
posted by Quicksilver on June 27, 2024 - 4:59am

I knew nothing about Dennis Kucinch, but in the Democratic "debates", I was really impressed. He isn't pre-packaged like the others (well, neither is Gravel).
I've read up on him, and like what I read.
He is the only one I've heard that gets it about Iraq - we're there for the OIL.

Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism.
read this:

I think a Kucinich/Ron Paul ticket is what Unity08 should end up with.

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I agree a Dennis Kucinich/Ron Paul Ticket wpuld be the ultimate Unity ticket.

neither of the guys has any influence in the legislator to break the gridlock. They would be ignored just like Bush was on the immigration bill. Some here saw that as a 'victory' but it does prove that legislators have to respect the executive for the executive to make a difference. Winning the office will be pointless without respect for the person...particularly in our case because they will ALWAYS have to persaude a majority away from partisan entrenchment; they won't be given anything from day one.

Bill"for what we are together"

I agree. I have been a fan of Dennis for several years but felt he can't win the presidency because he is not tall, nor handsome. Maybe this is the right venue for him.

Personally I would prefer a Paul/Kucinich ticket but if the one you like was the unity08 I would vote for it especially if any of the so called top tier candidates in the GOP and Dem parties get their respective nominations. However I am not yet ruling Ron Paul out as the GOP nominee. His support is still gaining momentum and I think he will surprise a lot of folks in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Paul is the most economic literate candidate in the field and his knowledge will become vitally important the nearer we get to election day.
If these two end up being the U08 ticket there will be a flood of delegates to U08.

Yes Quicksilver.Dennis Kucinich is BY FAR the Best Presidental Candidate.I would LOVE there to be Universal Healthcare and a Department of Peace!

Yes let's push Dennis Kucinich/Ron Paul.
and elect those for other political offices thru out the land that would support them.

copied from Kucinich www

Dennis Kucinich is the only Presidential Candidate with a plan for a Universal Single Payer, NOT FOR PROFIT Healthcare system.


The plan is embodied in HR 676 the Conyers-Kucinich bill, written by Dennis Kucinich & John Conyers

Michael Moore supports HR 676 and thanks Dennis for running for President.

The plan covers all healthcare needs, including dental care, mental health care, vision care, prescription drugs, and long-term care - at NO extra cost!

Kucinich's plan, HR 676, is supported by 78 Members of Congress , more than 260 Union Locals , and 14,000 physicians and is endorsed by the New Hampshire House of Representatives.

Well, that makes at least two of us!!!

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

I AM FROM Kucinich's district, and although I love him and his ideas and his ability to stand up and say what he thinks, I vote for him regularly and I still think that he's a bit batty ( or touched). I do not think that he is the right man to be President, but an adviser or a VP or even a cabinet member certainly. I do feel that he has not done much for Cleveland (which much like the country is falling apart at the seams.) I do not think that he is the best man for the current political climate. I feel that real change needs to occur and although I have NEVER been a Republican, and I stay registered as non-partisan...I'm really feeling that Ron Paul has 'radical' ideas (that aren't radical just would end the pork BS) and has the record and integrity that this country needs right now to make it through the next presidential cycle. Please consider researching Ron Paul, you will most likely be impressed. I love Dennis and I'd vote for him again in a heartbeat as my rep.but not as my pres.
Peace to you all and bless the troops!

Kucinich and Ron Paul are two I admire. They both speak a lot of truth, and give actual answers to questions. Either of them are way better than the front-runners.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

I AM FROM Kucinich's district, and although I love him and his ideas and his ability to stand up and say what he thinks, I vote for him regularly and I still think that he's a bit batty ( or touched). I do not think that he is the right man to be President, but an adviser or a VP or even a cabinet member certainly. I do feel that he has not done much for Cleveland (which much like the country is falling apart at the seams.) I do not think that he is the best man for the current political climate. I feel that real change needs to occur and although I have NEVER been a Republican, and I stay registered as non-partisan...I'm really feeling that Ron Paul has 'radical' ideas (that aren't radical just would end the pork BS) and has the record and integrity that this country needs right now to make it through the next presidential cycle. Please consider researching Ron Paul, you will most likely be impressed. I love Dennis and I'd vote for him again in a heartbeat as my rep.but not as my pres.
Peace to you all and bless the troops!

I Agree with you, although I Can't stand kucinich, because I Don't agree with him on some of the issues though.


Read what I've posted about Paul - I love the man!
Kucinich is spot on about why we're in Iraq (OIL) and I like his push for Healt CARE, not health INSURANCE, because health insurance has become a scam, a fraud.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

That's like trying to mix oil and water and hoping to get a well blended mixture. They are both at the extremes in their respective parties. You might get one or two areas of agreement between them.

(Edit add-on)
Neither holds credentials to be considered a centrist.

Go to abcnews.com and click on politics, scroll down to "POLL: Romney Pulls Ahead in Iowa" then click on the checkmark. This is what comes up:
Now that the debate's over, it's time to consider the winners and losers.

Who do you think won the Republican debate?

Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Rudy Giuliani
Nobody won. I'm voting Democratic.
Nobody. I'm waiting for Fred Thompson or Newt Gingrich to enter the race.
Mike Huckabee
Sam Brownback
Tom Tancredo
John McCain
Tommy Thompson
Duncan Hunter
Total Vote: 48,985

There is no mention by ABC in any of their articles covering the debate on their own poll showing Ron Paul with over 63% of the vote. Who did Romney pull ahead of, Giuilani?

The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Join the Ron Paul Revolution and expose the lying scum at ABC News!

OK then, where did you get your numbers? You sound like the Tony Snow of Ron Paul's campaign. No one appreciates a Snow Job. I kind of like Ron Paul, not so sure about HC.

--Think also of the comfort and rights of others

The numbers are from ABC - their poll. Every online pol I've seen favors Ron Paul. I like Paul, and in keeping with bi-partisanship, want to pair him with Kucinich.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

Online polling is extremely unreliable. Ron Paul is popular on the internet, but that will probably not translate into popular support.

Jeff C


Ames,Iowa GOP Straw Poll is this Saturday August11,2008. Just wish they had stuck with the traditional paper ballots but Diebold vote massaging machines will be in place. No matter, I predict a Ron Paul victory anyway. A poor showing by Romney will send his campaign into the crapper with McCain's.

The Ron Paul Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Join the Ron Paul Revolution the only hope for America!

The Ames,Iowa straw poll like the New Hampshire primaries give me hope because their participants are for the most part people who do their homework and study the candidates before they cast their votes. The People are fed up with politics as usual and I believe this will be reflected in the early voting. The war in Iraq and illegal immigration will be the main issues they are looking at, provided the stock market can keep from further crashing for a few more days.
A famous golfer once said that no tournament was ever won on the first day but that a lot of them had been lost on the first day! Mitt Romney has the most to lose in Iowa since Giuilani and McCain have both elected not to participate. If he doesn't fare well he is toast. Another good thing that should come out of this is that the field should be significantly narrowed as a result. Tancredo, Tommy Thompson, Duncan Hunter, Brownback, Huckabee and McCain should all be gone after the first couple of rounds.

The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Call all your family and/or friends in Iowa and tell them to join the Ron Paul Revolution before Saturday!

He said that ABC didn't publish the poll results. I didn't find them on the web site after a quick check. Maybe you have to vote first. Anyway, the poll isn't very scientific. I like your pairing, even though they are highly unelectable. I am not saying that they shouldn't be elected, just that not enough people see what a benefit it is to have someone in charge who really knows the Constitution. They want someone who will promise them quick, capricious changes that satisfy their interests. Of course, our system of government is not set up that way, purposefully.

--Think also of the comfort and rights of others

I said they never mentioned their own poll in any of their articles about the debate.

The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Open your eyes to the only candidate running that has integrity!

He came out fighting for ordinary Americans Consider these few quotes:

"In my first week in office, I will notify Mexico and Canada that the United States is withdrawing from NAFTA. I will notify the WTO, that the United States is withdrawing from the WTO."

"We need to get out of Iraq, and get out of Iraq now. I'm the only one on stage who has had the vision and the foresight to have voted against authorizing the war and voted against funding the war."

"Isn't it time to cover every American with not-for-profit health care?"

Be sure and catch Dennis Kucinich's interview this Sunday on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopolous." Dennis will be discussing a number of topics in a wide-ranging interview you won't want to miss.

I have not been impressed by Dennis Kucinich. I believe that his ideas are too extreme and would hurt the economy and make our country less safe. I wish we could focus on candidates that are not part of the current group of presidential candidates. I would not support any far right or left candidate.

I consider myself moderate/conservative. I submit for your consideration that Kucinich seems left only because we have been pulled so far to the right!
What Ideas are too extreme? That Iraq is a quagmire? That no one should die because of their economic situation?

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

Kucinich will bring LOVE to the office of the President.

Him and Paul is a stupid ticket, pretty much unelectable.

Kucinich's voting record on immigration rated a " D- "..............similar to Obama's & Clinton (hilary) ratings.......ugh

(lnk is ~ http://grades.betterimmigration.com/view_all.html3?Flag=GRADE)

Americans for Better Immigration (ABI) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization
which lobbies Congress for reductions in immigration numbers & border enforcement(s).

~ sampling ~
Tom Tancredo............Final Grade: A+
Duncan Hunter...........Final Grade: A+
Jeff Sessions...........Final Grade: A
Ron Paul................Final Grade: B
Fred Thompson...........Final Grade: C
Newt Gingrich...........Final Grade: D
John Mccain.............Final Grade: D
Barack Obama..........Final Grade: D-
Hilary Clinton..........Final Grade: D-
Dennis Kucinich.........Final Grade: D-
Joseph Biden............Final Grade: D-
Chuck Hagel.............Final Grade: D-
Bill Richardson.........Final Grade: F- ( 3 sanctuary cities)
Nancy Pelosi............Final Grade: F- (& sanctuary city)
Michael Bloomberg.......Final Grade: F- (& sanctuary city)
Rudolph Guliani.........Final Grade: F- (& sanctuary city)

... then you just haveb't looked into him enough. Look for his views on various websites that keep track of such things and you will see that he is one of the most liberal Democrats around. I mean, I do like the guy (he's gotta be one of the most honest running) and admire his tenacity, but he's losing because he's got about as much charisma as a stone and because his views are waaay off the mainstream.

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