Members: 123,589


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  • Welcome to the Kentucky state group page!  My name is Andy Wilson, I’m Unity08’s Volunteer Program Coordinator, and I manage this group.  I need someone from your state to help manage this group.  Interested?  Email me and let me know.

    Unity08 Groups are just like groups you may have used on Yahoo or Myspace, except our groups are only for one purpose: to revitalize our democracy by electing the next President.  Politics as usual tries to divide us: these groups help us connect and unite.

    You are automatically a member of your state group based on where you live.  The main purpose of this group is to help to build your state’s Unity08 membership.   You can post your ideas on a blog or forum. You can also share files, take or create polls, and connect with other Unity08 members.

    You can also search for a local group on the main groups page.  If you don’t see a group for your area, create one!  Look for groups that focus on the issues or candidates you care about.  You can also see the newest and most active groups.  Once you’ve joined a group, you will see all of your groups in MyUnity08 under MyGroups.  Join in, start a group, get connected!

    Please make sure that you have enabled your subscription alerts for this group by clicking "My subscription" in the menu to the right.

    • You must join/sign in in order to post into this group.
    Coordinator Information
    Manager: Andy Wilson, NY
    • John Michael Edwards, KY

    State Events

    There are no events planned in your state. Please consider organizing one. Use Eventful or Meetup to plan your event and we'll list it in our calendar. If you use another site please let us know so that we can make sure it gets listed here.

    Recent Content

    Iowa Caucuses...

    Congratulations to Sen. Barack Obama(D) and former Gov. Mike Huckabee(R) on their victories in the Iowa caucuses.

      365Gay Election News...

    Please click on the 'The Visible Vote 08' icon for updates on Election 2025.

    And They're Off !...

    And they're off! With the Iowa caucus, the Democrat and Republican parties officially begin the process of choosing a nominee for the Presidency of the United States to run in the General Election in November of this year. As the mainstream media outlets focus on the 'horse race,' devoting most of their nomination process coverage to the top three candidates from each of the two major political parties with only an occasional mention of longshot candidates, please remember that that is THEIR focus.

    Lexington-metro Unity08ers in Unity08 Kentucky...

    The New Year is here! The U.S. Presidential election is approximately eleven months away! The Unity08 movement is about to switch into High Gear!

     Presidential Candidates Talk Space...

    Presidential candidates' positions on U.S. endeavors in Space derived from a variety of media sources including their websites.


    Happy New Year to all Unity08 members and supporters. Let's start the new year off right by increasing our participation in this worthwhile endeavor!

     Native Peoples/ U.S. Government Treaties...

    An overview, by century, of treaties between the native peoples of 'America' and the U.S. government.

     Marriage and Civil Unions...

    Comprehensive overview of marriage, civil union, state laws, religious perspectives, etc.

     Live Presidential Dialogues...

    Live 'town meeting' with candidates for President of the United States presented by and MTV. Highlights and full video are available for a limited time after the event! Last candidate to appear? Senator John McCain (R-AZ)

    Holy Days Hope...

    To all Unity08 members I wish to extend to you and yours the very best during this Holy Day season. Merry ChristDay, Happy Hanukkah, Joyful Kwanza, and a safe and fufilling Hajj (travel safely returning from Mecca). I also wish you a prosperous New Year!

    Reclaiming America from the United States...update 3

    It has now been twelve (12) days since I posted the question "Would you support a renewed effort to fulfill all treaties between the native peoples of America and the federal government of the United States of America to the greatest extent possible and to renegociate all treaties deemed unfair by an independent commission?" How are the responses going?

    I have not received a single response to my issue question! I have received 'Holiday Greetings' and requests for money, however.

    Reclaiming America from the United States...update 2

    As I sit here viewing the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (PBS), I learned something new. The story was a summary of the latest Republican candidates for President of the United States debate, held in Iowa. What did I learn?

    Alan Keyes is running for President of the United States.

    To all of Mr. Keyes supporters who wonder why he was not included in my native peoples/federal government treaties question to the candidates, my sincere apologies. I honestly did not know he was running. I submit this post after having just posed this question to his official website for response.

     Beyond the Age of Oil...

    Resource for comprehensive overview of renewable energy options, products, recommendations for lifestyle changes, etc.

     Global Climate Change...

    Comprehensive data site of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

     Current Data/History of National Debt...

    Resource for individuals interested in the U.S. Federal Budget, the national debt, and fiscal responsibility.

     YouTube YouChoose candidate position summaries...

    One-stop-shopping for a basic summary of candidates' issue positions. Talk-but-say-nothing responses are blatant. User-friendly and fairly informative.

     Contact your national leaders...

    This site enables you to contact your US Senators and Representatives via their e-mail. It will take you to Sen. McConnell's page, but just look in the left-hand column for the state listings and click on the appropriate one for you, find your legislator, and let 'em hear it!


    I have written to U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and requested that she place impeachment proceedings against Vice-President Dick Cheney and President George W. Bush (in that order) back on the table of the congressional agenda.

    I have written U.S. Representative Ben Chandler (D-KY.) and informed him that I support the introduction of impeachment proceedings in the U.S. House of Representatives.

    Reclaiming America from the United States...update 1

    The following question has been posed to the candidates for President of the United States of America: " Would you support a renewed effort to fulfill all treaties between the native peoples of America and the federal government of the United States of America to the greatest extent possible and to renegociate all treaties deemed unfair by an independent commission?"

    The following candidates were included: Clinton, Paul, Obama, McCain, Edwards, Romney, Biden, Giuliani, Richardson, Kucinich, Dodd, Gravel, and Hunter (no preference implied).

    Reclaiming America from the United States...

    From my vantage point, as I look out over my country, I see an ever-growing distinction between America and the United States. Natural beauty versus the indiscriminate raping of the land to extract its abundant natural resources, the promise of Justice for All versus the racially lop-sided incarceration statistics, the Constitution's 'pursuit of happiness' versus the pursuit of material wealth- these are but a few of thousands of examples of how America has lost its lustre as some citizens have engaged in the construction of Empire United States.

    Same Ole Candidate, Same Ole Partisan Divide...

    John McCain: distinguished Senator, war veteran, perennial presidential candidate, devoted citizen, leader in the stand against torture and staunch advocate of service-to-your-country. Sounds like an attractive candidate for President of the United States of America doesn't he?

    Waxing Disgruntled...

    Ok. Ok. So maybe the Politics of Fog analogy broke down! I admit, the Politics of Distraction would have been more appropriate. But the point remains the same; namely, the candidates AND the Media are continuuing to waste our time and interest on insignificant details for poll points and market share.

    The Politics of Fog...

    Here we go yet again! People gathered, tuned in, and logged on to the latest Republican Presidential Candidates debate. They, like me, had the expectation of listening to the presidential hopefuls discuss and debate the major issues and challenges facing our nation. And if we were lucky, maybe even some of the minor ones! What happened?

    Owensboro Group Needed

    Owensboro is the third largest city in Kentucky, but it seems as if we are the least interested in solving partisanism. Is there anyone that can start a group to support unity 08. I am only a high school student who will be able to vote in the election; I'm not sure if people would necesarily take one kid seriously if he or she acts alone. Any help out there?

    Wanted: Lexington-metro members...

    Please join the Lexington-metro group of Unity08. The sooner we come together the sooner we can get started on changing our current political atmosphere!

    Unity Opportunity...

    We have a golden opportunity! On November 6,2007, Kentucky went to the polls (albeit not in droves) to vote for Governor and other state-wide officers. While the percentage of registered voters actually casting ballots was low, something important DID occur! A Governor was elected by votes cast from BOTH major political parties. Candidates from BOTH major political parties won state-wide office. The Governor-elect pledged to appoint public servants based on qualifications/experience- NOT political party (and then promptly began to do so)!

    Keeping in touch with what's going on in your state

    The best way to keep in touch with everything that's going on locally is to edit your subscriptions by clicking on "My Subscriptions" above on the right hand column.

    Then tell it you want Email Notification enabled and hit submit. Now every time someone posts a blog, forum, or an event, we'll send you an email letting you know.

    If you think you're getting too much email, you can set it back to disabled at any time.

    You can do this with every group you join, so make sure you're staying informed with what's going on.

    Andy Wilson
    Unity08 Volunteer Program Coordinator

    Recent Users
    • Travis Mims, KY
    • Josh Clark, KY
    • Tamara Laskarzewski, KY
    • Allan Lavin, KY
    • David Goodwin, KY
    New Mgt Team, National TV Coverage, Linescale Survey, Ballot Access Drive
    New Website, Membership Drive, Candidate Draft Movement
    Vote on American Agenda, Recruit Candidates, Ballot Access in 20 states
    World's First Online Convention
    Q3'07 --- Jul Aug Sep
    Q4'07 --- Oct Nov Dec
    Q1'08 --- Jan Feb Mar
    Q2'08 --- Apr May Jun
    Everybody In, Polling Starts, YouTube Debate, Fundraising Race Starts
    Sound Bite City, Unprecedented $$$ Raised, Front Runners Annointed
    Super Tuesday, Party Nominations locked, Billions of $$$ Spent
    Party Hangover, Buyer's Remorse, Lesser of 2 Evils Realization