The recent raids at meat packing plants in Colorado dispell the argument that American workers won't take the jobs that illegal immigrants are currently filling. At Swift & Company in Greeley, CO where 260 illegal workers were detained... their were more than 800 American applicants standing in line to fill the jobs left vacant by the raids. The wages Swift was paying were increased overnight.
We are all paying a price for illegal immigration but our local youth struggling to enter the job market are paying a huge price for this cheap "illegal" labor when they can't compete with those who pay no taxes or benefits. There is no difference between a criminal who shirks the law and steals and an employer who shirks the law and avoids paying all the costs that they should bear to hire a worker. We should be prosecuting anyone caught in violation as the criminals that they are. They are willfully and deliberately avoiding paying taxes and this is a felony. A felony is a felony.... if we overlook one felony then we should throw out the rule of law and revert to anarchy. I guess we are almost there now.
I fought for my country in Vietnam and am disabled... I rely on the VA for my health care which is a joke at best. I'm 300 miles from the nearest VA hospital... but if I were in the country illegally I would just go to the local hospital and receive the best medical care that my tax dollars can provide for them... at no cost to the illegal that has nothing to attach to insure payment. If I use this facility they would take my home and all of my possessions to pay for the same services.
It's time that we take this matter into our own hands and pass strick local laws that penalize those that break the law and hire illegal labor. If there are no jobs we won't need to deport anyone... they will return to where they can find work legally in their own homelands.
It's also time that we hold our elected officials accountable for representing those that elected them and not the deep pockets of multinational corporations. If they want to represent a Mexican worker then I would say that they should immigrate to Mexico and run for office there. We should remove from office any official who willingly supports amnesty, or rewards of any kind, for those who have violated our borders and our rule of law.
We all need to be proactive and work to document the employers in our area that are hiring illegal labor... video tape, take notes, call ICE, call local law enforcement and work to pass local ordinances that will make this practice economically and morally not worth the gain. If you see a stucco crew working on the house next door to you and you feel that they might not be legal workers... let the world know that you are watching. Let's build a list of those that use illegal labor and boycot their businesses and support those that work to employ legally and uphold the rule of law.
It's obvious that our elected officials are bought and paid for by deep pocketed lobby efforts so it's up to us to act in our own interest. Let's take our country back now!!!!
Could someone tell me what unskilled really means.
My husband and I were talking about unskilled workers. He has been a carpenter for 35 years. He had to go to school for 4 years to become a union carpenter. He needed to know all kinds of advanced math, tric, geometry, metric system, etc, he needed to know how to read and follow blue prints, he needed to how to calculate weight baring, all kinds of other stuff. Yet, I hear everyone say this is a unskilled job. Can you tell me any one who has a 7, 8th or 9th grade education could do this. Has anyone in high school been taught to read blue prints, or to calculate how much concrete you need, or how to form a concrete angle? Can a high school graduate calculate how much weight a beam can withstand. Do you want to enter a high-rise that with built by some one who don't know how to do these things? I don't get what people mean by unskilled. As far as I've seen, a carpenter is more then hammering a nail or hanging sheet rock. Are they referring to physical labor? Just wondering.
Betty McLeod
PA 06
Betty, I agree 100%. I myself did not go to school to become a journeymen carpenter. It took years of experience to stick build a home from foundation to finish. Carpentry is a skilled occupation. But it is becoming a job Americans don't do. dcday7-NC01
The construction trades are jobs Americans want but the unskilled work force is coming in and the contractors are putting them to work. The contractor will take two or three good men and then make up the rest of the crew with unskilled workers at very low wages and no benefits. As the unskilled work becomes capable, they still work at the low wages and not benefits. These non-union contractors and workers are undermining the skilled building trades making it more difficult for us to earn a living wage. What you do not see when the walls and ceilings are up is the below standard workmanship and sometimes dangerous conditions that will develop over time when a job is not done correctly.
Ihavehadit, I agree, I see it everyday and more and more in my pay. I myself have gone from 25 to 17 an hour to try and complete with the conditions you stated. Also a lot of the work I have at this point is making right after a home is built. I have never in 30 years as a carpenter seen poor workmanship until recently. Some would say it saves money to have this form of labor. The only one that saves is the contracters. The cost of homes still goes up.
Of course your point is right some of the time, but in residential construction we have had coast-to-coast shodding work everytime we have a major building boom; and, we may have just past the peak of one of the biggest. Tens of thousands of homes and apartments built from the late 1960s to the early 1980s have been leveled to prevent collapse. That was not an immigrant issue; it was just fastbuck slipshod work.
I agree that immigrants, legal or otherwise, throttle the cost of labor. The "right" or "wrong" of that depends on whether you own a cow to grow it (i.e., owner/investor) or grow a cow to milk it (i.e., labor/consumer). To me that is not the key issue with illegal immigration. The depleted labor value in the US comes from a 25 year federal bais for the owner/investor mainly through trade agreements, union breaking, and industrial control of elected officials through campaign funding.
I think the illegal immigrant issues are centered in our relativly new demand for secure borders and the even more resent development of gangbanging in the border towns.
This sort of one-on-one hatred approach and excusses for it are not what I want to see Unity 08 candidates pursue. I want to secure the border then repatriate those that can not fit the process our legislator adapts to transition to a fully legallized citizenry and visitor registry.
Bill"for what we are together"
I do not hate the illegal immigrants and undocumented workers parse. They come here illegally then have the gall to march on our streets and demand there rights. They demand we change our laws to accommodate them. I say you want your rights, then here they are, you are here illegally, you are under arrest and then deport them, immediately. They have broken the law and should be dealt with accordingly; I am not ashamed to say I am feed up with the coddling of the illegals.
I am completely disgusted that our tax dollars are providing them with the entitlement programs. That in many cities the law enforcement will not weed them out. That congress will not demand that we seal or borders. That congress is trying to give the illegal immigrants and undocumented workers amnesty and they are trying to cloak it with semantics.
Am I angry? You are darn right I am. If one Presidential candidate stands, up and says my first priority is to seal the borders, deport all illegal aliens and veto any bill granting them amnesty. I will vote for that person no matter what.
Tom Tancredo is your man than!!!
Bill, As I stated (recently) seen poor workmanship. The foundation, framing, electrical, plumbing, etc. Has to be to code. However in recent years I have gone in and brought a structure up to code that did not pass, after that it is mostly sheet rock and finish work the home buyer wants redone. I myself in regards to illegals that are doing the jobs Americans don't do sickens me to the core, it takes from the hard working Americans and gives it to corp america, and people that have no right to be here! I truly hope we can make our elected secure our borders but I doubt it. dcday7-NC01
For one Bill, my message had nothing to do with hate. I personally have black, Hispanic, and white friends and in fact I am not only the aunt but also the godmother of two wonderful half Hispanic nephews.
Building codes have changed a great deal since the 80's. I won't even go back as far as the 60's. My point was, no matter what race you are, carpentry is not an unskilled job and yet that is what our government would have you believe. Yes, there are those in the business that are unscrupulous and should be taken to task.
The governments bias to the owner/consumer is a very large part of our problem today, IMO. This type of bias must be stopped. If people had not been so caught up with Reagan, they would have seen where he was leading us because he is the one that lead the fight to break the backs of unions and started the anti-union movement that is still in play today. People have forgotten how things were before the unions came along. If they remember or did research, they would find that things are moving in the direction of pre-union times. Large corporations getting rich on the backs of the poor, taking advantage of them and refusing to pay a living wage or benefits. The work place safety is beginning to deteriorate as well although that is not yet easy to see.
IMO the government needs to take a serious look at the effects of mass immigration, legal or not. When your talking about 12 to 20 million people, that's massive and is bound to have negative affects on those who are not at the top rings of society. Nor do I think it is fair for people to blame someone for wanting a living wage and that is not going to happen if we allow continued importing and exporting of cheap labor. Where do we draw the line? remember, that 12 million will be bringing in the families as well. If each brings in 3 people, that another 36 million people. Do you think our economy can handle that amount of people and keep a decent standard of living or do you think our standard of living is too high and should be lowered?
My objection to this immigration reform that allows 12 million people to become citizens has nothing to do with hate. It does have to do with the health and well being of all Americans, not just the rich. I'm not against helping others, been doing it my whole life, but I won't sacrifice what I love to do it. And I love America.
So, please, don't assume because someone is against the bill in congress, they are racist.
Betty McLeod
PA 06
Actually, I did not go back up the thread to direct anything at you and I am not saying these folks are hateful on the basis of just what they have said here. But try to realize some of these positions are cultivating the wedge issue that haters will jump on and the big special interest money will light thier fire....exactly what they do again and again and again to defeat the very mission that Unity 08 is trying to put forward.
Secure the borders, win the election, and then make your case when you actually have a voice. If that means stripping everything but border security out of the current bill, that's fine with me. The worst thing that could happen would be a hipanic witch hunt during the election period. If that happens the people running the show since Reagan will cotinue to do so.
Bill"for what we are together"
Agreed. The last thing I wish to do is divide.
Betty McLeod
PA 06
Bill, borders first. We are a Nation that gives a open hand but not if we are getting screwed in doing so. dcday7-NC01
Protect the borders before doing anything else. The Border Patrol in Arizona has been told to stand down and not arrest any illegals anymore. This was reported by Jerry Seper in the AZ Daily Star. It may have also been in the Washington Post as Seper usually writes for them.
Cohen and Grigsby and all those church groups and priests who smuggle, encourage smuggling, the others who aid smuggling and human and drugs and arms trafficking - all US officials who assist in subverting American laws - including the president - are traitorous.
If government administrators can't or won't protect its citizens and enforce the laws, it's time to find new administrators. Enough of wreck it and run management.
"I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers." ...Ralph Nader
I hear ya Vet, thanks for serving for your country. The Va system is a joke, i wont go into details but my experience with them is negative.
As for Betty you are right the labor is terrible now a days because the big companies dont want skill they want cheap and the illegals are cheap workers.
I was watching a talk show the other day and there was a retired home developer as a guest. He said the quality of homes and other buildings are falling short. He said he would not buy a house that has been built in the last 10 years because of the sloppy workmanship.
"Do you want fries with that burger?" at the fast food joint...
Carpentry is a skilled trade, IMO.
Jeff C
How NOT to hire American...
NorthernJudy on June 23, 2025 - 12:44pm
Obviously you don't have your income lowered by the illegals by 25% or more. Or you are making your money by exploiting them and keeping wages low. Even Chavez used to turn in illegals -- no way to get decent salaries with an infinite supply of slave labor.
And you live in a gated community so you don't have to worry about home invasions or drive-by shootings.
But if you drive the freeways at night or attend fairs and celebrations like the 4th of July in Phoenix, you just might get caught in cross-fire between gangs.
As long as you stick to your country club you only have to worry about TB and e. coli from the servants.
"Our goal is clearly NOT TO FIND a qualified and interested U.S. worker."
"It's on video, believe it or not, and even presented as a selling point to peddle their services by Cohen & Grigsby Law Firm. That's right, this group of attorneys put an entire seminar on how to @#$%^ over the American worker on YouTube. Imagine that, a seminar from lawyers on how to make sure one doesn't have to hire an American worker!"
NorthernJudy how do you associate this poster with Cohen & Grigsby?
You may email me rather than post.
"It's the height of hypocrisy for attorneys who are
Americans to do whatever they can do to circumvent the
law ..."
Video clip on immigration law trouble for Pittsburgh
law firm
By David M. Brown
Saturday, June 23, 2025
A prominent Pittsburgh law firm has become embroiled
in a controversy over a video posted on the Internet
that depicts one of the firm's lawyers explaining how
to work around U.S. laws to obtain visas for foreign
The segment highlights portions of a seminar conducted
by the Downtown firm of Cohen & Grigsby. The footage,
which included an attorney telling participants "our
goal is clearly not to find a qualified and interested
U.S. worker," quickly became immersed in the national
immigration debate, drew the ire of powerful U.S.
lawmakers and angered a top Pennsylvania labor
"After watching the video, I'm in a state of shock,"
said Bill George, president of the AFL-CIO in
Pennsylvania. "It's a disgrace to the American Bar
Association and a disgrace to the American flag that
they have stooped this low for greed and money."
Cohen & Grigsby, one of Pittsburgh's largest law
firms, on Friday deferred all comment to Elias-Savion
Advertising, Public Relations & Interactive. Jeff
Donaldson, of the public relations firm, responded by
e-mail with a statement from the law firm that it
stands by "the substance of our recent Immigration Law
Update Seminar."
"We regret the choice of words that was used during a
small segment of the seminar. It is unfortunate that
these statements have been commandeered and misused,
which runs contrary to our intent," the statement
Donaldson declined further comment.
Attorneys for Cohen & Grigsby are seen in the video
explaining how to abide by laws that require Americans
be given top priority for jobs while intending all
along to hire immigrants.
Jack Shea, president of the Allegheny County Labor
Council, said the video shows "Cohen & Grigsby getting
caught with their pants down."
"It's the height of hypocrisy for attorneys who are
Americans to do whatever they can do to circumvent the
law to try not to hire Americans and do what they can
to hire workers with green cards," he said.
At the May 15 seminar, Lawrence Lebowitz, Cohen &
Grigsby's vice president of marketing, told the
audience: "The goal here of course is to meet the
requirements, number one, but also do so as
inexpensively as possible, keeping in mind our goal
and our goal is clearly not to find a qualified and
interested U.S. worker."
"In a sense that sounds funny, but it's what we're
trying to do here," Lebowitz said.
In the video, Lebowitz advises attorneys to advertise
in newspapers and use recruitment methods that will
not attract qualified applicants. Usually, people can
be disqualified on the basis of their resumes, he
said. Those who appear to be qualified should be
called in for an interview, he said.
"Go through the whole process to find a legal basis to
disqualify them for this particular position,"
Jennifer Barton, another Cohen & Grigsby attorney,
advised her colleagues. "In most cases that doesn't
seem to be a problem."
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Rep. Larry Smith,
R-Texas, on Thursday sent a letter to Cohen & Grigsby
demanding to know how many visa petitions have been
filed by the firm in the past five years.
Grassley and Smith wrote: "We would like you to please
explain how this practice does not constitute outright
discrimination based on nationality and why your firm
so blatantly promotes this type of behavior."
The lawmakers also sent a letter to Secretary of Labor
Elaine Chao requesting an investigation into the law
firm's ethics.
David M. Brown can be reached at or
(412) 380-5614.
What do you expect, they are lawyers above all? Another good reason we need a third party in this country. One that would hopefully enforce the laws of the land and it's obvious that the current Republican and Democrat party will not. We don't need a new Amnesty law all we need it for the government pukes to enforce the "86" law as they promised. I am not that upset with the illegals but I am furious with the employers, landlords and the church people that help them violate the law. I do not buy anything made in Mexico and don't do business with anyone that employes illegals.