Unity08 is a political committee

posted by davidfarrar on June 10, 2025 - 3:09pm

According to the Federal Election Commission Advisory Opinion of 11/2006: “Unity 08” Political Committee Status, Unity 08, a Section 527 political organization whose self-avowed purpose is electing federal candidates, must register as a political committee once it receives more than $1,000 in contributions or makes more than $1,000 in expenditures. As such, Unity 08 will be subject to the limitations, prohibitions and reporting requirements of the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act) and may incorporate for liability purposes.

This ruling, it seems to me, has thrown the exact status of Unity08's "Delegates" into serious question. Voters cannot be qualified members of two political committees at the same time. If a Unity08 "Delegate" signs a petition to qualify Unity08 on the ballot of a particular state, while still a duly registered member of another political committee, that petition would be invalid. In order to become a duly registered member of Unity08, each member must fill out the proper forms at their local Election Department...it cannot legally be done simply by filling out Unity08's online form. And even if it could, you would not actually be a "Delegate" to anything.

At this point, I am not even sure if a registered Independent voter would be able to sign a petition to help qualify Unity08 for the '08 ballot. Only registered Unity08 members can sign the petition to place Unity08 on the ballot.

What is suspiciously missing here is any kind of communication from either the Board of Directors or from Unity08's CEO, Doug Bailey, on exactly what are the ramifications of this FFC's AOP ruling.

ex animo

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Voters may only register with one party, but since we are not a political party (and have never been designated as one by anyone) delegates are free and welcome and encouraged to sign up with us no matter what party they belong to, or if they don't belong to one at all. This is not a matter of interpretation -- there is no restriction on who may sign on as a U08 delegate.

What is the current legal status of Unity08?

Jeff C leikec@yahoo.com

We sought to organize as a 527 non-profit and are currently challenging an FEC decision that classified us as a political committee. We have challenged this ruling on the simple grounds that we are not supporting or advocating any candidate or candidates; we are building an organization that our delegates will ultimately use to nominate a unity ticket.

Here's a link to some potentially helpful info:


From the (very recent) FEC response to U08's "Current Challenge" (the entire text can be found here)

Plaintiffs (Unity08) devote most of their response brief to factually baseless and legally unsupported attempts to address the Commission’s showing that jurisdiction and reviewability are each lacking here. Plaintiffs then repeat their misinterpretations of Supreme Court precedent — interpretations that would threaten the longstanding contribution limits in the Federal Election Campaign Act (“Act” or “FECA”), 2 U.S.C. §§ 431-55. In this reply memorandum, the Commission shows that plaintiffs have failed to demonstrate standing and that the challenged advisory opinion is not subject to judicial review.

It may be a "truth" that U08 is challenging the ruling, however according to the FEC, this "challenge" has no merit.

This page claims that U08 will gain ballot access in all 50 States. However in the original filing with the FEC, U08 claims that ballot access will be attempted in only 37 states. See the FEC Advisory Opinion which states in part Specifically, Unity 08 plans to obtain "ballot access as a `party'" in approximately 37 States."

This page claims that a "convention hall" will be opened in the Spring of 2025. "It is the place where the delegates will be able to caucus with one another by State, candidate, or issue." Well, Spring 2025 is gone in 9 days.

U08 also claims the ability to attract millions of delgates. At last check, and after 18 months of national press that can only be called "soft and fawning", the total stands at less that 50,000.

Where is U08's leadership or response to any of these critical issues?

That was a reply from the Defendant, what do you expect, for them to agree with the Plaintiff?

Now I will say that I don't support the way the legal system works now, but it is what it is and it is purely confrontational conflict, so expect the worst and promise the least.

The two parties will do just about anything that could break up their monopoly, this will get worse before it gets better (if it does get better).

The way around it is publicity, and that might not even work. These republocrats are not dumb, they want to maintain their stranglehold on power, that's "Job #1" !

What hogwash. Why don't you leave the issue to the Unity08 lawyers? With the duopoly as political enemies, they sure don't need spoilers in our own group. (If you even are in our group!)

Having visited with the leaders in DC with several othe U08 members, I found them extremely honest and deserving of our support. Let them move forward without stupid dirty tricks.

While I was in DC, interestingly, there was a know-it-all that wanted to sell his consulting services to Unity08 and failed. I would expect this kind of retaliation from him (and maybe you are him), but for the sake of the rest of the group please don't waste their time too.

Jack Lohman

Everyone here at Unity08 has a right to their opinions, to have them heard and respected, even if you or I don't agree with them. One should never attribute to malice what ignorance can explain. So please, in the future, if you read a message you do not agree with, look upon it as an opportunity to teach rather than attack. These questions have to be asked and explained here and now to us, Unity08's strongest supporters, not eight months from now when Unity08 gets strong enough to actually make a difference.

And some of these messages do, in fact, bring up good points. So far Unity08's legal defense has been sloppy and unprofessional. They have a strong predicate on appeal as long as none of Unity08 funds go to any presidential or vice-presidential campaigns, so they should focus on the law and not their political opinions.

By the way, I still have an issue with signing a petition to place another candidate on the ballot for the presidency when I have signed a loyalty oath that says I will support my party's choice. Voting for the other candidate is fine once inside the secret confines of the voting booth, but to sign a public, notarized petition would be prima facie evidence of party disloyalty and could result in the party removing my name from its membership.

ex animo

Unity08 is trying their damdest to put a package together that is in the best interest of the "center." The last thing they need is dirty tricks from opposing parties. Sorry, I call that deception and fraud, exactly what the previous poster was complaining about. To accuse one of doing the same thing as you is about as low as they come.

Jack Lohman

The commenter Jack has been responding to is the same individual who met with several U08 leaders and supporters in April in DC. (This we know because of the identical IP addresses in his many postings under various screen names.) And Jack is correct: It was certainly the impression of most of those who were present that this individual attempted to hijack the April meeting for his own purposes in an effrt to sell us his consulting services.

After the meeting, we politely declined to continue our conversation with this individual, who then announced that he could no longer take part in Unity 08 "in good conscience." Since that time, however, he has returned to the message boards numerous times, using numerous aliases to post numerous messages designed to undermine us.

His motives are clear, and I'm not going to waste our time responding further to him.

So what if the commenter Jack has been responding to is the same individual who met with several U08 leaders and supporters in April in DC, and said, commenter, has suspicious motives? Are you telling me and the members of this forum, you believe Unity08 can be undermined just by some nutcase posing questions on the forum?
You don't have any faith in the ability of Unity08 members to think for themselves and to decide for themselves who is speaking the truth. Wasn't it Shakespeare who said, "Twice is he armed who is armed with the truth." Do you think this guy is really going to cause anybody here at UNity08 any real harm?

And do you really think you are wasting your time in answering these kinds of pointed questions from anybody? I certainly don't. If they are not continually answered, with fortitude and dispatch, some of our members will eventually become suspicious of Unity08's motives, simply because they were left unanswered, or that the leadership couldn't be bothered enough to answer them.

If this is that much of a problem for you, get an "Ignore" button installed on this forum, and simply explain to Unity08 members why they should hit the "Ignore" button on a particular commenter and let the membership decide who and why they want to ignore someone.

ex animo

Thanks for the info, U08Moderator1. I expect that davidfarrar is also one of his aliases, and he's using that to support his wild and disruptive actions so other people believe it is not an isolated kook.

I think these shenanigans should be exposed for what they are, so other members know the comments are coming from a bitter salesman whose services were turned down, and not from a legitimate member.

And let me say to this "anonymous" commentator; I flew to DC on my own nickel to hear the Unity08 leader's presentation, not your sales pitch (which was quite crude, I might add). If you wanted to present you should have used a direct forum, not other people's time and expenses. As well, if you have legitimate claims you have their direct contact info and you need not waste my or other member's time on this blog. It is a very rude and offensive disruption of serious folk's efforts.

And if you are dissatisfied with U08, work up the courage to start your own third party. This one is for serious people.

Jack Lohman

PS: Or should I also use an anonymous handle?

Check my isp thingamajig, Jack. I am me, davidfarrar. I have been me the whole time.

And look, anybody who offers you an in-kind-contribution, even if it is the prelude to a sales pitch...you should have taken it because any production company worth their salt should be able to at least bring in enough donations with their product to pay for their services. And, yes, 99 percent don't, which is why an offer of the first one free should have gotten some body's attention, especially if they are as experienced as they say they are in the political arena.

ex animo

If a poster is deriding Unity 08 organizers and has a blank bio then it is a given that they have no construtive intentions. The moderators know it comes from the same isp site and should consider tagging each posters name with a codified isp identity they can not change. See if these childish deceits can be taken for what they are actually worth.

Bill"for what we are together"


Whether a poster has a blank bio or not, and regardless of where their isp comes from or how many times it is used, unless they are using profanity, spamming (which is happening now in this forum, even as we speak) or is rude or disrespectfull, we all should respect their opinions. Even if the sender is hell-bent on causing mischief. What can they do; ask some embarrassing questions; cause some open or frank discussions; expose some hidden intent or some deep, dark secrets that shouldn't be hidden from the members in the first place? Come on, guys! This ain't a Garden Party committee we're talking about...it's a political committee and we are discussing pa-pa-pa-politics!

Are you telling me that the leaders of Unity08 didn't fully expect to have their motives questioned, and that somehow we shouldn't do it now? If the foundation of this organization is on solid ground and its organizers have been honest about their intent, nobody should be bothered about answering hard and pointed questions. Indeed, they should welcome them as an opportunity to set the record straight now, before Unity08 does, hopefully, becomes effective. Because let me tell you something, if or when Unity08 does become effective, you ain't seen nothing yet in terms of pointed questions.

Speaking of blank bios...does anyone here really know who Unity08Moderator1 is?

ex animo

My name is John Kaczmarowski. I joined Unity08 in the late winter of 2025, having been alerted to its existence by a friend (and former Unity08 delegate and incidently the videographer mentioned below).

I started out doing a significant amount of reading, posting and discussing of the issues; attempting to find common (middle) ground.

Early on I advocated for a number of things that I see are still being requested on the board by newer members. To wit:

- Leadership from the U08 folks regarding the issues of ballot access and delegate attraction
- Fulfillment of their promises to make this a "People's Movement"
- Development of the U08 site as the "go-to" site for insight into key issues of our day. Essentially making U08 an educational vehicle

I offered significant assistance in these endeavors, including, but not limited to:

- Creation and hosting at my own expense, a secure Wiki environment (http://www.wiki08.com recently turned back on in support of this post) to capture more detailed conversation away from what is becoming even now a cesspool of nativism, recrimination and spam.

- I organized a Delegate meeting in DC and attended at my own (not inconisderable) expense. I invited and paid for another delegate (and another friend / willing volunteer) to attend this meeting.

- I begged, pleaded and cojoled a group of videographers I knew to create a couple of sample "viral video messages" and paid for the creation of these (editting studio time mostly) out of my own pocket. The results, while not acceptable even to me, made a point about what kind of message would attract more delegates.

- I offered my personal services to U08 to help develop a consistent message and message distribution vehicle based on 4 precepts: Education, Entertainment, Engagement and Inspiration and backed by a 24 year career in large-scale systems development and leadership across a broad range of consumer, business, entertainment and media endeavors including 15 years as an Internet executive.

- I offered the services of my search engine optimization start-up to press the message forward through a massive organic and PPC campaign at no charge.

- I developed an internet radio/video broadcast station called UnityRadio as a prototype/example of streaming media distribution options (since rebranded as RadioFreeKacz located at http://www.wiki08.com:8000/unityradio.html), again at my own expense and on my own servers.

- I offered to introduce U08 to the videographers, who insisted that one and only 1 video was free, and yes, I suggested that U08 would have to pay for the rest. Payment made directly to the videographers without a single dime being placed in my pocket.

- Never have I asked for a single dime to be paid to me for any of this effort.

- After the meeting in April, I engaged in conversations with the U08 team that went something like this:

Steve "Tell us what you can do for us"

John "Isn't it already obvious? I can help get your message out. But, if you've got a plan, share it with me and I'll tell you how I can help or if I can help"

Steve "We've got plans, but we won't share them, so again, tell us what you can do for us"

John "I'll prepare a presentation specifically touching on this"

Steve "OK, we'll look it over"

Again, I spent my own time and money developing a media distribution plan aimed at attracting and more importantly RETAINING delegates (betty227, et. al. are you still out there?) In the end, U08 rejected any offer of assistance.

So, my experience leads me to this conclusion:

- U08 is failing to make its stated goals.

- U08 rejects offers from sincere delegates for assistance.

Therefore, either U08 really does know what its doing and doesn't need any help OR U08's stated goals are not its real goals.

With this as my current working premise, I will continue to point out on this board how U08 fails to meet its promises to its delegates and how it fails to meet the standards it so self-righteously claims for itself.

So, now you know the rest of the story.

To the moderator...I'll continue to post a version of this message until you lock out every ISP on the West Coast to which I have access. Let's not get into another message war, it will distract you from whatever real plans you have; declared or not.

For those who wanted a bio, I've reposted my original bio, you can see for yourself now how I feel about what U08 could have been; should have been.

And finally, to those detractors in the audience, I ask "Exactly how much have you done so that you feel right in criticizing my efforts?"


I take back all I said about a nutcase....either these people are neophytes are incredably bad business peoply...offering them one effective, free video could very well have earned them enough in donations to pay for even more...and if it didn't...that would have been the end of it. I really don't know what these people are really up to now.

Although, I hope it's not you who is doing the spamming.

ex animo

It was effective in getting eyeballs (5000 in little less that 1 day), it could also be considered crude and offensive. The basic message ("Same sex marraige is a hot issue, not a political one. Join U08 blah, blah, blah") was backed up by what could only be described as mid-80s R-rated video footage.

And it is not me doing the spamming.

I am sure, John, when Jack and this Unity08Moderator1 person calm down and see what help you can be to Unity08; as gentlemen, I am sure they will offer their apologies. Just give them some time and keep working on that one free video...here's an idea...ask the Unity08 forum for some ideas. I am sure they will come up with some absolute winners, perhaps even Jack and this Unity08Moderator1 person can help. I am still waiting for them to kick in with $62.50 for 125 Unity08 yards signs...but I haven't gotten a commitment from either of them yet, but I am hopeful.
Hey, do you want to kick in too? 125 Unity08 yard signs for only 50 cents apiece. I need to get nine others besides myself...and I have at least four commitments so far.

Let me know.

ex animo




(user name and password are unity08)

None of these was accepted, and David, while I applaud your energy and your open-mindedness, I won't be participating in U08 actively until I am convinced it is something worthy of my time.

I hold out hope of U08 as a concept, but have absolutely no faith in its leadership.


Perhaps Jack and Unity08Moderator weren't wrong after all in turning you down on the basis of what they saw. I think I would have too. But, hey! your production looked perfect. You need to focus your message much, much more...remember, your first video has to bring in enough donations to not only pay for any subsequent video production, but add to Unity08 bottom line as well.

ex animo

Kacz wasn't the only one with a "program", but he has handled it like a gunslinger since April. Notice that popo (Pete) has a "program" as well; as does GEA, but they are team building as we speak. Team building around ideas is where we are in the constructive elements fo the 'shoutbox'. The 'shoutbox' really can serve no other purpose.

Kacz is responsible for the choices he has made without or outside of a coordinated effort for Unity 08. The hyperactive always thinks everyone else is too slow (hense, hyper). They talk alot (smart or not) and listen very little. I followed Kacz's preApril posts and found some merit, but mostly I just found "Kacz".

Building his team is just a much slower grind than he knows and now much incumbered by all the bashing he put on the people trying to get this movement off the ground.

Bill"for what we are together"

Do a Popo "Sit Down Walk About" and try and achieve something positive here ..

I paid my own expenses to fly up and stay at the Watergate - mainly because of Kacz's obvious belief in what UNITY08 was trying to do ..

While I too was offended by the porno bites in the video : I recognized the potential value of the approach - I also recognized the great amount of effort that went in to preparing the material for the meeting ..

Kacz is a lot like me - he's hard nosed - he can be aggressive when he believes in what he's doing : I am that way too ..

Like me Kacz has paid his dues and knows his business - he was and can still be a valuable asset to UNITY08 ..

Kacz I'd be less than honest with you if I didn't tell you - the last thing I expected from you was to try and sabotage the Unity08 program ..

I'm still here because I met with Doug Bailey privately - on April 17th, this much I want every Delegate to know : The Founders are men of Honor - The Vehicle They've Established has a damn good chance of working - AND I'm convinced they've got this election madness figured out just right ..

My only concern was and is : I wanted to See Unity08 & The Delgates with A TOOL before The Important Primaries - that could throw a monkey wrench into the well oiled campaigns of the two major parties AND Get us the type of Press that would Attract & Excite Candidates and Voters to our cause ..

I honestly felt and still do - My Plan and The Type Of Program Kacz can put together for and with UNITY08 - are just what the Doctor ordered .. I work Pro Bono (I'm retired) - Kacz is not, but I'm certain subject to UNITY08 having a sincere interest in working with him, something could be worked out .. I have not talked to him - but I did get to know and understand him - and I'm sure this is the case.

You don't discard a potentially valuable tool - just because you have trouble learning how to use it !!

What say you Moderator, John Kaczmarowski, David and the other Delegates that did get to know how serious Kacz was about making UNITY08 work : wherever you are when you read this - if You're sitting down - stand up and do a popo "walk about" thinking about what I've said - then let's all get down to business and get this show on the road !!!!!!!!


Let's all agree that Kacz is an ass. let's also agree that his ideas for growing the delegate base are half-baked foolishness. Let's finally agree that Kacz's has a personal agenda that appears contrary to that professed by the U08 leadership. Kacz is a bad dude. Ok, got it?

What, exactly, changes when we all agree to this? Does U08 attract the millions of delegates it needs? Does U08 suddenly exhibit the leadership qualities this group and this nation sorely lack? Do flocks of uninterested or turned off voters suddenly realize there is a REAL alternative to the current morass that is Washington and find U08? Does U08 suddenly gain the nearly 750,000 physical signatures required for ballot access in all 50 States? Does the "Trailblazer" program suddenly become a rousing success (and BTW, in internet-speak, this thing arrived stillborn. If you don't have a message, you won't attract an audience, no matter what sort of gimickry you try)?

Answers anyone?

Here's one: NO! The question you're all fighting over is "Will U08 amount to anything close to its professed goals?" has a already been answered. Without significant changes in tactic and strategy, this process is doomed. The only question remaining to be fully revealed is "what in the world were all these self-proclaimed professionals really thinking?". If actions speak louder than words, then look at the actions and hear the message they speak...

Good day folks.

Oh, give me a break guys. If you are not Kacz, I expect you are one of his videographers.

And no, don't expect an apology from me, at lease not until Kacz sends me a $600 check to offset my expenses for attending his presentation. I won't even charge for my time.

Jack Lohman

But listen, Jack,

I do sympathize with you if John got you up to Washington under false pretences. John will tell you, I know nothing of that. I live in Georgia, a fur piece from Washington DC. I know nothing of John as well other than this forum. My comments were simply based on proper forum edicate. Nothing was gained by your "Hogwash" post, you know that, nor your subsequent ones. The Unity08Moderator1 could have, and should have, addressed John's comments directly, not necessarily for John's benefit, but for the benefit of all Unity08 members -- it's as simple as that.

Perhaps, unwittingly, you allowed your annomosity over the spent $600 to cloud your judgement here at the Unity08 forum.

ex animo

Though I still strongly disagree with Kacz's attack on Unity08, he did indeed reimburse me $600 for my expenses to go to Washington to see his presentation, and I do owe that acknowledgment here. And whether Unity08 is to consider his professional services going forward is up to them; not me.

Irrespective of this personal disagreement between them, it is becoming more apparent as every day passes that we need a viable 3rd-party option. I am concerned about the electoral college and winner-take-all system and wonder how this will play out at election time. We need to take states, not just get votes.

Jack Lohman

Wow, that was quite an advertizement Kacz. Though you haven't been able to sell Unity08 on your services, maybe other readers will bite.

And that is quite a threat, too, that you'll post whereever and whenever you want. I would expect that you had better things to do with your time, but maybe not. More dirty tricks will not get you the business, but maybe passing the election to the R/D duopoly would serve you just fine. That shows your colors, but they are not consistent with those on this board.

For the record I paid for my trip and hotel expenses to hear Unity08 leaders. I was invited by them; not you. But you took over the meeting with your slide presentation within 10 minutes of the start. I can only speak for myself, but I was disappointed, at least until I realized your game.

The sales presentation was not what I would have bought, and I've been in marketing for 35 years. But I had no say in the negative decision; they made that on their own (and in my opinion, wisely). I thought it was crude, and their rejection of it builds my confidence in them.

Why do I feel I can criticize your efforts? Well, you in effect used my time and my money to help draw the audience for your sales presentation. And it probably made me look like I was in your camp, which I am not and was not. Yes, I was offended, and if I were you I would not throw around words like deception and defrauded.

As an old sales manager I would suggest to you that you build your own product; not tear down those of others. The enemy is not Unity08; it is the duopoly.

Jack Lohman

You did spend your own time and money on meeting with U08. I did come prepared to tell them what I thought. In my mind, it was the price of admission. For a guy "in marketing", I'm surprised you have so little to offer. But be that as it may, this is the first I've heard of your disappointment, and for that I am truly sorry. I had no intention of wasting your time or your money. I'll gladly reimburse you for your ticket and hotel. No strings, just the right thing to do for wasting your resources.

Now, that's over with. Tell me Jack, how would you go about leading the change that is required to "Take Back Our Country"? The shoutbox miasma of directionless, leaderless, pointless and meaningless blather lacking any substance is certainly not working. Look at the numbers, marketeer Jack, and tell me why someone like the Formaldehyde Junkies (http://www.myspace.com/fjunkies) has more member logins and downloads than a political web site with massive MSM attention? So, accept my failures and tell us how you'd do better...

Kacz, my background is marketing, not political strategy, and I have never claimed otherwise. As a political activist I have posted on this Blog what Unity08 should move forward with (eliminating government corruption and giving the country back to the voters). I also expressed this in our DC meeting and subsequently in my follow-up with U08 leaders. Solve this and virtually all other issues will be taken care of, if not in my favor at least honestly.

I did not see any "price of admission." DC was supposed to be an honest strategy meeting, and they made it very clear to me that they were serious and moving ahead. And they are. I'm happy with their efforts. If I weren't, I'd drop out. You also have that option.

I do not know who they are going to put forward as candidates, and I may or may not remain. But they have their call to make and I have mine, and they have given us this forum to communicate our preferences. I appreciate that.

To compare their response with myspace or youtube where the masses of teenyboppers congregate is disingenuous. We are not trying to get to my 10-year-old grandkids, though I expect your X-rated political ad might have done that.

But you were in DC to make a sales presentation and that should have been done honestly and openly in a meeting specific to your proposal. It shouldn't have been done under the guise of that strategy meeting. But you made your presentation and it was not successful. Lick your wounds and move on. Or stick around and offer your ideas, which I think could be useful. But to use this Blog as a forum to discredit the Unity08 effort is not what I would consider an honest contribution.

I agree with Jeff Currie. You should be better than that.

Jack Lohman

Jack - in all fairness : Kacz did not "High Jack" The April 16th meeting - it was in effect HIS MEETING, he's the one that requested it and when Doug agreed - Kacz came on the web and suggested any of us that could make it - should do so, that said ...

.. I'm extremely disappointed in the way things turned out, and Kacz's subsequent attempts to sabotage UNITY08, that was not fair to us and most unprofessional

Thanks Pete. Though I responded to a message from the Moderator to attend, I did not know it was prompted by Kacz. Had I known it was Kacz's meeting to present his advertizing services, however, I would not have attended.

I don't know where Unity08 stands and will not know until all the chips are on the table. I expect them to move forward and their success or failure will rest on them, not us. But I will support them until I see valid reason not to.

But non-believers should move on rather than trying to dismantle the group. Especially for the reasons behind Kacz's efforts. He has dug his hole, and he should quite digging.

Jack Lohman

Kacz's interest in UNITY08 was sincere, his objective at the April meeting was to donate a video of a concept through show and tell, that he hoped could lead to some form of paid working relationship !!

Unity08 and others present got the benefit of his expertise and work to that point - Free Of Charge !!

Things basically went wrong because Kacz failed to anticipate what the reaction might be to incorporation of some porno images : this was a Turn Off for Doug and others THAT UNDERMINED AND DETRACTED FROM THE VALUE OF THE IDEA/CONCEPT !!

As a businessman, I've warned people on many occasions - NEVER discard a potentially valuable tool (or employee) simply because you don't know how to utilize same - Learn How & Everybody Benefits !!

Unfortunately - apparently the rejection of Kacz's offer of help, was poorly handled and hurt Kacz's pride, that said, I agree Kacz handled the situation badly also ..

For you, Kacz and everyone still clicking on I've done my homework (like I always do) - and for what it's worth coming from me ..

Doug and The Other Founders are sincere and have got this thing pretty well figured, I do believe their shortfall is in the area where people like Kacz, John Milligan,You, Qicksilver, GEA, Betty, me and the other core delegates can help ..

Doug is already working on putting one of my ideas into affect that could could produce some action of interest, Steve and Doug are listening - we just have to keep faith and trying to help ..

Frankly, I hope Kacz rejoins the effort - as I said, like me he's a bit hard nosed and aggressive when he figures he's doing something that's good for the organization ..

Stay well - I appreciate your news letters


I agree that Kacz could offer positive direction, Pete, but not given his current ire. U08 is not perfect but its intentions are on target. We need more, not less, of these kinds of groups. Some things they've simply had to play close to their chest and not expose their full strategies. I respect that.

Jack Lohman

You still have it wrong


We'll as usual I'm the last regular guy attendee at that notorious 4/16 meeting with you all and the Unity folks. I did have to cut out right after so I did not know what went on after. But I felt at the time, besides the misjudged use of that video by Kacz, it went pretty well and I thought Kacz did make his point and they were talking on the right track regarding internet optimization etc.. He neither hijacked the meeting and I do not think the Unity folks thought he did.

I made my points on getting a platform with Entitlements and Grand Strategy at the fore and tying into some good centrist bipartisan groups to achieve leverage and all. You all know my gig. Jack and popo made their excellent points on Contracts and Campaign Finance and all and the Unity folks were very gracious and receptive but still committed to their "no-platform til Feb/Mar 2025" game plan. no problem there on my party. These guys/gals have been around the block and know their business for sure. we chimed in, said our piece and they responded cogently and with Kaz and the internet web team talking positive I was confident we were on the right track.

What happened after the meeting betwen kacz and the unity folks is beyond me but whatever it was and who is to blame it did not work out and Kacz needs to suck it up and move on if he does not want to contribute constructively. The Unity folks as far as I am concerned have been great. i do not agree with some of their Unity game plans scenarios for sure but constructive chiming in is always the best.

I think the separate wiki ideas from GP and Kacz and maybe some EJRs on a yahoo groups might be a good way forward to get some focus and til the soil and do some prep on the platform standing for something stuff. I'm not going anywhere and will still keep plugging away on my flaming moderate points in hope of something sticking. I still like the Unity idea as a way to maybe hold the other 2 parties, the speial interests who really run the show in DC, and the American people to account.

So let's suck it up and move on. We have bigger fish to fry!

DC - 3rd ward


Will someone please wake me up in Feb/Mar 2025 then? Thanks.

Joe - 5th Congressional District, Pennsylvania

Katz is exactly the kind of person U08 needs. If the leadership cannot see that, then why should we think they will listen to anyone else. From what I can tell, he knows how to attract and keep delegates, which is the goal at the moment, right?


I have been around here for a while. I have lost much confidence in the Unity08 leadership. I have been up front about this, and I have expressed my reservations about Unity08's direction many times - both on the forum, and in personal e-mails to the Unity leadership. Steve Kornacki in particular, knows exactly how I feel.

I have questioned Doug Bailey's approach to leadership - and I assume that he also knows where I stand - since I wrote him an e-mail expressing my concerns.

You are at your best when you do policy research, You have a good sense for this type of work. I am also sure that you are competent performing your consulting work. You could be valuable to Unity08.

Here's my problem:

Quote - "To the moderator...I'll continue to post a version of this message until you lock out every ISP on the West Coast to which I have access. Let's not get into another message war, it will distract you from whatever real plans you have; declared or not."

Quote - "And finally, to those detractors in the audience, I ask "Exactly how much have you done so that you feel right in criticizing my efforts?"

You have no right to act like that. You wrote some posts, you wrote some e-mails, you decided to go to Washington, and you spent money without having any real committment from Unity08. You acted badly, and you got into a pissing match with Unity08, and you started causing trouble. All of this was your choice.

And the top quote lifted from your post shows that you still intend to act like a child if you don't get your way.

Has Unity08 delivered the goods? I don't think so - but I am willing to wait a little longer befor passing final judgement on the organization. That is my choice.

I also enjoy debating with the people on the forum. Most of the active participants have a real desire to effect positive change. People like John Milligan, GEA, Quicksilver, Betty, Steve Kornacki, Popo, and others have done a lot to educate me on the issues.

I agree with some of your opinions about the Unity organization. I don't disrespect you for questioning Unity08's viablity, but I have no respect for anyone who goes skulking around changing identities.

Here is my unsolicited (and probably unwelcome)advice; dump the attitude - and the air of entitlement, and stop acting like a punk. Either add to the discussion, or go somewhere else. I hope you stay, because Unity08 could use your skills.

And you should also notice that I write my name and e-mail address when I get into a pissing match. I don't feel the need to hide from anyone.

And by the way...

You have no right to question my efforts to help this organization.

Jeff Currie leikec@yahoo.com

I read the FEC ruling from May 25, 2025. It is quoted in the post and you can read it for yourself. The fact is that the FEC finds no merit in U08's claims to special privilege. To be successful, the FEC is clear, U08 needs to act like a political party. THIS is the same thing many have been advocating for on this board for many months.

I've read U08's positions and promises. The fact is that these positions are simply not supported by facts.

So, Jack, tell me again, what hogwash are you speaking about?

When an organization says one thing and does another, we call that deceitful. You would join U08 to challenge the deceit you see in DC yet you seem able to forgive any deceit you see in any organization you choose to support. How is that helpful?

In the end, the leadership of U08 has some 'splainin' to do. Unless and until that happens, U08 is destined for failure. An eventuality no one here seems eager to witness.

Thank you...UO8Moderator1, For your response.

So does this mean that you or any of your fellow Founder's Council members, Board of Directors or Advisory Committee's members want to throw in their $62.50 worth to purchase 125 each of Unity08 yard signs? We only need six more to qualify for a 50-cent per sign deal!

ex animo

One concern with lawn signs at this early stage is that most cities and towns have ordinances that bar them from being displayed except for in the month or so before an election. But it is a good idea and I don't mean to discourage your enthusiasm and desire to do something.

Sorry, Unity08Moderator1, I didn't see your message. Yes, you are correct. But they can still can be placed on private property...I think, at any time. And what the heck...you can place a few at strategic intersections around town and wait for the response. Usually, the local authorities will give you a "Cease and Desist" order first before any serious action is taken and you can run out there and take them down then. Or, on the other hand, you can ignore the local authority's order entirely. Go to City Hall, make a big stink about free speech and just possibly get some press coverage over the issue, and then quietly go out and take it down. I would personally follow the second route...as long as I had a video crew making a YouTube video of the whole incident for us.

ex animo

Yes, I see what Unity08 is trying to do now. I have searched my state's ballot access rules and regulations and find that, indeed, a "body" (presumably, an IRS Section 527 corporation) may gain ballot access to nominate a president and vice-president with one percent (1%) of the registered voters...yeda,yeda,yeda.

In Georgia that is 42,488 registered voters. Getting that many petitions signed within the necessary time frame will be difficult, but certainly not impossible, particularly if there is wide-spread dissatisfaction in the presidential and vice-presidential nominees adopted by the two major political parties after February 5, 2025.

I also understand now that even the term "delegate" is arbitrary, and depends largely on what the "body" defines it to be.

As for the on-line convention that Unity08 has promised by the spring of '07, I too would like to see that website and understand its structure, or be informed as to why it is late in forming.

ex animo

Todays posting to Judge Napolitano Fox News Consultant on Constititional Law - on www.america-21stcentury.com

Pete Evans

The Federal Eelction Committee is responsible for ruling on the Plaintiff's claims. It does no good to simply state, as you seem to, "of course U08 won't get a fair hearing".

The fact is, that had U08 registered as a Party (others have successfully done so), adopted and followed a plan for ballot access and declared a set of candidates, or at least declared an open primary for candidates that was anything but a legal and operational pipe-dream, things would be different right now. That U08 chose to ignore the laws of this land and now cries "foul!" is immature and short-sighted to say the least.

Finally, for the Moderator to state that there is an ongoing challenge without providing the relatively significant information as to the FEC's very recent rejection of same borders on premeditated deception or fraud.

The energy generated by the good people who have signed up at Unity08, I fear, will go to waste unless and until the founders of U08 begin to act like the professionals they claim to be and lead a Party of concerned citizens to take back our country.

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