Waterston on O'Reilly Factor

posted by BobRoth on July 7, 2025 - 6:12pm

Sam Waterston, Unity08 spokesperson, will be a guest on Fox News' O'Reilly Factor this Tuesday, July 10th, 8pm ET.

As defined by Wikipedia:
The O'Reilly Factor is an American talk show on the Fox News Channel hosted by commentator Bill O'Reilly, who discusses current political and social issues with guests from opposing ends of the political spectrum.

The O'Reilly Factor is currently the highest rated show on the Fox News channel and the highlight of O'Reilly's career. O'Reilly is known for his confrontational interview style and strong opinions, for which the program has been both praised and criticized.

To learn more about the show, please visit The O'Reilly Factor site.

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Bob Roth, must you really go into detail about what the O'Reilly factor is? Don't we all know? I would be surprised that someone as ignorant to not be aware of Bill O'Reilly would register with this website. Do we seem this dense to you?

Simply erring on the side of more information, rather than less. I do not assume that every individual that is a member of Unity08 is a viewer of or knows about the O'Reilly Factor. Enjoy the show!

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com

**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**

Woody Pidcock

I am a fairly educated person and have heard of the O'Reilly factor by reading Al Frankel's book. However, since I don't have a TV, I have never seen the show. I wasn't aware that it was the most popular American talk show on Fox "News" Channel.

I guess I will need to go to a friends house to see the show on Tuesday. Thanks for letting me know about this ahead of time!

I've looked all over and cannot find the video of this. I did not get the chance to see it live. Any help?

Nick Troiano (I-PA)

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