
posted by Chrisp139 on May 5, 2025 - 3:10am

Since the Constitution of The United States does not provide for a co-presidency, what is the significance of this movent. Once the candidate accepts our nomination they will become persona-non-grata in their party. The democrats and republicans will not stop running because we nominate a candidate. If we do succede in electing a president, the powers that be in congress will work to undemine the presidency. The two major parties will always work together to keep a third party out of the process.

I posed this question to the founder of U08 and my post was removed. If this is not an open forum,I am out.

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Richard S. Poleet Jr.

Yes, you are somewhat right. There was a time when people of two different parties where in the White House. I am referring to when the winner became President and the loser became Vice President. How effective this was, is dubious at best. Now a co-presidency would be a voluntary act. A promise to the voter/Unity 08(contract). Or something to that effect. Kind of like a President and Prime-Minister. Just the traditional names of President and Vice President. All that being said I think it would be a mistake to follow the European Model. Which it seems some members of Unity 08 Hierarchy wish to do. This would be a mistake!
Peace!!!! Love!!! Long live the Great Federal Republic of these United States. All who dwell with in her. Or serve her.

Since the VP takes over if something were to happen to the Pres, not to mention they have the deciding vote in the senate in case of a tie, should we not have the right to choose them, or at least say yea or nay to the candidates choose. That is why I think the running mates should be chosen before the primaries, it's too late after.

Betty McLeod

PA 06

I think if we increase the powers of the Veep in his/her role in the Senate, the idea of a "veep" could work. However, seeing what Cheney's done with his very limited powers, I'm a little concerned.
"The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph," Thomas Paine

A politician who comes from a major party will have realized that they will lose or have already lost their party’s nomination. Or, perhaps, they no longer feel that their party is representative of the American people’s wishes. In order to continue seeking the Presidency, Unity08’s movement by the people for bipartisan leadership is a viable alternative. A Unity White House can also bring a bipartisan cabinet to Washington, calling on the best and brightest from all parties, in and out of politics. A Unity White House, nominated and elected by the people, that owes nothing to special interests can end distraction from the crucial issues. The major parties will seek the locale of power, which will have been dictated by the people’s influence on the issues and election of a bipartisan White House. This will force Congressional leaders to work together and find common ground on the crucial issues.

Bipartisan presidential and vice presidential nominees must define their relationship before they decide to run together. They will have to be open about their differences on the crucial issues. Ideally, the lead on each crucial issue will be the person whose experience and/or interest cater to the topic. Above all, the vice president will help to bring their party to the discussion.

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com

**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**

This message is in Response to Bob Roth's post: Co-Presidency"

An interesting fantasy, Bob, but it's not going down that way. Lobbyists and other special interest will quickly take advantage of this "Division of Power" at the top to divide and concur, reducing Unity08's fantasy "Unity" ticket to a mere figurehead, while the real power shifts to Congress, even closer to the lobbyists' influence -- which may explain why so many lobbyists are donating to Unity08.

But let's be fair about this issue, Bob. Lets put this decision to the membership of Unity08. After all, it will be their work, their political platform that will be affected should the Unity ticket be unable to muster the necessary Congressional support to pass any of Unity08's platform. They will be the ones to pay, Bob; so why not let them decide by posting a general poll to the membership on the subject? As a PAC, Unity08 should be posting leadership polls to the general membership, seeking their advice on important Unity08 issues anyway, instead of simply passing down word from on high from the "Founders."

If you are a delegate of Unity08 who wants to have your voice heard by the leadership of Unity08, please join a discussion group on this topic at The Unity Cyber Party Yahoo Group

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The Unity Cyber Party

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