Lou Dobbs for President!!!

posted by DonnPulley on July 17, 2025 - 3:01pm

This is the only man that I trust completely to run this country. He has the background and the smarts! He believes in common sense and could rally all Americans, Democrats, Republican and Independents. He's got my vote.

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I don't know about President Dobbs, but if our "leaders" took a better look at what we want they would be well served as would we. Dobbs appears unafraid to say what needs to be said and doesn't softball those he interviews. He is a straight shooter whether you like him or not. If only our politico's were half as open/honest as he!

Gilbert Garcia

Virginia Beach, VA

I second the motion!

He has an economics background.

He gives it to us straight.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin

I am not sure what is his "economics background" but as an economist myself I have serious doubts about his economic literacy.

He graduated from Harvard University with a degree in economics.

Dobbs writes a monthly column for Money magazine, a weekly syndicated column for the Sunday issue of the New York Daily News, is a contributing editor for U.S. News and World Report and also manages and edits his own financial newsletter, the Lou Dobbs Money Letter.

Dobbs has won nearly every major award for television journalism. He received the George Foster Peabody Award for his coverage of the 1987 stock market crash. In 1990, he was given the Luminary Award by the Business Journalism Review for his "visionary work, which changed the landscape of business journalism in the 1980s." In 1999, he received the Horatio Alger Association Award for Distinguished Americans and Dobbs was named "Father of the Year" by the National Father's Day Committee in 1993.

Dobbs serves on the boards of the Society of Professional Journalists Foundation, the Horatio Alger Association, the National Space Foundation and SPACE Holdings, Inc., in which he owns a minority stake, as he does in Integrity Bank. He is also a member of the Planetary Society, the Overseas Press Club, the American Economic Association and the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin

He graduated from Harvard University with a degree in economics.
i'm thinking that's good enough for me.......besides...
he's the only national personality I' trust today.......

My husband and I watch him every chance we can. We love him and agree with him. I wonder if he is serving us better by being a show host and making people aware and keeping the government honest.

I respect Dobbs and try to watch him nightly, but. From watching him and reading about him I'm a little concerned about his confrontational style. I'm not sure how far that would get him in Washington, D.C.
Reagan went over the politicians and media's head and was successful in taking his case directly to the people. I believe that was part of his success in that he portrayed himself as one of us. I believe, in part, that Dobbs might have to soften his persona a little, in order to make him generally accepted. But, I would vote for him! My opinion for whatever it's worth.

I agree, Lou is someone I feel we need at this point as president. He would be strong on border security, illegal immigration, job outsourcing and unfair trade. This is someone that would not be influenced by corp america, special interest or lobbyist. Having said this, Lou has stated he will not run. dcday7-NC01

I certainly hope he will change his mind about running.
I can't think of anyone else who could lead this country as well as he could.

His ties to aviation and space exploration is not something I'm a big fan of, as the billions spent on things such as the Space Shuttle Program, I feel, could be better spent here on Earth. I also think his style of confrontation may be too much for the more conservative voter we may need to succeed.

NASA is a valuable resource for scientific advancement since outer space is a unique environment that can't be truly replicated on Earth. We should look elsewhere for places to cut our budget than the space program, and believe me theres a lot of places where it can be done.

As someone who grew up in the 60's, a strong space program is vital to the future of this country. I do not work or have any ties to NASA or the space industry. The space program of the 1960's gave this country many things that are lacking today. One is a sense of purpose, which we do not have today(Our only purpose now seems to be greed as a nation). It also gave us many technological advantages, that put us ahead of the rest of the world. A strong space program is vital to our future.

I agree Lou Dobbs would be a good choice. We need a butt-kicker in charge. He is an independent. As an independent during my entire 30+ years of voting, I find that refreshing.

You may not agree with everything Lou Dobbs says or thinks, but, I for one, am very grateful for his speaking out on many issues that other media and journalists had been "drinking the kool aid" for the last 7 years. Journalists like Chris Matthews and Lou Dobbs are speaking out and asking questions. Hopefully, the rest of our Journalists and Reporter's will start doing that once again. The average American Citizen needs to have more Journalists asking the hard questions and not letting up on the individual they are interviewing until the question asked is answered. Anderson Cooper is another Journalist that has no problem asking the hard questions and persisting until he gets an answer. We need to stay on top of ALL the Media to go after the answers in order for us all to see where our Country and our "Politicians" are heading. as far as the Space Shuttle Program, I use to feel the same way until I made myself become more educated on the whole program. It has been a very positive source for research and in creating several discoveries in medical and other areas of life that I would never have realized if I hadn't done the extra homework for myself.

Lou Dobbs doesn't represent my views at all. *pass.

I think he would make a great president. There is a petition to draft him to run on the Lou Dobbs 4 president website. there are over 900 signatures so far.

Lou would make a great president. There is a petition to draft him to run on the Lou Dobbs 4 president website there are over 900 signatures so far.

I would consider Lou Dobbs as President, but Chris Mathews is a screwball.

Lou Dobbs is just another left wing radical in a suit.

Lou Who?? Reader of the news?

Lou is certainly not a left wing radical, he doesn't care whether you are a donkey or an elephant, my what a choice, if you watch his program you will see that come to light, what he does care about is what the greed of special interest groups, and the bigger culprit cooperate America along with china, is doing to this country. He asks the hard questions and gets answers and I don't think his style is confrontational, we need more people who want soft soap around issues as important as what Lou brings on his program.

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