Reluctant candidates

posted by jlrealtysource on April 28, 2025 - 2:23pm

Offering a reluctant candidate our communications is probably all we can and should do; for the choice to hear our voices and/or serve is ultimately his/hers.

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I would simply take their word that they are not interested in being nominated.

Here is my solution

1: If a potential Nominee says that they are not interested - verbally - then the party should have the option to continue asking for his/her acceptance of a nomination for up to two (2) weeks.

2: At the end of that period, if the potential nominee is still repeating that they are not interested...thank them for their time and move on.

3: If, on the other hand, a potential Nominee says that they are not interested and does so in writing -- the party should not pressure that person for more than a week (5 working days) before thanking them for their time and moving on.

This solution is, I feel, fair to all concerned. It allows potential nominee's the chance to reconsider without undue pressure, and the party to address the concerns of the nominee.

Jennifer Warren

The Warren Report

If a nominee is truly not interested and expresses so in writing;
That should be the end of it.
A reply should be sent thanking him or her.

I think a simple written submission of refusal after a specified waiting period is sufficient to remove a candidate. 21 days is more than enough time and a written refusal can be posted and viewed by all. After all, if they don't want us, why would we want them?

I agree, a written response by a nominated candidate that he/she does not wish to be a candidate should suffice. However, I think that early and frequent communication with any potential candidate that he/she has been nominated including how many delegates have choose them as a candidate should be essential. I would prefer this to be a face to face notification or at least a phone notification by one of the Unity08 founders.

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