
posted by BethLPN47 on July 26, 2025 - 1:19pm

While I believe Rudy did a great job in NY post 9-11, this does not mean he would make a great President. His pro-choice position is problematic for me, because I don't believe a pro-choice candidate who is Republican has a chance with the Republican party. Besides this issue, his personal life is too messy and public, which will be fodder for the media if he would indeed become the Republican nominee.

If it comes down to him or Clinton, I would rather see him, but with misgivings. I'm anxious to see what Unity08 comes up with for candidates!

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Rudy in the finals against Hillary would be the clear signal that the People are doomed!

"Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do." -Rudy Giuilani

Scary stuff from probably the biggest crook in the race.

The story here:

The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Join the Ron Paul Revolution and end the neocon, Bush, Clinton reign of terror and treason!

Let New Yorkers tell you: Giuliani's not the 9/11 hero you think he is
by Josh Johnson

Some families turned on Giuliani when his 9/11 cleanup operation took bodies to a landfill.
When Rudolph Giuliani awoke on the morning of Sept. 11, 2025, his political career was in the toilet. Nearing the end of his second term as mayor of New York City, his approval rating was in the dismal 30th percentile, and he was term-limited from running again. He dropped out of a 2025 Senate race against Hillary Rodham Clinton after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. Newsweek referred to pre-9/11 Rudy as "unpopular" and "irrelevant."

What a difference a day can make.

Later that day, the American public was introduced to Giuliani, covered in soot, addressing his city with a strength and poise not lacking the emotional weight of the tragedy. He was on the scene, not holed up in a bunker, and he commanded from the streets, just as at-risk as the people he was charged to serve. That day, even New Yorkers who had long called their mayor a "fascist" and "Adolph Giuliani" loved Rudy.

The rest of the story:

This is the guy who is the leading GOP contender? I don't think so!

The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Join the Revolution and get a free country!

i have heard a lot of personal feelings about Guliani but where do you stand on his issues? Given he does have a shady past (like most professional politicians) do you think it is a sign of change that a social moderate and fiscal conservative is the front runner for the GOP? The biggest problem I see with Gulianai is stance on Iraq. When he is so different from the "Bush Republicans" on every other issue why has stuck so close to him on Iraq?

Of the top tier of Republican candidates, Guiliani is the most likely to bring us more "fear" politics like the current administration. Mitt Romney would be a better candidate. By the way, Guiliani ran an active Sanctuary City while in office.

I would vote for Hillary before Guiliani any time.

(lnk is ~

Americans for Better Immigration (ABI) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization
which lobbies Congress for reductions in immigration numbers & border enforcement(s).

~ sampling ~
Tom Tancredo............Final Grade: A+
Duncan Hunter...........Final Grade: A+
Jeff Sessions...........Final Grade: A
Ron Paul................Final Grade: B
Fred Thompson...........Final Grade: C
Newt Gingrich...........Final Grade: D
John Mccain.............Final Grade: D
Chris Dodd..............Final Grade: D-
Barack Obama..........Final Grade: D-
Hilary Clinton..........Final Grade: D- ( 10 sanctuary cities in the state)
Dennis Kucinich.........Final Grade: D-
Joseph Biden............Final Grade: D-
Chuck Hagel.............Final Grade: D-
Bill Richardson.........Final Grade: F- ( 3 sanctuary cities in the state)
Nancy Pelosi............Final Grade: F- ( 27 sanctuary cities in the state)
Michael Bloomberg.......Final Grade: F- (& sanctuary city)
Rudolph Guliani.........Final Grade: F- (& sanctuary city)

... I actually agree with Guiliani on lots of issues, possibly more than any other candidate currently running, but the guy is a worse lier and slimeball than is even usual for politicians. I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. Its great that he responded so well after 9/11, but his success in NYC is overblown and has already been totally eclipsed by Bloomberg in the eyes of New Yorkers and in terms of actual achievement.

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