How To Bring About A Change In Governmet In Iran !

posted by popo on June 27, 2025 - 1:05pm

There are 485 American Corporations propping up Iran's Economy : It will save American and Irantian Lives if These Corporations cease doing business with Iran until there's a changes in Governments.

The complete list of the corporations involved is available from and Dick Morris .


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That's what it takes to be a hero, a little gem of innocence inside you that makes you want to believe that there still exists a right and wrong, that decency will somehow triumph in the end

I was unaware that so many American corporations were doing business in Iran! That definitely would be a place to start, but what happens if they retaliate by mining the straits of Hormuz for example? The Russians would be on their side. We need to have all our ducks in a row with the international community's support to help ease the economic meltdown that would ensue in the west. The plain fact is that we can't do this unilaterally and right now our credibility is shot with the rest of the world. It is still a possibility to consider.

You want to make the Iranians pee their pants? Announce a Manhattan Project to convert the entire fleet of American vehicles to hydrogen fuel, start building the nuclear electric power plants to produce hydrogen fuel on a mass scale, put hydrogen pumps at all gas stations, and spend whatever R&D funds are necessary to see it through. Then watch the price of oil plummet while we ramp up the American jobs to do all these things and watch the Iranian treasury go dry trying to mess with us around the world.

I second that motion. I mean, I agree with that completely.

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