Submitted by davidfarrar on September 21, 2025 - 6:05pm.
When someone asks the People to speak, the authentic voice of the People must be heard. I am not sure Unity08 is interested in creating an Internet structure that will allow the authentic voice of the People to speak, whatever it says, wherever it goes. I will be the first to praise Unity08 when I see even the barest semblance of a structure that will allow the people to speak in a verifiable fashion.
Submitted by mgsjake on September 21, 2025 - 8:27pm.
You have made yourself quite clear sir. Your attempt to damn, with faint praise, is noted. Aren't you a bit presumptuous in appointing yourself, ( with no backing from anyone--- {or do you want to disclose exactly whose, "axe you are grinding?}), to determine what is authentic, verifiable and when Unity '08 will , if ever have, and I quote, "....the barest semblance of a structure that will allow people to speak.......etc., etc. Mr Farrar, even war is now changing-----the enemy doesn't declare it-----do you wear any type of mask?
Let's all try to help America,
With Unity '08 !
Harvey "Jake'Jacobson
I am confused, is davidfarrar for unity '08-----or is he a mole?
When someone asks the People to speak, the authentic voice of the People must be heard. I am not sure Unity08 is interested in creating an Internet structure that will allow the authentic voice of the People to speak, whatever it says, wherever it goes. I will be the first to praise Unity08 when I see even the barest semblance of a structure that will allow the people to speak in a verifiable fashion.
ex animo
You have made yourself quite clear sir. Your attempt to damn, with faint praise, is noted. Aren't you a bit presumptuous in appointing yourself, ( with no backing from anyone--- {or do you want to disclose exactly whose, "axe you are grinding?}), to determine what is authentic, verifiable and when Unity '08 will , if ever have, and I quote, "....the barest semblance of a structure that will allow people to speak.......etc., etc. Mr Farrar, even war is now changing-----the enemy doesn't declare it-----do you wear any type of mask?
Let's all try to help America,
With Unity '08 !
Harvey "Jake'Jacobson