When Doug was on The Colbert Report, we announced a poll on the show, "Should Steven Colbert run for president?" (view poll results). It ultimately drove a ton of traffic to us which delivered almost 10,000 new members to the movement!
What should we do when Sam Waterston is on Colbert this Wednesday, September 26th?
(Edit note): I did not see your statement in bold type about Sam appearing on Colbert the first time around.
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Emphasize our Draft Rules: #2 Candidate Qualification and #3 Nomination. Emphasize the broad based grassroots effort to empower the average American voter to get the attention of politicians. Emphasize that we want to take back America and wrest it from those that place their self-interest above the self-interest of the American people.
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Sure wasn't much time for Sam to share much substance about U08.
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Lets uncorrupt our government!
More members will come for sure. Last time, it was a short blurb. This time, he's given Unity 08 a lot of time.