posted by torivic on July 16, 2025 - 8:17pm

Now is the time for you to Finish what you started in the 60'S. You wanted to change the world and now you are all in a position to do so. You outnumber everybody else and now have a greater impact on our government than ever before. Why not target the BABYBOOMERS, OLD HIPPIES, and 60'S radicals as they wanted to make the world a better place, now they can FINISH what they started.

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Drugs, sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Oh, and drugs!

---Props 4 Buddha---


Although Jack Phillis ll (the guy who commented b4 me) also makes a good point
---Props 4 Buddha---

They are part of the problem, unless they can change their thinking.

About 30% of the population wants to live in a Liberal America. Do you care at all about the rest of us who dont?

Pelosi is not doing a good job. You may choose to run Hillary or Obama for President. Thats why a centrist alternative is needed.

You gave us Gore and Kerry the last two times and Bubba before that.

Here is a modern man who upholds the highest ideals of previous his father and uncle John F. Kennedy before him.

Check out what he has to say and you just might agree that RFK Jr. is the best choice for America now.

So let's draft him into the race already!!!

A Unity 08 ticket of Kennedy (as an Independent) and Kucinich would make me very happy...:)

News and Information site for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Movement to Draft him in 2025:


What torivic probably meant was that these people were "revolutionaries" with the fire in them to really change things. We weren't all "long-haired hippie pinkos" back then and many of us certainly are not that now! I find that, as I grow older, that me and my friends from back then are neither Republinazi's nor Commiecrats. I myself have been pegged as politically a fiscal conservative, but social liberal. If you look at the results of the first vote results, that is where most of the members of U08 fall. This election really is the most important one in our lifetime, and may be the last best chance to reverse the downward trend of this nation that we love!

The "Revolution" was more a by-product of our massive numbers than the shared revolutionary thoughts. Voices were heard because there were so many and Vietnam gave us a focal point, regardless of which side of the fence one was on. All these voices were not in step with the same drum beat. Many agree that this is an important election. However, whether this is the moment of actual government reform remains to be seen. It may just be the first step. The question at this moment is, Has the pain of maintaining the same ill-fated direction surpassed the fear of change?


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Lets uncorrupt our government!

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