Age qualification.

posted by Deephil on April 16, 2025 - 5:27pm

Any person with an idea for governance should be qualified to vote @ unity08, regardless of age. Kids must start someplace. The age should be the age of "desire". Waiting to learn democracy until voting
age is too late for the good of the person, or the good of the nation. "Inclusion" is smart for politics.

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If they aren't old enough to vote in an election, they should be delegates.

As one who will be voting in his first election in '08, I have always had an interest in participating in our great system of government. However, there are very little opportunities for yong people to get involved in the political process. We should get them interested early by giving them a piece of the pie. Hopefully Unity08 will be around past this election, and then there will be a new generation to bring into the fold.

That being said, there should be restrictions on delegates under the age of 18:
1. There should be a definite age limit. I'd say 14, but that is something to be dabated later
2. Parental/Guardian Permission must be had. These are minors after all.
3. Finally, they should have a say, however since they are not voters, their votes as delegates should not count as much as a legal age voter.

*NOTE* When I talk about voter age, etc, I mean will be of age to vote in the next national election.

David Everett Phillippe

Age does not confer smarts. Some young people, with savvy and desire, can contribute more than couch potato adults. Don't worry! Even if provided the opportunity, not enough kids will sign up. Therein lies the tragedy!

If someone isn't old enough to vote in the election, they should be able to vote at the Unity08 convention.

I have a problem with delegates not being registered voters by the date of the convention. I believe that if our effort is to be taken seriously by the public, the basic rules for delegate eligibility must be the same as the other two parties.

I'm not trying to be rude, but if we did the same things that the other parties did, where would we be? We'd have Party WHIPS, orthodox doctrine that shuns anyone who doesn't absolutely agree with it, donations from mega-corporations and speacial interest groups...By including the youth, we are charting a new course in political history.

The rally cry of the American Revolution was "No Taxation without Representation". In many states youths have to pay Sales Taxes to buy goods. Others who have jobs have to pay income tax, all while being unable to vote. If this TYRANNY.
"The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph," Thomas Paine

Richard S. Poleet Jr.
I totally agree, that if one is not old enough to vote. One should not be allowed to be a delegate or vote at the convention. This is not to say. They should not have some input. Just not as delegates.
No one is implying, that under eighteen individuals are not smart. Quite to the contrary.
I think of how I looked at the world when I was underage. In total absolutes. Some what lacking in maturity and wisdom that should come with age.
The life experiences one has before reaching that age. Hopefully using said life experiences as a learning process while gaining more academic knowledge(either self taught or in school). In life there is lot more then just being knowledgeable or smart. Like wisdom, common sense, maturity, morals and so on. Most adolescent lack these qualities to some varying degrees. As they are usually something that come with age and experiences endured while growing up. These cannot be taught.
Although, I do agree with your pessimistic comment. On that they would not sign up anyway. All the underage teenagers I know. Really do not care about politics.
They simply feel It does not impact their lives.
A lot of teenagers feel as an individual they can not make enough of a difference.
Stating how stack the system is in favor of the prior generational majority.
Thus, I agree that we should have the same basic rules and requirements as any of the registered parties.
Peace!!! Love!!! Long live the great Federal Republic of these United States and all those who reside with in her borders.

If you intend to say that the ballot should come with wisdom, then why not raise the age well above 18? How about 35, the same age as to be President? Speaking of that, the President thinks in the way your stereotypical teenagers think...In absolutes. It's obvious that age has little to do with that.

The Native Americans were once denied the vote because the Anglos thought the same think you think about youths. As a youth myself I know that some of the things you say apply to my peers, but none of those who would actually want to vote.

Although many teenagers don't care, those that do are definite about NEEDING the right to vote.

To quote Dr. King, "We are not on our knees begging for the ballot, we are DEMANDING it!!!"

I joined the Unity08 Party hoping that I could make a differnce by atleast voting as a delegate. I would be equal, I would be the same as my older peers, I could make a differnce. I felt some of the same things that the American Founding Fathers felt. I even hoped that some day the Unity Party could help to pass a Constitutional Ammendment to lower the voting age, so that other youths would not have to face the same injustice I have to.

If my right to vote as a delegate is lost, stolen from me and other youths like myself, I shall have nothing left.
"The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph," Thomas Paine

I think young people not able to vote should still be able to be members just not quallified to vote at the convention. They should at least be able to get their opinions out.

We are encouraging U08 administration to establish an index of links for such groups. What criteria do you think should be applied to earn a link from this site?

Bill"for what we are together"

2 of the top 3 most influential people in history were under 16! We are the people of the future. I believe in the same thing you do so why shouldn't I get to help? In fact my friends and I have twice the spirit and determination to take our country back from the dirty and corrupt politicians then most of you adults do! I am involved in a Save Darfur effort to end the genocide in Sudan. The politicians don't want to get their hands dirty with more terrorists. I have sent numerous letters to the president, Secretary Rice, and other white house officials. How many of you can say that?

Email me when you change this policy because I thought we were here to take back the country, instead you are handing it over to the very people some are trying to save it from.

Interesting...who were those 2 most influential people?
"The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph," Thomas Paine

As some one who is old enough to vote (25, that still makes me a young buck) I do feel that young people who are not old enough to vote should be able to express there views here, they have just as much of a right as anyone else (they are Americans).

But, I do not feel they should be delegates or be qualified to vote at the convention that could cause more problems than we want. Why, well MOST (not all) do not truly understand all the issues and problems we face in the real world. Letting them join in "debates" though would be a great way for them to learn how to deal with other people who might not see things quite the same way they do, and once they can vote they will probably (hopefully) make more educated decisions because they have been exposed to the world of politics.


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