Members: 123,589

And They're Off !...

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  • And they're off! With the Iowa caucus, the Democrat and Republican parties officially begin the process of choosing a nominee for the Presidency of the United States to run in the General Election in November of this year. As the mainstream media outlets focus on the 'horse race,' devoting most of their nomination process coverage to the top three candidates from each of the two major political parties with only an occasional mention of longshot candidates, please remember that that is THEIR focus.

    I implore the members/supporters of Unity08 to avoid getting distracted by the popularity contest and remain focused on the real objective; namely, picking those candidates who represent the best chance of bringing to an end the partisanship that has paralyzed the workings of our federal government and who best represent our positions on the major issues of our day. Keep in mind, we hear/see the candidates who have the most money and so can afford to rent airtime/column space from a for-profit business. Having access to money does not a competent governor of 350 million people make. Go Unity08!

    New Mgt Team, National TV Coverage, Linescale Survey, Ballot Access Drive
    New Website, Membership Drive, Candidate Draft Movement
    Vote on American Agenda, Recruit Candidates, Ballot Access in 20 states
    World's First Online Convention
    Q3'07 --- Jul Aug Sep
    Q4'07 --- Oct Nov Dec
    Q1'08 --- Jan Feb Mar
    Q2'08 --- Apr May Jun
    Everybody In, Polling Starts, YouTube Debate, Fundraising Race Starts
    Sound Bite City, Unprecedented $$$ Raised, Front Runners Annointed
    Super Tuesday, Party Nominations locked, Billions of $$$ Spent
    Party Hangover, Buyer's Remorse, Lesser of 2 Evils Realization