Candidate Qualifications

posted by sgtbigred on August 8, 2025 - 1:33pm

There are a few things that I hope Unity08 and it’s members will think about regarding nominations for candidates. While this is a new venue in politics, it would be of importance that we consider the following when making nominations.

Is the candidate known by most of the voting public?

Does the candidate (irregardless of party affiliation) have the ability to persuade fellow constituents in matters being brought before the House and Senate?

Does the candidate have a history that is reviewable by the general voter?

And last but not least, is the candidate speaking for us?

I feel that in order to be taken seriously by others, we do not start submitting names of little known local politicians, local town officials, Hollywood Hacks and the such. If we expect to gain momentum, we must be serious in our endeavor.
In closing I wish to quote the following:
“The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that’s out always looks the best”.
Will Rogers;

R E Robidas

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