Sam touched a nerve

posted by stevek332 on May 18, 2025 - 11:37am

Yesterday, Sam Waterston posted a question on Yahoo Answers, asking people why they thought Democrats and Republicans had become so polarized and unproductive.

That unleashed a flood.

So far, Sam’s question has generated nearly 7,000 replies – a number that will only rise, since the topic will be open for the next month. We were pretty amazed by this response. To put it in some perspective, three of the presidential candidates have also posted questions on Yahoo:

• Hillary Clinton’s (which ran over the winter) attracted about 38,000 answers during the month that it ran
• Barack Obama’s is now active (for another week) and has produced just over 17,000 responses
• Mitt Romney’s has generated around 12,000 replies since it was posted three weeks ago

So Sam’s one-day total puts him in some pretty elite company – and that’s not even mentioning the 15,000 views an accompanying video of his National Press Club speech has so far received (Romney accompanying video, by contrast, has attracted fewer than 5,000 views).

So does this really mean anything?

Well…maybe it simply speaks to the loyalty of Sam’s sizable fan base – and, by extension, the wisdom of NBC’s executives, who earlier this week opted to renew “Law and Order” for an 18th season. (Actually, one of the responses came from a police officer who wanted Sam to know that his career choice was inspired by L&O).

But more important, I think it says something pretty powerful about where the public is right now. We’re entering (already in the midst of?) a presidential election that – more so than just about any other election in history – will define our country’s domestic and global course in ways that will echo through future generations. More people seem to be waking up to this every day – people with serious doubts about whether simply turning the White House over to one of the two polarized political parties will produce the new thinking, new ideas, and actual results that we plainly need. I believe those 7,000 (and counting) people who’ve answered Sam’s simple question are at least open to a third way in 2025.

Anyway, consider this a gentle plea to check out some of the thought-provoking answers to Sam’s question and – if you haven’t done so already – to add your two cents. There are so many explanations for the partisan paralysis that plagues our government and perpetuates festering problems that our country simply can’t afford to ignore any more: This urgency is at the heart of Unity08’s mission.

Here’s a few of the many, many interesting responses to the question, “Why have the political parties become so polarized that they fail to address the concerns of most Americans?”:

From: “Joe W”:
The answer could fill volumes but I see several key problems.
1) Politicians do little actual business and choose instead to constantly run for office. This means constantly raising money and constantly either bowing to lobbist or funding pork projects.
2) Americans have an entitlement attitude. Not just in benefits, but in solutions. The population expects government to do everything and fix every problem. No government can do this. People need self reliance.
3) Sound clips of arguments get more air time than real honest debates on the issues
4) Combine the above and it is easy to point out which person is not doing what for whom. Everybody chooses sides and points to the other guy.
5) Because I haven't been appointed supreme benevolent dictator yet.

The list could go to infinity, but I keep coming back to #5. haha. I will take a look at Unity08

From “Coventry”:
Because politicians are crooks. They cater more to the special interest groups that slide them kick backs and campaign contributions. If given the chance I believe most politicians would whore out the AMERICAN people for their own benefits

From “Cheeezball2003”:

Our entire political system revolves around the two-party system, and that system is old and outdated. This leads to every issue, whether political or not, to become segregated into Republicans vs. Democrats…I am a Democrat (if you will) but I disagree with several of our party leaders, and I will vote accordingly. Being a registered party member does not mean that you have become a puppet. In fact, parties should encourage their members to be diverse, such as the Log Cabin Republicans, so as to broaden their understanding of all issues.

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They are not Polarized - They Are Paralyzed : They Are In Over Their Heads - And See The Handwriting On The Wall !!


how can i find the questions hilary and barack asked on yahoo? does anyone know?

Go to Yahoo answers and sort the questions by amount of answers. They do pop up.

Greed is the only thing that propels polarization. Unity08 is the only and maybe last hope for the working class. I saw the latest CNN poll that says that 42% of the people are now calling themselves independent, another word for Unity08.

I think the problem is that each politician is like a used car salesman. They either represent the Republican car lot or the Democrat car lot. Each car represents a plank in their platform. Unfortunately, in this transaction you can't just pick and choose the car you want, you have to buy the whole inventory.

To further complicate things, If one side has a good idea it becomes proprietary. The other side has to come up with an opposing point of view to sell, even if it is a bad idea. God forbid they should ever agree on anything!

I think the solution is to listen more and sell less. Perhaps the open source community has a model we can use.

Oh, by the way, a little less paranoia might be in order all the way around. There are too many people willing to assume the worst about their fellow citizens based on their political affiliation.

Your comments on buying the whole inventory, and parties laying claim to an idea are right on... I couldn't agree with you more.


The politicians are more interested in their career than in the problems of the people.It is for that reason that people turn away from elections, maintaining it is a mission for Unity08 to restore confidence with a new conception of the politics.
Good courage to you, Sam and to Unity08

I am a 25 year veteran of the CIA, military with over a decade of service in the private sector. The world is a dangerous place but we live in the best nation on the earth and have the best system of government. It generally works well but when we become so polarized because of the extremes (left and right)our system is like a computer overloaded with a virus. We become slow and unproductive. We rarely have in debth discussions of issues but love to play gotcha! on the political trail. We need in debth discussions of where we are as a nation, the dangerous terrorists threats we face and our diversity of social and religious beliefs. The middle political ground in America must retake control of the nations destiny. Our current politicians sadden me because I know they could all do so much better if they focused on love of country rather than love of party. Go get em Sam Waterman. We need more like you. et

Why is it this country panders to the one or two that scream the loudest? I can see so much we all agree on yet someone always comes along that isn't quite happy and imediately starts screaming crap, and the whole wheel seems to stop.
We need more debate, as I have suggested to several TV stations, where an issue is thoroughly discussed on public tv for how ever long to reach a concensus. If some one throws in a fact that is in dispute, then have an investigation into the truth as close as we can get. But instead we listen to 10 second sound bites, alot of which is bull crap and goes unchallenged. And then you have those that'll take that for no other reason then it came from their party. So it must be true, right?

Because there is no real interaction between policians and the people. They avoid contact at all cost. All campaigning is done by TV. radio, etc. and therefore the people are left out and they feel it. Bring back townhall meetings. The leaders, of both parties, are not leaders, their separatist. Most people do need leadership that will encourge those with different views to talk and they need to lead by example. Instead, we get a lot dog and pony shows and no straight talk. A two party systems is by nature designed to produce exactly what it has intended. Neither current party wants change and will not change until forced to.

I am completely in agreement with you, The democrats and the republicans make the same policy that of the lobbies ,
With Unity08,we have the possiblitité to be listened, let us not allow to pass this luck.

By listening to Unity08 and Sam Waterston this phrace of Abe Lincoln often returns to me in head :

"that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth"

I get so disgusted when I hear people start flinging names. Shows how little regard they have for opinions of others. Such arrogance! For those of you that think religious people are whacko's, get over your arrogance and hate! Over 80% of Americans have a spiritual belief. That's why you have such a self centered mindset. You refuse to believe there's anything larger then yourself.
We have watched for 8 years now, the hate mongers on the Left, spew their hate, lies, conspiracy theories. And now their answer is to elect Ms. Clinton? Knowing those on the right hate her with the same passion they hate Bush? Yeh, that'll really get this country united! It'll be another 4 years of bickering and Senate investigations. And Congress will sit fat rich and happy while the rest of us wallow with the same old crap!

I agree, and the only thing I have to add is that you need to be careful about making the general statements like those that you are pointing out in your comment - I am a Christian, and I actually like senator Clinton.

Good observations, but be careful not to fall into the same trap of making assumptions about others simply on religious or ideological grounds.


"I am a Christian, and I actually like senator Clinton."

I am not a Christian, and I do not like Senator Clinton as a presidential candidate.

Does that make her the "Christian candidate"?

As they say: "where's the beef?" At what date will Unity08 devise a real political platform with positions on:

* Iraq
* Iran
* Illegal Immigration
* Tax cuts
* Social Security
* The National Debt
* Trade Balance
* Abortion
* Gay Marriage
* Education


Check out my political forum!

I have been fighting for an agenda of real issues for a couple of months. The answer is that it won't work until we have a candidates. I think that it has to be just the opposite. We need to set an agenda that people can fight for and then get candidates that will help us fight to get them implemented. My biggest fear in this site is that we are going to get two candidates that failed to get the party's nomination and are "willing" to join this movement to satisfy their ego. We need people that believe that the election process is broken and that politics as usual is taking the country down the drain. They need to be as passionate about that as the members are. They need to understand the needs of the US and give us a method to solve them. That is why none of the present candidates for the parties are acceptible. We need people that are outside Washington.

U08's offical answer is that we will create the platform after our convention, which in turn will be after the Big 2 have their conventions. So In the best case, we will start making a platform about 3 months before the election.

I think this is a horrible approach to getting what we are trying to do accomplished, and I have been one of many who have advocated the creation of a platform, but the "leadership" refuses to consider it. It's one of many questionable decisions they've made thus far.

Personally, I have trouble seeing how we can market U08 without being able to answer even the most basic position questions - you'll notice the obvious "What do you stand for?" question has been left out of the 10-minute Tuesday conversation pieces. U08 offers theory, but little substance at this point. I'm hoping that if enough of us point this out to them, they will change their minds.

Quote - " think this is a horrible approach to getting what we are trying to do accomplished, and I have been one of many who have advocated the creation of a platform, but the "leadership" refuses to consider it. It's one of many questionable decisions they've made thus far."

Sad, but true...

Jeff C

I agree. Without standing for something we will not be able to get the key centrist Unity branding, attract a base of 1 to 2 million like the leaders aim for by Feb 2025, and we will not attractitve/competitive in any decent to/for a candidate(s) we may choose. see for some context on the whole building a platform go-around from a few months ago -

We need candidates and branding for sure here at Unity. But If we are going to make a go of it and be more that a gleam in Jerry's, Doug's, and Sam's eyes or somebody's Senior Poly-Sci Project, above ALL we need to stake out the centrist moderate issues/positions (fully costed as much as possible with tradeoffs and options) and we need to Stand for Something to get the base!! Without standing for something, all the wonderful "branding" in the world and all the wonderful bipartisan candidate combos will mean nada, zippo! Remember - Lincoln STOOD for something and had true political courage - THAT is why he Stood out!!

DC - 3rd ward

Comments about the need for a Unity'08 platform are well taken, but quite premature ! We have a "raison d'etre"----it is to fix a broken system !!

First we must gather strength and have citizens who will listen.
That is the stage we are in. Having done that, spreading out the issues before the Delegates and after hearing the candidates, a platform can readily be formed.

No two people will agree on everything----so what is more important is to clearly define the issues, have a Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidate of opposite parties----have them agree on 75% of the issues and then come together and compromise on the other 25%---for the good of the NATION---Not for votes, not for bribes, not for ego---!!!

I realize that many people can't wait to espouse their beliefs on issues----their turn will come-----but first, let's get someone to TALK to !


I was impressed by the fact the Sam Waterston was not attacked on the show for the somewhat "revolutionary concept".

The issues with the party system is that is is the two extremes that rally the members to vote and each party must play to them.

A "Centerist" approach is good and using the internet to rally the forces is even better.

Please spread the word and get greater support. The parties can be defeated.

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