accept government aid of any kind, the same government is advertising its free services to illegal immigrants on spanish radio stations. Just so you know........
A Democrat seeks complex solution to simple problems
A Republican seeks simple solutions to complex problems
A reasonable person seeks simple solutions for solvable problems
Your are naive to think anyone would enforce your so called green card solution. Ilegal immigration cannot be stopped until we secure our borders. If we would simply enforce our own immigration laws all of the Illegal Aliens would leave because they wouldn't be able to find jobs. What illegal immigration represents is lower wages for American workers and higher taxes for American tax payers. Do you know what the penalty for Illegal Immigration is in Mexico? In Mexico if you are found to be an Illegal alien you will be hit with a 2 to 3 year jail sentence and a 2025 dollar fine. Sounds like we just take a page from the Mexican playbook. Your costly solution would only exasperate the problem. If we Secure our borders and enforce our laws the illegal aliens will decide to leave on their own.
Deporting 12 million illegal immigrants of the US is logistically and morally impossible. But I have an idea that just might work, if everyone cooperates.
1. Fine businesses and individuals which use illegal immigrants for cheap labor. Hell, the fine will probably be less than they are saving by not hiring legal help.
2. Don't give illegals any benefits not granted to US citizens or resident aliens. I don't get free health care, social security, or a welfare check.
3. Any illegal immigrant convicted of a felony is immediately deported.
4. Take national security along the borders seriously. Stop arresting INS agents for doing their job!
5. An immigrant, legal or illegal, who chooses to serve in the US military will be fast-tracked to citizenship.
6. Although entitled to due process, under no circumstances should illegal immigrants be given the right to vote.
If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you're reading it in English, thank a veteran.
Item #5 was implemented in 2025. See link.
Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.
I'm absolutely 100% with you on your outline. If becoming a citizen were so all-fired important enough to break our laws to enter the country they have the opportunity to join our military and become citizens after completing their tour of duty. The short separation of sservice person from their families is not a lot to ask - our service people do it continually. Maybe enlistment in out military should be a requirement - then see how many of these 12 million people want to stay in the USA. But, unfortunately, most of the illegals are wiling to take all they can without any investment in gaining the most sought after citizenship in the world - too bad - go home and this time stay there!!!
Open borders must be closed. Immediately.
While I respect the immigrants already here for their hard work, there are too many right now. I want to be able to control the influx, to slow it down to a manageable number that can be assimilated easily. We will need to open the borders big and wide later, in a few years, because my policies will create more jobs than we have people for. But not right now.
Must be closed, but not at $800/ft! (That’s the last estimate I heard for the fence.) Think about this a minute... let’s do a back-of- the-napkin calculation... That $800/ft will escalate to $1000/ft, easily, with cost overruns, rip-offs, pay-offs, etc. Figuring 5000 ft in a mile, that’s $5 Million/mile. Whoa. How bad is that? Let’s see... If we stuck that 5 Mil in a bank, at 5% interest, that’d be about $250,000.00 per year. That’s enough to hire more than a few men to sit there 24 hours a day and watch that mile with a couple nice machine guns. With benefits too. Not to mention, that even after they build that absurdly expensive fence, they’ll still need men to watch it! How silly is that?
There is no reason why we cannot use the military to seal our border with Mexico. That is, indeed, what the military is for. Duh. We can do this cheaply too, by simply moving a number of bases to the location, and using the border for standard military exercises. It will cost essentially nothing.
The immigrants without jobs must be deported. The immigrants who do not speak english must be deported. There are too many of them, and there are too many Americans without jobs.
Do you want to know how really truly bad this Mexican immigration problem has become? The children’s show, “Dora the Explorer”, which teaches both Spanish and English, also teaches not to steal. In fact, they have a little fox character named “Swiper”, who tries to steal objects from Dora and her friends. To stop him, they prompt all the children in the audience to repeat “Swiper, no swiping! Swiper no swiping!” (swiping is slang for stealing). The kicker... It’s in every single episode!
I don’t want to learn Spanish. I like English. Took me 46 years to get good at it. Now I want to stick with it. Everyone becoming a citizen must be required to master English. Dunno why this really annoys me, but it does. I want us all speaking the same language. We’re all Americans, and we must be able to communicate.
We allow, legally, over 3 million aliens into the USA every year. We only create 150-200 thousand jobs a month, minus layoffs. Is it any wonder there are so many people out of work? Speaking of which, you do know not to believe the unemployment numbers, right? They changed the way they collect the statistics a couple years ago and don’t count everyone anymore. If you’re not collecting unemployment, you don’t count. Heck, it’s almost down to the point where if you don’t have a job you don’t count.
We have so many foreign students in the USA, that there’s not room enough in the colleges for all the American students. Why do you think the price of college is going up so fast?
I will put a big stop to this excessive immigration.
To be a little more clear on my immigration stance:
1) If you have ever been arrested, for any reason whatsoever, you will be recorded, and deported, and permanently disqualified from ever being a citizen.
2) If you do not speak/read/write English with some reasonable fluency (TBD), you will be recorded, and deported, and barred from applying for entry for at least two years.
3) If you do not have a job, you will be recorded, deported, and barred from applying for entry for at least two years.
4) Your employer must be willing to verify your employment and pay a fine based on your number of years as an employee (TBD). If they are unwilling to do so, you will be considered as not having a job.
5) Any and all Social Security payments you may make while not a citizen are forfeit. Everyone contributes. Only citizens may collect.
6) The citizenship status of your children is irrelevant to your deportation. If both parents are non-citizens, and both are deported, your children will go with you. If one parent is a citizen, you may opt for your children to stay with that parent, provided, of course, that those children are citizens.
7) Hospitals and medical facilities will not be required to treat non-citizens unless they are under 18 years of age. (We must ALWAYS help children!)
8) No government agency should supply aid of any sort to non-citizens. Example, welfare, housing, food stamps... non-citizens do not have the right to expect privileges intended for citizens.
9) Public schools will not cater to Spanish speaking students. Nor will they alter their normal course schedules. Students must all be fluent in English to succeed.
So, in general, if you’ve been behaving like a good citizen, we’ll be happy to have you. If not, say good bye. Is this amnesty? Sort of... Why? Well because I believe there will be significant difficulties trying to round-up and deport over 11 million people (if you believe that 11 figure... it’s probably closer to 20). I can just imagine the riots, the hate, the chaos... It’s just not a viable solution. Thank the current and previous administrations for forcing this upon us. I’m really not in favor of amnesty, but I don’t see an alternative that won’t wreak havoc. Even the guidelines above will cause a rather large mess, I’m sure. Suggestions welcome... If you have a better idea, please let me know. I am open to other options.
If you think about it, the real problem is lack of jobs. If there were more, and better paying jobs, we really wouldn’t mind the illegals generally doing our tough dirty jobs. And they wouldn’t be getting into so much trouble. And they would be contributing more towards our society. So it’s not just an illegal alien problem. Again, thank the current and previous administrations for enabling manufacturers and businesses to export and out-source our jobs!
I do not want illegal aliens clogging up our prisons. Once the border is closed, illegal aliens should be immediately recorded and deported. After some period of time while the dust settles from the above policies, I will be more than happy to make sure that we never have this situation again. If you are caught in the US as an illegal alien, the punishment is immediate deportation and permanent disqualification from citizenship.
We do in fact need to close our southern border. And we do in fact need to cut the services we give to illegal aliens. And we really do need to work at helping them become a valid part of our society. But these problem go hand-in-hand with getting our jobs back home. You can’t just solve one problem at a time. We need to orchestrate solutions that will work towards the desired goals: of pretty much everone being happy and healthy. We need a conductor: that’s me.
Richard H. Clark
Independent Presidential Candidate
He has my exact stance on immigration. Where did this guy come from, my house?
Tell someone about this guy.
Get out of Iraq and Iran immediately? That sounds naive. What's Clark going to do if terrorists in Iran and Iraq get nukes? Just think that he can somehow keep them FOR SURE from entering our borders either by walking in or sending a missile from a mid size ship in the Atlantic?
And anyone who is THAT sure that Bush should be prosecuted thinks he has more information than anyone with less than the highest possible security clearance could, I'd say.
Well, at least I agree with his stance on immigration.
Funny how he could be so odd in this Bush area. I wonder if he reads Media Matters or MoveOn.org?
I am no Repub, nor a Democrat(although I was all my life), but I know right from wrong and 'support with dissent' from 'over the top judgement'.
Sorry, Richard. ;)
Get out of Iraq and Iran immediately? That sounds naive. What's would Clark do if terrorists in Iran and Iraq got nukes? Would he just think that he can somehow keep them FOR SURE from entering our borders either by walking in or sending a missile from a mid size ship in the Atlantic?
And anyone who is THAT sure that Bush should be prosecuted thinks he has more information than anyone with less than the highest possible security clearance could have, I'd say.
Well, at least I agree with his stance on immigration.
Funny how he could be so odd in this Bush area. I wonder if he reads Media Matters or MoveOn.org?
I am no Repub, nor a Democrat(although I was all my life), but I know right from wrong and 'support with dissent' from 'over the top judgement'.
Sorry, Richard. ;)
I feel you are inhumane and would make a horrible president. You are probably also into curtailing our rights and liberties in the pursuit of terrorism. This was a line i took out of context from your diatrabe,
"I want to be able to control", by your own pen. These words sum up your quest for the one ring to rule them all.
Excellent idea! Green card but NEVER citizenship until they leave and come back in line. Wow. Why have I not heard this????? Tell Gingrich and Dobbs.
I am an unemploied electrician. I live on Long Island in New York. The multi million dollar homes an the half-million dollar homes that are being built here are often wired by illegas. Everyday that an illegal works as an electrician is one more day that I may not. My perspective on the issue is that all of the illegals should be sent home, period. To believe that they would be deported in one fell swoop is naieve at best, as each of them becomes apparent to the authorities then they can be deported. I hold no grudge towards the illegal, hell, I admire anyone who will get up and leave their home to try and provide for their family; I have had to do the same thing, I did not do anything illegal. When my son was in the intensive care unit I was working on the otherside of the country, it pained me every night but I was the bread winner at the time. Many who wish to grant Amnesty to the Illegal operate under the idea that this is the decent thing to do, in many ways I agree, but it is often times not their jobs which have been taken and therefor not there hardsips to suffer through.
The real problem is the employer who hires the illegal.If the jobs for the illegal are iliminated them many will go home on their own. Having grown up in San Antonio, Texas, my parents required me to take Spanish every year I was in school from the sixth grade on. I have worked on many job sites where other trades were being worked by illegals and after a period of time they began to trust and talk to me. I would educate them on the laws that protected their safety and wages(prevailing wage laws apply to all workers). All of the illegals I spoke with voiced a desire to eventually return home so I told them that the government would provide the meathod when the time came, all they had to do was turn in their employer to the Department of Labor and the process of retrieving their back wages would begin,it would also result in the possible deportation to there home country. This solution would aid them in their desires and would seriously hurt the employer who besides cheating the american taxpayer was also exploiting the less fortunate illegal alien. When an employer has one or two illegas that work for them that could be a fluke, when the majority of production workers are illegal you can pretty much bet the legal status of the workers is well known. Follow the money. The solution is to aggressivly attack employers who use illegal in there buisness with the laws that are already on the books.
Illegals are better electricians then
dude if you are acertified electrician then you have no competition
but what happened to you
illlegals shouldnt be a problem to certified electricians
Myself, I only heard recently that the Illegals, have some kind of Amnesty-Right Bill-Thingie, that allows them to send for and to harbor said relatives, cousins, aunties, (tias) uncles, and whoever, in whatever place they are staying in, in the US.
So, if you count (like our politicians do) the total Illegal Pop. as 23 million, then you add an eight to one ratio in number of relatives to that figure.
And that is how we get the prediction, that in 2025, the Hispanic Pop. will outnumber every other race and ethnic group in America.
(Not as dumb as they think...)
worked for Lebenon... So to be itelletually honest, yes you can merely just kick out 12 million people out of our country.
Easy answer for immigration:
1. Give law enforcement the ability to detain illegals to be then placed into ICE custody.
2. Seizure of all properties from illegal immigrants.
3. Large fines against employers who employ illegals.
4. Deport illegals.
5. Provide for our national security by securing our borders.
It's not heartless, what's heartless is having foriegn nationals dedicating 20 years of service to our embassies to attain a permenant visa for the U.S. only to have someone merely walk across our border and attain the very same citizenship.
1. CLOSE THE BORDER. Nothing can be done until we put a stop to the massive amounts of illegals still crossing and the drugs being smuggled in.
2. Illegals register with the government. In these troubled times we need to know who is here. After registration date passes, any illegal found is to be immediately deported.
3. NO BENEFITS. If you cant make it on your own here, leave. I am not willing to pay for welfare, healthcare, education or ANYTHING for anyone here that broke our laws.
4. Any illgeal wishing to stay here and work must pay a fine.
5. Any employer who wishes to hire an illegal must first prove that they have first tried to hire Americans. If they can not prove they have done this, they will not be granted a permit for at least 2 years.
6. Any illegal wishing to gain citizenship must pass a written test (in english) proving that they understand our history and laws. in studying these things they are showing their willingness to integrate into our society.
7. No Criminal Illegals. No exceptions. This includes misdemeanors. Any infraction of criminal law results in immediate deportation.
8. No more anchor babies. This law was not intended for illegals to come here give birth and have an immediate 18 years in our country. If neither of your parents are a citizen when you are born here, neither are you.
I think that's fair to everyone.
I like some of the ideas.
First off lets thank the ACLU (LOL) They are a joke to Us working americans. They rather fight for them than us. I am not a historian, nor poltical figure. From the time I graduated high school in 1992 until now the latino population more than tripled. In Riverdale, Maryland in 1992 there were some but I just went back recently to visit family and damn. I felt like I was in Central America.
Maybe Nafta which was pass by Bill Clinton granted them a gold path to the USA. I feel that the American government has put my life in jeopardy by allowing these central american people access to our country. They are not being checked like my great grandparents did when they came from eastern europe. If you had a diease, crimnal, communist, and so on they sent you back and did not grant you US status. They had to learn ENGLISH. Speak English. They did not have any TV stations nor radio stations in there native language. As a matter of fact they were happy to become americans. Their children fought in WW1, WW2, The korean War and Vietnam. I do see some of their children fight in our military which is awesome.
I also see that they support their flags instead of ours. They are changing our way of life. If you come to this country you become american. If you do not like any of our rules go the F--K Home.
I notice that both parties are playing stupid. Yes I voted for Howdy Dody our president. Our government also likes to send money to every nation but when americans need it. Its not there when its our money. We need to worry about our issue rather than the worlds. If we want to show the world what the US is all about we need to fix our issues.
Middle East has always had wars even before Jesus Christ walked this earth. There will never be peace in the middle east. Let them burn their oil. We have so much here in the USA.
In fact Germany has the same policy of whether or not a german can do the job stipulation.
I will not vote to accept the current burden of illegals under any circumstance. They must be deported and if they want to return, they must follow the same immigration standards as others.
Congress will not act responsibily and fast to fix this terrible problem! Why? While I have 4 university degrees, I am still cannot figure this out! Maybe the solutions are too simple and Congress just cannot bring itself to do the right things right! Wonder why Congress gets such a low rating in the polls?
So what is this posting about? Congress not doing their elected jobs. Let's vote all of them out! Except that the only ones running are clones of those already there! What would happen if during the election, no one voted? Ha! When elephants fly! But I can hope, can't I? :-)
Building a barrier on the U.S. Mexican border is perposterous. The cost, with overruns is a no go. The visual pollution and contamination to the evironment is unacceptable, any barrier can and will be breached and will have to be backed up with manpower anyway.
Give me just one full force company of troops from each of the 5 services equipped with the latest techware, along with the border patrol in place now, introduce a bit of esprit de corps and intraservice rivallry and a desert mouse (not to mention a coyote)could not travel in a northerly direction without observation. We are training our troops 365 days a year somewhere, why not on the border? This is the most efficient and cost effective solution.
If all illegals were returned today the Corporate food producers and multinationals would not miss a step, the jobs would be filled by Americans and legals at a fair wage, lettuce would cost four cents more per head, the entitlements to the illegals would stay in the treasury, the result would be a runaway economy.
We must as a country discourage illegal immigration. If we grant amnesty to 12 to 20 million illegals then we are sending a message to the rest of the world that we do not respect our own laws. However you are right when you say that it is nearly impossible to deport that many people. Of course I can only speak for myself, but I believe a compromise is possible. It would go something like this.
First, a constitutional amendment, a child born in the USA must have at least on parent who is a legal citizen of the USA. If neither parent is a citizen, then the child is a citizen of the country from which the parent came. This would discourage those who come here, have a baby, and then argue that their child is a citizen and therefore they should be granted citizenship on that alone.
Second, revise the immigration laws to make it more efficient for immigrants to enter legally, based on our needs as a country.
Third, citizenship is a privilege, not a Right. By granting those who came here illegally citizenship we are rewarding them for breaking our laws with the Grand Prize. That sends a message to the rest of the world that we reward illegal behavior and that if they come here illegally they will eventually be given amnesty.
So what do we do with the ones already here? Permanent resident status. However, they must meet certain conditions. Anyone who has committed a crime, other then crossing the border illegally, would not be eligible. This would include document fraud and identity theft. Anyone associated with a gang, drugs, human trafficking, etc. would automatically be excluded regardless of weather they have been caught or not. The officials know who they are even if they cannot prove it in court. They must have been here for at least 5 years and have the ability to support themselves. They would have no right to public services, such as welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, etc. No chance of becoming a citizen and would not have the right to vote. If they want to become a citizen, then they would have to return to their country and enter legally.
I would make only two exception to these rules. Those who were brought here as children, 10 and under. Provided those children do well in school and prove they are a valuable contributor to our society and not a burden would have the opportunity to become citizens. The reason I say this is because a child cannot willing break a law that they do not know about much less understand. They also must go where their parent take them and should not be held responsible for the actions of their parents. The other would be those who have tried to do things the legal way but was unsuccessful because of bureaucratic bull shit. The couple in Florida is a perfect example of this shortfall to our immigration system.
Furthermore, we must DEMAND that our government enforce our immigration and labor laws. We should not lower our standard of living so that a few greedy corporations can get richer. Immigrant ion should benefit our society, not harm it. With the way we do things presently we harm our society and it does little to enrich it. Americans will do just about any job for a decent wage, they are not willing to work for slave wages. Our minimum wage is just that, a slave wage. No one can live on $5.35 a hours even if they worked 70 hours a week. The only reason illegals can do this is because they live 20 or 30 or a house. Not only is this unsafe, it is unsanitary.
Those who came before us has worked hard to improve our standard of living and we should not have to give that up for the sake of Greedy bastard who care about nothing but the bottom line. Every one has a right to make a profit, but not an obscene or excessive profit. This is where both our government and industry leaders has failed us. They have allowed excessive profits to become the driving force of our society instead of human decency.
We must as a country discourage illegal immigration. If we grant amnesty to 12 to 20 million illegals then we are sending a message to the rest of the world that we do not respect our own laws. However you are right when you say that it is nearly impossible to deport that many people. Of course I can only speak for myself, but I believe a compromise is possible. It would go something like this.
First, a constitutional amendment, a child born in the USA must have at least on parent who is a legal citizen of the USA. If neither parent is a citizen, then the child is a citizen of the country from which the parent came. This would discourage those who come here, have a baby, and then argue that their child is a citizen and therefore they should be granted citizenship on that alone.
Second, revise the immigration laws to make it more efficient for immigrants to enter legally, based on our needs as a country.
Third, citizenship is a privilege, not a Right. By granting those who came here illegally citizenship we are rewarding them for breaking our laws with the Grand Prize. That sends a message to the rest of the world that we reward illegal behavior and that if they come here illegally they will eventually be given amnesty.
So what do we do with the ones already here? Permanent resident status. However, they must meet certain conditions. Anyone who has committed a crime, other then crossing the border illegally, would not be eligible. This would include document fraud and identity theft. Anyone associated with a gang, drugs, human trafficking, etc. would automatically be excluded regardless of weather they have been caught or not. The officials know who they are even if they cannot prove it in court. They must have been here for at least 5 years and have the ability to support themselves. They would have no right to public services, such as welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, etc. No chance of becoming a citizen and would not have the right to vote. If they want to become a citizen, then they would have to return to their country and enter legally.
I would make only two exception to these rules. Those who were brought here as children, 10 and under. Provided those children do well in school and prove they are a valuable contributor to our society and not a burden would have the opportunity to become citizens. The reason I say this is because a child cannot willing break a law that they do not know about much less understand. They also must go where their parent take them and should not be held responsible for the actions of their parents. The other would be those who have tried to do things the legal way but was unsuccessful because of bureaucratic bull shit. The couple in Florida is a perfect example of this shortfall to our immigration system.
Furthermore, we must DEMAND that our government enforce our immigration and labor laws. We should not lower our standard of living so that a few greedy corporations can get richer. Immigrant ion should benefit our society, not harm it. With the way we do things presently we harm our society and it does little to enrich it. Americans will do just about any job for a decent wage, they are not willing to work for slave wages. Our minimum wage is just that, a slave wage. No one can live on $5.35 a hours even if they worked 70 hours a week. The only reason illegals can do this is because they live 20 or 30 or a house. Not only is this unsafe, it is unsanitary.
Those who came before us has worked hard to improve our standard of living and we should not have to give that up for the sake of Greedy bastard who care about nothing but the bottom line. Every one has a right to make a profit, but not an obscene or excessive profit. This is where both our government and industry leaders has failed us. They have allowed excessive profits to become the driving force of our society instead of human decency.
I have seen many post this idea but I don't see any responses to it:
Stating that we have to grant some sort of amnesty or work permit for illegals because deporting them is an imposible logistical task is really a straw man argument.
If we want the the great majority of illegals to leave, we need to eliminate the reasons they stay here. Impose a heavy fine on whomever employs them. Without jobs, illegals will have no choice but to find their own way back to their country of origin.
And if there are no jobs, the flow of new illegals will decline to a trickle.
It really is that simple.
We can do nothing untill we secure our weakest border, otherwise its like sticking your wang out the window and f@#&ing world, it would be pointless.
If the bell of freedom needs to be rung, are you going to care who pulls the rope?
Rudy Guiliani has the answer. He recently made a statement to the effect that because there are so many illegal aliens in America, we should no longer call them illegal.
Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.
Take a lesson from history. Start putting our "forts" on our border. Why do we have so many military bases strung out all over the USA? Politics, of course. Where did we ever get the idea that our military people cannot protect our own borders????????????????
An illegal immigrant has all the opportunities in the world to apply for a permission to be in the USA. Why they do not? They wish to keep their own citizenship.
Enforce the laws we have NOW. Build the fence - and in it's entirety - then, we can talk about the illegal's plight and sending them all back from where they came.
I think our government representatives are finally getting the message that we do not trust them on this issue. We should not address the illegal immigrants currently inside the US until we effectively stop the flow of new ones - period. Therefore, step one of any plan should be to place the proper resources - fences, people, and technology on the border.
Once established, all current undocumented (illegal) immigrants should have a very short period of time to get documented, pay a fine, and be treated as any other foreign worker here on a visa or face deportation. They should be required to renew their visa on a regular basis in order to remain in the country. They should get no path to citizenship unless they physically leave the country and get in line like all others trying to become citizens. Documented foreign workers should not be entitled to any entitlements (e.g. social security) no matter how long they have worked here illegally and should be required to prove that they have health insurance coverage. In addition, businesses should face severe penalties if they hire undocumented workers without a proper identification process. The cost of foreign resident withholding tax 20 to 30%) and reporting should fall on the businesses that hire these documented workers. Any known sanctuary city should receive no federal money. Any undocumented workers or anyone arrested for a felony should be immediately handed over to ICE for deportation.
I believe this is the most rationale approach to dealing with the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country today. If they want to stay and work hard (includes paying taxes, fees and insurance) to support their families then fine but understand there is no path citizenship that can be earned unless first leaving the country.
Power what is your criteria /metric for determining when the borders are sufficiently secure? And what about the 50% that come in legally and overstay their visas (tourist, work, student, etc)?? How will the employers verify the panoply of counterfeit ID out there?? How much will your plan cost to implement and are the means for implementation there sufficiently?? What about the illegals' kids born here and who are citizens??
DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com
One step at a time. If your boat springs a leak and starts filling with water, you can bail all day and just slowly sink. Or, you can block the leak first. Once that is done you have a better perspective of your options.
I suggest we have two issues here. Lets secure the border first and then revisit the issue of those already here afterwards. BTW, we can jail and deport the criminals as they enter the Judicial System.
Indiana - 2nd District
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Your right, we do have two issue here. I do think we should put the criminals in jail, no matter how long that may be, until we can secure the border so they don't just turn around and come back in again.