The ticket

posted by bigbear on September 3, 2025 - 10:09am

At this point in time, I have pretty much narrowed my field down to a Presidential candidate and a Vice Presidential candidate. To preface my choices, I believe that I should explain my beliefs, which are not in the California or Massachusetts definitions of Main Stream. I am somewhat over six decades of age, served twenty years in the military, hold a BS and was a professional. I now supplement my income as a Security Guard. I have been a Republican all the time, because I believe in smaller government and a person's right to succeed or fail on their own. I am distressed that no party has those beliefs today.
Therefore, my choice for President is Newt Gingrich, because he is intelligent, thoughtful, and obviously concerned about the country. I also believe that he has common sense, something totally lacking on the Democratic side. My choice for Vice President is John McCain. The reasons are for his experience, his patriotism, his fortitude, and his knowledge of our enemies. I don't know if he can work with Newt, or anyone else, but I think that Newt would listen to his advice.

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Underneath your post there is the link-caption for "who is a realistic candidate?" I've never followed that link, maybe someday. It's above the send to a friend, report as spam, subscribe to post part of the thread.

Me, I've been a non-voter in my unwise youth, a brief fling as a democrat, a brief fling as a republican. Even voted as an Independent, in my past. Now, Im middle-aged, so can relate to the sad state of our current political system.
Can you tell me, as in assure me -- that somebody who fits the bill as in requirements that we want, would not be "taken care of" by the powers that be? I am not a conspiracy theorist, but, find myself very doubtful of an honest person or candidate's chances of surviving these days. ?

Yeah Newt is a true family man. Can't help the sarcasm.
You want smaller government, so do I - but I also want an honest government and we have had a scandal a week. I'm an independent - the last Republican president I voted for was Ford, who I felt was the last honest Republican candidate. I voted for Perot twice because I liked what he said.
Newt is really partisan, and that's not what we need - we have too much of that now.
I used to respect McCain, but he's truly delusional about Iraq, and I can't stomach how he's compromised on torture and other issues.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

I just love the hypocrisy today of those who automatically eliminate a candidate because he may have made a mistake during his lifetime. With that as a guideline, every candidate out there is eliminated. If you can't accept someone who has made a mistake and then corrected it, there is no one for you to vote for.
Theoretically, I would love to only have a person who has lived the Ten Commandments as my candidate. But that person died on the Cross. And, in retrospect, I don't think that even He could be a good president in today's society.
You say that Newt is too partisan. I disagree. I think that he can be tough in partisan way in order to move his agenda, but I also believe that his common sense allows him to be engaged with the opposition.
He is the only Republican that I can think of that will stand up to the partisanship of Schumer, Leahy and that bunch.
McCain is excellent in his experience and knowledge, but I agree with you that he totally failed us in the torture area. However, his belief that we should win in Iraq (as the only choice) is one hundred per cent correct. I certainly am sick of our citizens wanting to be losers. I just don't think that he can draw the nation together, while I do believe that Newt can and will.

in the dictionary the definition of hypocrite has a picture of newt gingrich.
also unity 08 is trying to unify the two parties not further the separation which already exists. it is clear from your post you think only along republican lines, which is your prerogative. however that line of thinking has put this country in the compromised position we currently are in.
we need change and gingrich is certainly not a messenger of change.i agree with you that we are not going to get anyone who hasn't made mistakes or is anywhere near perfect however what gingrich has done is not only the height of hypocrisy but also immoral.

...shooting down these cockamamie ideas about Newt, Ron Paul, Kucinich, etc. Seriously, are you people out of touch enough to think that these people, who can't even get much support within their own party, would be able to get almost any support from outside of the right and left wings? Honesty is not enough. Newt's got a rap list longer than Giuliani and isn't half as charismatic (but its no joke that the guy is as smart as a scalpel from what I've seen and read). He's a slimeball to his family, he's a died in the wool conservative... what are you smoking to make you think these kinds of people could get anywhere in a organization positioning itself BETWEEN the two parties ideologically? Its becoming more and more amusing to me how blind some people on here are, what, have you just not looked at the organizations stated goals? Have you not looked at how they are marketing themselves and what kind of people are going to then be making up the lion's share of membership when crunch time comes? Seriously, I'd love to hear answers to these questions!

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